IELTS Preparation 2023: Subject-Wise Tips, Practice Test, Study Material

Vandana Thakur
Vandana Thakur

Updated on - Nov 29, 2023

IELTS preparation 2023 involves developing a strategy to cover all IELTS Syllabus topics while utilizing the best available resources. IELTS Exam preparation is essential for students to crack the exam effectively. IELTS preparation tips and strategies will help students organize their time and prepare a proper approach to ace the IDP IELTS Test.

The crucial point to consider during British Council IELTS preparation for students is to allow appropriate time and space to practice with proper IELTS preparation books. A minimum of 3 to 6 months is required for every student to practice and prepare effectively for the exam. Candidates must focus on basic English grammar, reading speed, communication, and writing skills.

Additionally, students must familiarise themselves with the IELTS exam pattern 2023 for better preparation.

IELTS Test 2023

There are mainly two types of IELTS exams namely Academic (A) and General Training (GT). IELTS is among the most widely acknowledged English language proficiency tests globally. More than a hundred organizations and universities globally accept IELTS scores, including well-recognized European countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK.

IELTS Academic and General consists of 4 papers: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Students who travel abroad for Study purposes give IELTS academic exam, and professionals who travel abroad for jobs and other purposes sit for the General IELTS Test 2023.

IELTS Preparation 2023 - Section Wise Tips

Students must ensure to go through all these tips totally for better scores. They can also follow these tips for IELTS Preparation 2023 at home. Below are the IELTS 2023 exam preparation tips for all four skills.

IELTS Listening Section Preparation Tips 2023

The listening section is the primary and most crucial section of the IELTS exam preparation. There are 40 questions divided into four sections of the IELTS Listening Test. Students get to listen to an audio that will not be repeated and jot down answers in the provided answer sheet. IELTS Listening consists of one-on-one interaction, speech, monologue, or a group discussion between two or more people. Students can find the IDP IELTS preparation tips for the Listening paper given below:

  • Read the questions thoroughly and try to catch the answers while listening to the talk. Students can also refer to listening IELTS exam preparation material and podcasts. 
  • Try to understand the accent and contemplate what the speaker wants to address so that it will be easier to find the answer during the conversation during IELTS Test preparation.
  • The audio will only be played once during the Test, so if students get stuck, they must not waste time behind the same questions as they would lose track.
  • Students must practice to increase their focus while listening and not get diverted, as this may result in writing wrong answers.
  • Candidates will not be able to build the required efficiency in one day, but with everyday practice, they can achieve focus and the required answer-catching ability. Therefore, they must practice every day.

IELTS Reading Section Preparation Tips 2023

IELTS reading Section consists of three sections, and the paragraphs are taken from different books, journals, and papers as a part of the IELTS syllabus. Here are some tips that students must follow to ace IELTS Reading preparation:

  • Don't read the whole essay in one breath; read a small section at the beginning and see the questions asked.
  • Students must read in chunks as this will allow them to jot down answers alternatively while reading and not get confused in between the information.
  • Don't get dragged and lost between reading passages. Read one passage and reflect on the passage to understand its summary. Students can also do additional practice passages to solve from free IELTS preparation materials.
  • In IELTS Academic preparation, there are certain sets of questions that would require students to read all the paragraphs in the section and write the correct paragraph number for the question. In this case, students must make points for each paragraph to identify the correct answer.
  • In addition, students must keep track of it so they don't get stuck in one paragraph for an hour. They must focus on fetching the important information rather than spending more than 20 minutes on each section and finish within the IELTS Exam preparation time for each section.

IELTS Writing Preparation Tips 2023

The writing section in IELTS Academic and General has two subsections. In the Academic Exam of IELTS, students must describe a chart, graph, diagram, and more. In the General Test, the examinee is presented with a situation and asked to write a letter describing the situation along with the essay.

Candidates must keep in mind certain pointers while IELTS Writing skill preparation 2023.

  • Refer to sample essays on the official website and other online references for tasks 1 and 2.
  • In IELTS General preparation, have clarity regarding the question asked in both tasks as they are framed in a tricky manner to confuse the examinees.
  • Don't go overboard with the topic, as the minimum word count for task 1 is 150 words, and task 2 is 250 words. Students can refer to Cambridge IELTS preparation books for reference and practice.
  • Candidates have no specific word limit for jotting down their opinions and analysis, but they must not get off track in an urge to write.
  • Students must re-read the question to ensure they are not answering out of context.
  • Students must use variations in writing tasks 1 and 2 and try not to repeat information or choose words wisely to get good scores.
  • Aspirants must also go through IELTS mock test papers and try to build a standard vocabulary they will easily remember in the exam.
  • Students must not make grammatical or spelling errors as this may decrease their marks.
  • Students must also keep track of their word count, as writing too much or too less would reduce their chances of getting good scores.
  • It is advised for students to start with task 2 during the preparation and then complete task 1, as the second task consists of double scores.

