Table of Contents
CG PET syllabus 2024 is important for any aspirant to strategize for the test. CG PET 2024 Exam is an entrance exam through which candidates will be given admission into the engineering programs available at different colleges in Chhattisgarh. Exam authorities have framed specific fundamental topics for every subject. Knowledge regarding the CG PET 2024 syllabus shapes the aspirant's exam preparation.
CG PET 2024 Syllabus Highlights
Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are the three core subjects of CG PET 2024. Therefore, candidates must prepare for the examination according to the prescribed syllabus. They are tabulated below for reference.
Subject | Topics |
Physics | Kinematics, Rotational motion & moment of inertia, Force & laws of motion, Work energy & power, Electron, photon & radioactivity, Gravitation, Properties of solids & fluids, Oscillation, Effect of electric current, Waves, Light, Magnetism, Measurement, Heat & thermodynamics, Electromagnetic induction & alternating current and Semiconductor, Electrostatics, Current electricity. |
Chemistry | Atomic structure, Solutions, Solid States, Chemical bonds, Nuclear Chemistry, Chemical Equilibrium, Thermochemistry & thermodynamics, Ionic Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry and Surface Chemistry. Principles of metallurgical operations, Chemistry in daily life, Comparative study of elements, Transitions metals, Coordination compound, and Chemical analysis. Organic compounds containing organic oxygen, Chemical periodicity, Organic compounds based on the functional group-containing nitrogen and Biomolecules, and Chemistry of Hydrocarbon. |
Maths | Algebra, Trigonometry, coordinate geometry of three dimensions, Integral calculus, coordinate geometry of Two Dimensions, Differential calculus, Vector Algebra, Statistics, Differential equations, Numerical Methods, and Information technology. |
Elaborated CG PET 2024 Syllabus
The CG PET 2024 syllabus helps candidates gather all the relevant study materials to score higher in the test. Each subject has subtopics and portions for that subtopics are mentioned in a detailed manner below.
CG PET 2024 Syllabus for Physics
Check the subtopics and details for Physics in the table mentioned below:
Sub Topics | Elaborated Details |
Measurement | Units and Dimensions, Fundamental and Derived Units, Dimensional Analysis, SI Units |
Kinematics | Linear motion in one and two dimensions, Cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration, General relation among position and velocity, Uniform circulation motion |
Force And Laws Of Motion | Force and inertia, Newton"s law of motion, Conservation of momentum and energy Static and Kinetic friction, Uniform Circular motion |
Work Energy And Power | Work Done by force, Energy, Power, Elastic collisions, Potential energy, Gravitational potential energy, and its angular conversion to kinetic energy |
Semiconductor | Semiconductor and insulator, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Digital circuit and logic gates |
Electron, Photon And Radio Activity | 'e" and 'e/m" for an electron, photon, Einstein"s photoelectric equation, Bohr model of the atom, Composition of a nucleus, atomic masses, and isotopes |
Electromagnetic Induction And Alternating Current | Electromagnetic induction induced emf, Alternating currents impedance and reactance growth and decay of current in L-R circuit, Self and mutual inductance, Elementary idea of dynamo and transformer |
CG PET 2024 Syllabus for Physical Chemistry
Check the subtopics and details for Physical Chemistry in the table mentioned below:
Sub Topics | Elaborated Details |
Atomic Structure | Constitution of the nucleus: Bohr"s atom model: quantum numbers Aufbau principle electronic configuration of elements (up to-Kr): De-Broglie relation, shapes of orbital |
Chemical Bond | Electrovalent covalent and covalent bonds, hybridization (sp): hydrogen bond: shapes of molecules (VSEPR theory): bond polarity resonance, Elements of VBT |
Solutions | Modes of expressing concentrations of solutions: Types of solutions, Raoult's law of colligative properties, non-ideal solution, and abnormal molecular weights |
Solid State | Crystal lattices, unit cells, Structure of ionic compounds close-packed structure, Ionic radii, imperfections (Point defects): properties of solids |
Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics | Energy changes during a chemical reaction intrinsic energy, enthalpy; First law of thermodynamics: Hess"s law, heats of reactions; Second law of thermodynamics; entropy; free energy; the spontaneity of a chemical reaction, free energy change, and chemical equilibrium; free energy as energy available for useful work |
Electrochemistry | Oxidation, Oxidation number, and ion-electron methods, Electrolytic conduction, Faraday"s laws: the voltaic cell, electrode potentials, electromotive force, Gibb"s energy and cell potentials, Nernst equation, commercial cells, fuel cell, the electrochemical theory of corrosion |
CG PET 2024 Syllabus for Inorganic Chemistry
Check the subtopics and details for Inorganic Chemistry in the table mentioned below:
Sub Topics | Elaborated Details |
Principles Of Metallurgical Operations | Furnaces, ore concentration, extraction, purification metallurgies of Na, Al, Fe, Cu, Ag, Zn, and Pb, and their properties |
