NIFT Cutoff 2024: Expected and Previous Years Cut Off

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Apr 26, 2024

NIFT Cutoff 2024 will be released for the participating campuses through online mode soon after the entrance examination is conducted. NIFT 2024 cutoff marks will be released both institute-wise and section-wise.

Each candidate has to clear the minimum cut off marks to advance to the next selection round. NIFT campuses across India give out their cut off list for admission purposes.

The year-wise cut off for NIFT 2024 exam is provided in the section below.

Important: NIFT Situation Test Questions

Don't Miss: NIFT Admit Card 2024

NIFT Cutoff 2024

NIFT Cutoff 2024 marks will be calculated based on several parameters. With the help of NIFT Cut off 2024, candidates will get to know their required rank for getting into a particular program and campus.

Candidates can visit the official website, look for their preferred campus cut off list, and determine their following steps accordingly. The expected NIFT Cutoff 2024 has been tabulated below. 

NIFT 2024 Expected Cut Off
Campuses Expected Cut Off
NIFT Gandhinagar 240
NIFT Kolkata 301
NIFT Delhi 64
NIFT Hyderabad 255
NIFT Mumbai 145
NIFT Jodhpur 467
NIFT Bengaluru 134
NIFT Kangra 520
NIFT Chennai 325
NIFT Bhubaneswar 530
NIFT Patna 560
NIFT Kannur 590

Factors Determining NIFT 2024 Cutoff

Multiple factors are considered while determining the cut off marks for NIFT. The parameters on which NIFT 2024 cut off marks will depend are as follows.

  • The total number of aspirants who applied for the entrance exam.
  • Seat availability in a particular college.
  • The total number of candidates who appeared for NIFT exam.
  • Previous year's cut off trends.
  • The total number of applicants who qualified for the exam.
  • Paper difficulty level.
  • Reservation policy.

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Steps to Check NIFT Cut off 2024

NIFT 2024 cut off will be released at the time of counselling conducted for admission to the institute or various campuses of NIFT. Also, NIFT Cutoff 2024 will be released online. Candidates can check the cut off by following the given steps.

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of NIFT.
  • Step 2: Click on the 'Admission' tab.
  • Step 3: Tap on the 'Last Merit Rank Admitted in Admissions-2024'.
  • Step 4: Check NIFT Cutoff 2024. Remember the cut off will be available as a downloadable PDF file.
  • Step 5: It is advised to save the file for further reference.

NIFT Cut Off 2021

The NIFT cut off 2021 data including the candidates shortlisted has been tabulated below. 

Programme Rank Range Candidates Shortlisted
B.Des 51-317 80
B.Des 319-619 90
B.Des 620-825 90
B.Des 828-1098 90
B.Des 1104-1328 80
B.Des 1331-1605 90
B.Des 1612-1874 90
B.Des 1882-2127 90
B.Des 2128-2440 80
B.Des 2443-2741 90
B.Des 2747-3132 90
B.Des 3133-3628 90
B.Des 3629-4100 80
B.Des 4110-4714 90
B.Des 4715-5543 90
B.Des 5448-6739 90
B.Des 6744-8150 100
B.Des 8161-9875 100
B.Des 9883-11605 100
B.Des 11658-14378 86
M.F.Tech 88-100 3
M.Des 24-525 91
B.F.Tech- Apparel Production 11-275 40
B.F.Tech- Apparel Production 276-929 89
MFM 24-352 80
MFM 353-814 90
MFM 816-1310 81

NIFT Cut Off 2020

The last merit rank for various courses offered by NIFT for the academic year 2020 is as follows.

NIFT Cut Off 2020
Campus Course Quota Merit Rank
Kangra Accessory Design Home State 3012
Kangra Fashion Communication Home State 3699
Kangra Apparel Production Home State 1589
Kangra Textile Design Home State 4861
Kannur Knitwear Design Home State 2236
Raebareli Leather Design Other State 2074
Srinagar Fashion Design Home State 4418

NIFT 2020 Campus-Wise Cut Off

NIFT 2020 cut off based on each of NIFT campuses has been listed below under the respective headings. 

NIFT 2020 Cut Off for Kolkata Campus

NIFT 2020 cut off for Kolkata campus is as tabulated below.

Category-Wise NIFT Kolkata 2020 Cut Off
Course Name General ST SC OBC NRI
B.Des Accessory Design 1224 - 4995 4114 4910
B. Des Fashion Communication 1078 3747 3643 3448 -
B. Des Knitwear Design 1571 5105 4511 4699 -
B. Des Leather Design 2366 4327 4023 4526 -
B.F. Textile Design 1150 4515 3541 3512 -

NIFT Jodhpur Cut Off 2020

The range of courses offered at the Jodhpur campus of NIFT is limited. The category-wise cut off recorded for 2020 admissions is as follows.

NIFT 2020 Cut Off Jodhpur Campus
Course General SC ST OBC NRI
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1218 2916 - 2342 -
Master of Fashion Management 386 - - 535 -

NIFT Hyderabad Cut Off 2020

NIFT 2020 cut off for Hyderabad campus is as tabulated below.

NIFT Hyderabad Cut Off 2020
Course General SC ST OBC NRI
B. Des Accessory Design 1118 5221 4102 3969 3177
B. Des Knitwear Design 1562 5159 4477 3989 -
B. Des Textile Design 1565 5078 3466 3949 -
B. Des Fashion Communication 953 3585 4060 3212 2331
B.Des in Fashion Design 422 2542 2719 1492 2379
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 465 1745 - 1167 -
Master of Fashion Management 242 495 544 479 304

NIFT 2020 Gandhinagar Cut Off

NIFT 2020 cut off for Gandhinagar campus is as tabulated below.