IELTS Speaking Preparation Tips 2023

The IELTS speaking Test contains one-on-one live interaction with an examiner, making it one of the most tempting parts of the exam. In this section, students are examined based on their spoken English skills. The time allotted for this part is between 11 and 14 minutes. The Test has three sections:

The introduction round, the Cue card, and the Follow-up question round. Below are some IELTS Preparation 2023 tips students can follow to get good scores on the IELTS Speaking Tests.

  • Don't hesitate and stay confident while speaking to the examiner.
  • Speak in your natural accent, and don't try to go overboard, as it may make your response sound inappropriate and decrease your points.
  • Don't speak too much or too less while answering; instead, try to answer the question asked rather guessing in the blue.
  • Students must make up a response if they don't get any familiar questions.
  • Students must mind what they speak as they are prone to make grammatical errors and get lost while answering the question.
  • In the cue card round, students must keep track of a set of questions and answer as it will not only get them good scores but also will not exceed the deadlines.
  • The examiner will automatically pause students after two minutes are over in the cue card round. Therefore students must continue speaking till they are not being paused. Candidates can also refer to the best books for IELTS preparation and select topics to practice from those books. 
  • Students must focus on the present and not get stressed by the examiner's activity or facial expressions as they Test their patience.
  • Students must not take long pauses during speaking with the examiner in the follow-up round, as it may not help them acing their scores. They must remember the points they spoke as the follow-up round consists of the questions associated with their response in the cue card round.

IELTS Practice Test 2023

IELTS Practice Test papers are one of the effective ways to access preparation levels after consistent practice. Below is the link of IELTS Practice Test papers and students can download them and practice for good scores.

IELTS Practice Test Link 2023
Particulars Links

IELTS Practice Test Papers Link

Download PDF
IELTS Academic & General Sample Test Questions Link (All Skills)

Download PDF

IELTS Study Material 2023

IELTS preparation materials are essential for effective preparation of the exam apart from consistent practice and revision. The following study materials must be followed by the students to avoid getting confused and off track during their IELTS preparation online free.

  • Road to IELTS:

It's an e-learning and online practice assessment of IELTS preparation. The online study material and IELTS preparation pdf offers more than 100 hours of interactive activities, advice from British Council experts, and hints and tips on question types.

  • The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS:

It's a guide packed with the advice students would require to achieve their desired band in the IELTS exam. It is helpful and easy to use, focusing on the language and skills students require for better scores.

  • IELTS Preparation Study Material by IDP:

It is an IELTS essential pack with all the IELTS study materials required for students to familiarize themselves with the exam format. It includes examiner-approved IELTS Test trial tips that are best for students' requirements. Moreover, it prepares a checklist, organizes a student's IELTS journey, and provides detailed information regarding things to expect on the exam day.

Best IELTS Preparation Strategy 2023

Students will find a wide range of strategies and formulas on the internet. But students are advised to follow the given customized strategy that will help them improve their IELTS Test scores for the IELTS exam.

  • Improve Reading skills form a habit of reading and learning new words, and try to utilize them in the appropriate sentences.
  • Practice writing promptly and work to improve speed. By developing writing skills, students will understand to handle task 2, which is difficult and demands more time.
  • Students can watch English news daily and pen them later. They must remember to listen to the recording only once, be attentive, and develop better listening skills.
  • Aspirants must note down the new words and understand how to use them in proper sentences. They must also read editorials and various magazines to get exposure to new words.
  • Students must record themselves while speaking and learn their weaknesses and strengths. They must build variation in their speech with the right words and vocabulary.

IELTS Preparation Course 2023

Students who register for IELTS Preparation 2023 courses online are considered the top IELTS references. It's a 30-day IELTS exam preparation online course that will help students to prepare for all four skills, namely Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Besides, with this program, students can prepare for the complete IELTS Test or focus on one module. IDP has developed the course in partnership with Macquarie University. The course contains:

  • Practice Tests of students' selected module
  • Up to 25 hours of online study materials
  • IELTS Model answers and paper answers feedback
  • Preparation strategies and Test tips from certified experts

Note: Students will receive an activation link in their registered email when they register for this IELTS program. They will have 30-day access to this preparation course.

IELTS 2023 Exam Pattern

Applicants can easily integrate their IELTS practice into their unique daily routines, one of the most fascinating aspects of IELTS preparation. Students can also do the free IELTS Preparation 2023 online and through the exam pattern get an idea of how to start IELTS preparation.

Moreover, they must also know the paper pattern well to gain good scores. The IELTS exam pattern is tabulated in the table below:

IELTS Exam Pattern 2023


Time Taken

IELTS Exam Pattern


30 minutes

4 sections, 40 Questions


60 minutes

3 sections, 40 Questions


60 minutes

Writing Task 1 & Writing Task 2


11-14 minutes

3 rounds (one-on-one conversation)

FAQs on IELTS Preparation

Q: What is the best books and study materials to prepare for IELTS 2023?

Q: How to effectively prepare for IELTS 2023 speaking tests?

Q: How to effectively complete IELTS reading tests 2023?


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