Chemical Periodicity | s, p, d, and f-block elements, Periodic Table, periodicity, atomic and ionic radii valency, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, metallic character |
Comparative Study Of Elements | Comparative, study of the following families of elements: (i) Alkali metals (ii) Alkaline earth metals (iii) Nitrogen family (iv) Oxygen family (v) Halogens (vi) Noble gases |
Transitions Metals | Electronic configuration of 3 Metal ions, oxidation states, other general characteristic properties, potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate |
Co-Ordination Compound | Simple nomenclature, bonding, and stability, classification, and bonding in organometallics |
CG PET 2024 Syllabus for Organic Chemistry
Check the subtopics and details for Organic Chemistry in the table mentioned below:
Sub Topics | Elaborated Details |
Chemistry Of Hydro Carbon | Calculation of empirical and molecular formulae of organic compounds, Nomenclature of organic compounds, common functional groups, isomerism, Structure, and shapes of alkanes, alkenes, and benzene. Preparation, properties and uses of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, benzene, petroleum, cracking, octane number, gasoline additives |
Organic Compounds Based On Functional Group Containing Nitrogen | Nomenclature, methods preparation, Chemical properties, correlations of physical properties with structures and uses of Nitro, Amino, Cyana, and Diazo compounds |
Organic Compounds Containing Organic Oxygens | Nomenclature, methods preparation, Chemical properties, correlations of physical properties with structures and uses of ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and their derivatives |
Chemistry In Daily Life | Polymers: Classification, method of preparation, properties and uses of polymers, Dyes: Classification, Structure of some important dyes, Chemistry of Drug: Introduction and classification, Chemotherapy, Importance of the drug (Antipyretic, Antiseptic, Antibiotic, Anesthetics), Chemistry in food, cosmetics, and detergents |
Biomolecules | Classification, Structures and biological importance of carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides, proteins, and enzymes, nucleic acids, and lipids |
CG PET 2024 Syllabus for Mathematics
Check the subtopics and details for Mathematics in the table mentioned below:
Sub Topics | Elaborated Details |
Algebra | Algebra of complex numbers, Graphical representation of complex numbers, modulus and argument of complex numbers, Square root of a complex number, Triangular inequality. Cube roots of unity. Arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progression, Arithmetic geometric and harmonic means between two numbers. Sum of squares and cubes of first Natural numbers. Quadratic equations, relations between roots and coefficients, permutations and combinations, binomial Theorem (any index) exponential and logarithmic series. Determinants up to third order and their order and their elementary properties Matrices types of matrices, adjoint and inverse of a matrix, elementary properties of matrices. Partial fraction. Application in solving simultaneous equations up to three variables |
Trigonometry | Trigonometry functions and their graphs, addition and subtraction Formula involving multiple and submultiples angles, general solutions of triangles equations, Relations between sides and angles of triangles, Solutions of triangles, inverse; trigonometrically functions, height and distance (Simple Problems) |
Co-Ordinate Geometry Of Two Dimensions | Rectangular Cartesian coordinates, Straight-line pair to a straight line, distance of a point from a line angle between two lines. Circle, tangents, and normal system of circles. Conic section Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola in standard forms with elementary, properties tangents and normal |
Co-Ordinate Geometry Of Three Dimensions | Rectangular coordinate system, Direction cosine and direction ratios, equation of place in standard forms. The perpendicular distance from a point, equation of a line angle between two lines |
Vector Algebra | Definition of vector, the addition of vectors, Components in three Dimensional space, Scalar, and vector products. Triple products, Simple application in geometry and mechanics |
Differential Calculus | Function polynomial, rational trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential. Inverse function, Limit continuity and differentiability of functions, differentiation of rational, trigonometric, and exponential functions. Application of derivative in elementary problems in mechanics increasing and decreasing functions. Maxima and Minima of the function of one variable. Roll"s theorem and mean value theorem |
Integral Calculus | Integrations as the inverse process of differentiation, Integration by the parts, by substitution, and by a partial fraction. Definite integral, Areas under simple cures |
Information Technology | Basics of computer and its operations, Functional components, main parts of the computer, Input devices, Output devices and Secondary storage devices, System software, Utility software, Application software. |
CG PET 2024 Exam Pattern
Aspirants are advised to analyze CG PET 2024 Exam Pattern to know the details such as exam mode, duration, marking scheme, and type of questions to be asked in the test. Aspirants have to attempt 150 MCQ-based questions from each subject in 3 hours. Candidates must attempt the questions carefully as negative marking will be followed in the exam.