JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025

Akhil Singh
Akhil Singh

Updated on - Dec 16, 2024

JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025: The JNU CEEB 2025 syllabus comprises of Important sections such as basic engineering and technology principles of biochemical engineering pharmacology mathematics physics chemistry fundamentals of Life science and informatics molecular biology biochemistry. 

The syllabus for JNU CEEB exam is 50% based on research methodology and the rest is subject-specific. The research methodology part can be implied, intrinsic, or explicit. The courses offered in the feild of Biotechnology such as MTech Biotechnology, MSc Biotechnology, MSc Agriculture Biotechnology, and M.V. Sc. Animal Biotechnology.

JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025 Highlights

The JNU CEEB syllabus 2025 highlights are given below.

Parameter Detail
Exam GAT-B (formerly known as JNU CEEB)
Courses Offered MTech Biotechnology, MSc Biotechnology, MSc Agriculture Biotechnology, and M.V. Sc. Animal Biotechnology.
Number of Sections 3
Duration 3 hours
Negative Marking Applicable

JNU CEEB M.Tech Biotechnology Syllabus 2025

The JNU CEEB syllabus 2025 for the M.Tech Biotechnology course is tabulated below.

Topics Sub-topics
Section I: Part A: Basic Engineering and Technology Basic concepts/principles in mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics engineering:Chemical Engineering: Computer applications in chemical engineering- chemical process industries instrumentation methods of chemical analysis- thermodynamics- stoichiometry- fluid dynamics- mechanical operations- heat and mass transfer operations- chemical kinetics/reaction engineering- process instrumentation dynamics and control- process equipment design.
Section I: Part A: Principles of Biochemical Engineering Enzyme catalysis (Michaelis Menton Kinetics) and reactor design. Material & energy balances of fermentation processes. Kinetics of microbial growth and product formation (Monad model- Leudeking-Piret model). Nature of fermentation processes. Transport phenomena in biochemical reactors- Mass transfer in immobilized enzyme systems and Oxygen transfer in the submerged fermentation process, examples of primary metabolites, secondary metabolites and enzymes. Bioreactor operation and design, reactor sterilization. Batch, fed-batch continuous culture process and cell recycle processes. Modelling of non-ideal behaviour in bioreactors. Novel bioreactors, air-lift reactors, membrane bioreactors and fluidized bed reactors. Filtration and membrane-based separations, centrifugation, extraction, absorption and chromatography.
Section I: Part A: Pharmacology (Physiology, Pharmacology & Biochemistry) Basic physiology and biochemistry about all the systems in the body. Classification, mode of action, pharmacological effects, side effects, toxicity and posology of drugs acting on the CNS, ANS, CVS, gastrointestinal system, and endocrine system. Principles of chemotherapy, chemotherapeutic agents, anticancer drugs, vitamins and minerals.
Section I: Part A: Pharmacology (Industrial Pharmacy) Pharmaceutical processing - mixing, milling, drying, powder compression, clarification, filtration, Rheology, sterilisation, sterility testing, disinfection, Pharmaceutical dosage forms : Formulation, manufacture and evaluation of solid, semisolid, liquid, aerosols and parentals. Chemistry of natural products, SAR and Chemistry of analgesics, anticancer, CVS drugs, drugs acting on the CNS, GIT, chemotherapeutic agents, vitamins, hormones.classification, identification, extraction and isolation of active principles of commonly used medicinal plants. Immunological preparations, genetic engineering, fermentation, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics-drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination- general principles. Basic concepts of analysis of drugs.
Section I: Part B: Mathematics Calculus - Differential Equation- Complex numbers- Complex integration- Power series- Three Dimensional Geometry-Algebra.
Section I: Part B: Physics (Mechanics: Kinematics) Newton’s laws - work and mechanical energy- dynamics of rotary motion- fundamentals of special theory of relativity- gravitation- motion in non-inertial frames.
Section I: Part B: Physics (Thermodynamics) Ideal gases- Ist law of thermodynamics- Kinetic theory of gases- 2nd law of thermodynamics-real gases.
Section I: Part B: Physics (Electricity and Magnetism: Electrostatics) Coulomb’s law- electric field potential- capacitance- dielectrics in an electric field- energy of an electric field- direct current- magnetic field of direct current- - electromagnetic induction.Waves and Optics: Free harmonic oscillators- elastic waves- electromagnetic waves- interference, diffraction, scattering and polarisation of light- thermal radiation.
Section I: Part B: Physics (Modern Physics) Structure of matter and basic solid state physics - elementary nuclear physics- elementary quantum mechanics- structure of atom.
Section I: Part B: Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) Electronic structure of atoms, periodic table and periodic properties. General characteristics, structure and reactions of non-transition elements and transition elements. Coordination compounds, structure, crystal field and ligand field theories, spectral and magnetic properties.
Section I: Part B: Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) Synthesis, reactions and mechanisms of alkenes, alkynes, arenes, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, halides, nitro compounds and amines. Structure and properties of biomolecules, carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins.
Section I: Part B: Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) Chemical equilibrium, first law, thermochemistry, second law and entropy, free energy, properties of dilute solutions. chemical kinetics, rates of reactions and factors affecting rates of reactions. Spectroscopy, principles of UV-visible and IR spectroscopy.
Section I: Part C: Fundamentals of Life Sciences and Informatics (Life Sciences) Organization of unicellular organisms, invertebrates and vertebrates. Ultrastructure of plant and animal cells. Nucleic acids, protein synthesis, Mendalian genetics. Morphology of angiosperms. Biotechnology, Physiology.
Section I: Part C: Fundamentals of Life Sciences and Informatics (Information Technology) Introduction to www.Networking: Basics-modem-hub-switch-commands to transfer files- remote login. Elements of languages used on the Internet JAVA- Perl. Elements of databases- Relational databases.
Section II: Part A: Life Sciences (Biochemistry - Cell structure and Function) Protein synthesis; genetic code; DNA & RNA; carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, clinical biochemistry; Inborn errors of metabolism; hormones and their function.
Section II: Part A: Life Sciences (Biochemistry - Molecular biology & recombinant DNA technology) Properties of nucleic acids, chromosomes, DNA replication, damage and repair, gene manipulation, cloning vectors, gene libraries, screening of libraries, gene cloning, applications of recombinant DNA technology, PCR, RFLP, Western, Northern and Southern blotting.
Section II: Part A: Life Sciences (Biochemistry - Immunology) Cells of the immune system, lymphoid tissues, complement, antibodies, hybridoma technology, applications of monoclonal antibodies, antigen recognition, processing and presentation, cell-mediated immunity, cytokines, hypersensitivity, vaccine technology, auto-immunity, transplantation, immune responses to various infections, Immunotechnology.
Section II: Part B: Physics (Mechanics) Kinematics- Newton’s laws- work and mechanical energy- dynamics of rotary motion- fundamentals of special theory of relativity- gravitation- motion in non-inertial frames.
Section II: Part B: Physics (Thermodynamics) Ideal gases – 1st law of thermodynamics- Kinetic theory of gases- 2nd law of thermodynamics- real gases.
Section II: Part B: Physics (Electricity and Magnetism) Electrostatics- Coulomb’s law- electric field potential- capacitance- dielectrics in an electric field- energy of an electric field- direct current- magnetic field of direct current- electromagnetic induction.
Section II: Part B: Physics (Wave and Optics) Free harmonic oscillators- elastic waves- Electromagnetic waves- interference, diffraction, scattering and polarisation of light- thermal radiation.
Section II: Part B: Physics (Modern Physics) Structure of matter and basic solid state physics- elementary nuclear physics- elementary quantum mechanics- structure of atom.
Section II: Part B: Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) Electronic structure of atoms, periodic table and periodic properties. General characteristics, structure and reactions of non- transition elements and transition elements. Coordination compounds, structure, crystal field and ligand field theories, spectral and magnetic properties.
Section II: Part B: Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) Synthesis, reactions and mechanisms of alkenes, alkynes, arenes, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, halides, nitro compounds and amines. Structure and properties of biomolecules, carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins.
Section II: Part B: Chemistry (Physical Chemistry) Chemical equilibrium, first law, thermochemistry, second law and entropy, free energy, properties of dilute solutions. Chemical kinetics, rates of reactions and factors affecting rates of reactions. Spectroscopy, principles of UV-visible and IR spectroscopy.
Section II: Part C: Mathematics Vectors- Trigonometry- Differentiation & Integration- Matrices
Section II: Part C: Information Sciences Introduction to www. Networking: Basics-modem-hub-switch-commands to transfer files- remote login. Elements of languages used on the Internet JAVA- Perl. Elements of databases- Relational database.
Section II: Part C: Computer Application Basics of computers-hardware-components of a computer. Operating systems- windows- linux- simple commands. Elementary Boolean arithmetic- subtraction- addition- multiplication. Applications- word processing- spreadsheets. Elementary basic programming commands and syntax.

JNU CEEB M.Sc. (Agri.) Biotechnology & M.V. Sc. Syllabus 2025

The JNU CEEB syllabus 2025 for the M.Sc. (Agri.) Biotechnology & M.V. Sc. courses are tabulated below.

Topics Sub-topics
Agricultural Biochemistry Isomerism, hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction in biomolecules; chemistry of biomolecules-carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, lipids and nucleic. Metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids and protein. Genetic code, replication, transcription and translation. Enzymes and their kinetics, factors affecting enzyme activity. Competitive- and non-competitive inhibitions. Coenzymes and cofactors. Plant pigments.
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Importance of livestock in agriculture; relationship between plant and animal husbandry; mixed farming; animal breeding; breeds of indigenous and exotic cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, pigs and poultries and their potential for milk, egg, meat and wool production; classification of feed and fodder; major contagious diseases affecting cattle and drought animals, poultries and pigs; reproduction biology of cattle; artificial insemination, fertility and sterility; principles of immunisation and vaccination; description, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of major contagious diseases; drugs used for killing, tranquillizing and doping farm and wild animals; study of milk composition; physical properties and food value of milk; quality control of milk, tests and legal standards; dairy equipments and their cleaning; organisation of dairy, milk processing and distribution; microorganism found in dairy and milk products; pregnancy and dystocia.
Cell Biology Modern tools and techniques in the study of cytology; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells-structural and ultrastructural details; functions of organelles including membrane; cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis; numerical structural variation in chromosomes and their significance.
Protection Diseases of field, vegetable, orchard and plantation crops of India and their control; causes and classification of plant diseases; principles of plant disease control biological control of diseases; Seed health testing, Integrated pest management concepts and components; host plant resistance-biological control of insect pests; genetic manipulation of insects for their control; pesticides, their formulation, classification and safe use; behavioural methods; use of computer modelling in pest and disease outbreak; use of semiochemicals in IPM; insect growth regulators; biotechnological approaches in IPM; IPM in major crops, Principles of nematode management-integrated nematode management in major crops-silkworm types; mulberry silkworm, culturing methods; pests and diseases of mulberry and mulberry silkworm and their management.
Cropping Systems and Crop Management Impact of the high-yielding and short-duration varieties on shifts in cropping patterns; concepts of multiple cropping, relay cropping and inter-cropping and their importance in relation to food production crop production practices for important cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibre, sugar and cash crops; crop weed, their characteristics, cultural biological and chemical weed control; remote sensing and agriculture.
Ecology and Environment Ecology and its relevance to man; natural resources their management and conservation- Climatic elements as factors of crop growth- impact of changing environment on cropping pattern- change in environment due to environmental pollution and associated hazards to crops, animals and humans-liquid and solid waste disposal- Pollution prevention and remediation.
Principles of Food Science and Processing Food production and consumption trends in India; Food science objective food composition; nutritional value of foods; importance and scope of food processing; Indian scenario; Effect of processing on different food groups; Food spoilage; Principles and methods of preservation; Quality Standards, Ventra Centicals.
Genetics and Plant Breeding Earlier concepts of heredity; Mendel’s work and laws of heredity; Chromosomal theory of inheritance; Gene interactions; Multiple alleles; Multiple factor hypothesis; Linkage and crossing over; Linkage analysis; Construction of genetic map; Sex determination; Sex-linked; sex influenced and sex limited traits; Spontaneous and induced mutations; Centre of origin; Domestication of crop plants; Conservations and utilization of genetic resources; Reproductive and pollination mechanisms in plants; Methods and principles in plant breeding; Methods of breeding self-pollinated crops; Methods of breeding cross-pollinated crops; Methods of breeding asexually propagated crops; self incompatibility and male sterility in crop breeding; mutation breeding in crop improvement; Ploidy breeding in crop improvement; Innovative breeding methods in crop improvement.
Horticulture and Forestry Climatic requirements and cultivation of major fruits, flowers and vegetable crops spice in plantation crops, the package of practices and the scientific basis for the same; handling and marketing of fruit and vegetables; preservation of fruits and vegetables; fruit and vegetable in human nutrition; landscaping and floriculture; ornamental plants and design and lay out of lawns and gardens; tissue culture and micropropagation of important fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants including major spices and plantation crops, important features, scope and propagation of various types of forestry plantations, such as, extension/social forestry, agroforestry and the management of natural forests.
Agricultural Microbiology Spontaneous generation theory-Germ theory-Discovery of antibiotics-Types of Microscopes- Principles and equipment of different kinds of sterilisation-staining Techniques-Nutritional types of bacteria-Growth curve-Factors influencing bacterial growth-Fermentation: Principle and Application-Classification of Bacteria-Gene transfer methods in microorganisms Antigen and antibody reaction. Contributions of Beijerinck and Winogradsky-Role of microbes in carbon and nitrogen cycles-Influence of Rhizosphere on soil microorganism-Various types of nitrogen-fixing microorganism-Production of bacterial biofertilizers: Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Phosphobacteria etc.- Fungal biofertilizers; Ecto- and Endomycorrhizae- Azolla and BGA- Method of application for different biofertilizers.
Plant Physiology Plant physiology and its significance in agriculture; physical properties and chemical constitution of protoplasm; plant cell water relation - imbibition, surface tension, diffusion, osmosis; absorption and translocation of water and nutrients; transpiration, guttation, mineral deficiencies and their symptoms; physiological disorders, correction hydrophonics, foliar nutrition aerobic and anaerobic respiration; Photo respiration Factors affecting respiration and Photorespiration. Photosynthesis- modern concept and the factors affecting photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation growth development and differentiation; growth hormones, growth retardants, growth inhibitors and their use in agriculture; tropism in plants photoperiodism and vernalization; seed dormancy and germination; fruit ripening process and its control.
Seed Technology Seed technology and its importance; production processing and testing of seeds of crop plants; seed storage, seed certification; role of NSC in production; New seed policy and seed control order, Terminator Technology.
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Soil as a medium of plant growth and its composition; mineral and organic constituents of soil and their role in crop production; chemical physical and microbiological properties of soil; essential plant nutrients, their functions occurrence and recycling; micro-secondary and micronutrient sources and their management; integrated nutrient management, soil water relationship, principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious use of fertilizers; organic manure and biofertilizers; soil conservation planning on watershed basis; erosion and run -off management in hilly, foot hills and valley lands; processes and factors affecting soil erosion; dryland agriculture and its problems; rainfed agriculture.
Biostatistics Compilation, classification, tabulation and diagrammatic representation of data; measures of central tendency, correlation and regression involving two variables; the concept of random sampling; tests of significance testing of hypothesis; statistical tests two kinds of error; chi-square test; principles of sampling; sampling and sampling errors; analysis of variance transformations to stabilize variance; principles of experimental design, randomized block design; latin square design; factorial experiments; missing plot techniuqes—introduction to computer-Electronic data processing, operating system software available-Internet applications-Databases and bioinformatics.
Agricultural Biotechnology Concepts and scope of biotechnology. Tissue culture and its application, Micropropagation. Meristem culture and production of virus-free plants. Anther and microspore culture. Embryo and ovary culture. Protoplast isolation. Protoplast fusion-somatic hybrids, cybrids. Somaclones. Synthetic seeds. In vitro germplasm conservation. Cryopreservation. Organelle DNA, Satellite-and repetitive DNAs. DNA repair. Regulation of gene expression. Recombinant DNA technology vectors, restriction enzymes, gene cloning. Methods of gene transfer in plants. Achievements and recent developments of genetic engineering in agriculture. Development of transgenics for biotic & abiotic stress tolerance, Ribozfore Technology microarray, bioethics, terminator technology, nanotechnology, DNA fingerprinting, and gene silencing.

Read More: M.Sc in Biotechnology Jobs and Scope

JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025 Important Topics

The JNU CEEB syllabus 2025 important topics are as follows.

  • Biophysical Chemistry
  • Biochemistry and Enzymology
  • Bioorganic Chemistry
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Molecular Biology and Prokaryotes
  • Immunology
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Microbiology
  • Eukaryotic Molecular Biology and Genetics
  • Cell Biology
  • Genetics Engineering and Its Applications
  • Bioprocess Engineering


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