NIFT 2020 Cut Off Gandhinagar Campus
Course General OBC ST SC NRI
B. Des Fashion Communication 725 3919 3102 4534 3051
Bachelor of Accessory Design (Jewellery) 790 3515 4563 3591 2478
B. Des Textile Design 1166 3639 3791 3331 3076
B. Des in Fashion Design 362 3272 1255 1669 2946
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 262 1566 2217 1866 1184
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 513 508 - 80 -
Master of Fashion Management 162 481 546 498 395

NIFT 2020 Bengaluru Cut Off

NIFT 2020 cut off for Bengaluru campus is as tabulated below.

NIFT 2020 Bengaluru Cut Off
Course General OBC ST SC NRI
B. Des Accessory Design 902 3491 4194 5066 4378
B. Des Fashion Communication 517 2839 3736 1953 1638
B. Des Knitwear Design 1007 2898 4797 5117 1143
B. Des Textile Design 1001 3840 3631 3990 -
B.Des in Fashion Design 264 695 3289 1329 3524
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 236 1419 2005 2782 2103
Master of Fashion Management 116 437 482 428 318
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 502 514 - 59 1

NIFT 2020 Chennai Cut Off

NIFT 2020 cut off for Chennai campus is as tabulated below.

NIFT 2020 Chennai Cut Off
Course General OBC SC ST NRI
B. Des Accessory Design 2002 4285 4895 4108 -
B. Des in Fashion Design 784 1722 3246 1741 3313
B. Des Fashion Communication 2688 3204 3875 4617 -
B. Des Leather Design 2740 4422 4417 5224 -
B. Des Knitwear Design 2364 4158 4195 - -
B. Des Textile Design 2067 4170 5072 3695 60
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 520 1758 2635 1300 -
Master of Fashion Management 396 517 506 - 6

NIFT Cut Off 2019 

The cut off given out by the participating campuses is mentioned below. The candidates can go through the provided data to understand the previous years' cut off trends followed by NIFT organizing authorities and various NIFT campuses and form their expectations for NIFT 2023 cut off accordingly.

NIFT Cut Off 2019 Bengaluru Campus 

The cut off marks for the Bengaluru campus of NIFT for different categories are tabulated below. 

NIFT 2019 Cut Off Bengaluru
Category Cut Off Rank
General 236
PWDGN 5913
ST 1216
OBC 764
SC 2131
Economically Underprivileged 886
PWDST 3592

NIFT Cut Off 2019 Bhopal Campus

The category-wise cut off marks for the Bhopal campus of NIFT, for the academic year 2019 have been tabulated below. 

NIFT 2019 Cut Off Bhopal
Category Cut Off Rank
General 2216
SC 6309
DGN 2342
DSC 6220
Economically Underprivileged 4954
OBC 4401
DOBC 4445
NRIW 3279

Click Here for a Detailed NIFT 2019 Cut Off

NIFT 2017 Cut Off 

NIFT 2017 cut off list is divided between NIFT campus, the program its offers to the aspiring candidates, the category-wise quota, and the last merit rank required to qualify. The cut off for admission to NIFT in 2017 is tabulated below. 

NIFT 2017 Cut Off
NIFT Campus Program Quota Last Merit Rank
Kangra Fashion Communication Home State 3699
Srinagar Fashion Design Home State 4418
Kangra Apparel Production Home State 1589
Kangra Accessory Design Home State 3012
Kangra Textile Design Home State 4861
Kannur Knitwear Design Home State 2236
Raebareli Leather Design Other State 2074

Click Here for a Detailed NIFT 2017 Cut Off

NIFT 2016 Cut Off

The cut off marks for NIFT vary for all the campuses. To secure admission in any of the campuses of NIFT, candidates must secure the cut off marks. Candidates can check the 2016 cut off marks for various campuses of NIFT given below.

NIFT 2016 Cut Off

NIFT 2016 Cut Off Bengaluru

The table below represents the cut off marks for the Bengaluru campus of NIFT for the year 2016 along with the courses for different categories.

NIFT Bengaluru 2016 Cut Off
Course General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 902 4378 3491 5066 4194
B. Des Fashion Communication 517 1638 2839 1953 3736
B. Des Knitwear Design 1007 1143 2898 5117 4797
B. Des Textile Design 1001 - 3840 3990 3631
B.Des in Fashion Design 264 3524 695 1329 3289
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 236 2103 1419 2782 2005
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 502 1 514 59 -
Master of Fashion Management 116 318 437 428 482

NIFT 2016 Cut Off Bhopal

Candidates can check below the cut off marks of NIFT for the Bhopal campus for the year 2016.

NIFT Bhopal Cut Off 2016
Course General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 2671 - 4745 5270 -
B. Des Textile Design 1672 - 3779 5236 -
Master of Fashion Management 409 - 501 - 539

NIFT 2016 Cut Off Bhubaneswar

The table below represents the cut off marks for the Bhubneshwar campus of NIFT for the year 2016 along with the courses for different categories.

NIFT Bhubaneswar 2016 Cut Off
Course General OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 4020 4766 5287 -
B. Des Fashion Communication 2347 4636 3944 4334
B. Des Textile Design 2915 4032 5264 4758
B.Des in Fashion Design 1054 3560 4984 4352
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1232 2537 1162 -
Master of Fashion Management 338 527 - 490

NIFT 2016 Cut Off Chennai

The cut off marks for NIFT Chennai campus for the year 2016 along with the categories and for different categories are given below:

NIFT Chennai Cut Off 2016
Course General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 2002 - 4285 4895 4108
B. Des Fashion Communication 2688 - 3204 3875 4617
B. Des Knitwear Design 2364 - 4158 4195 -
B. Des Leather Design 2740 - 4422 4417 5224
B. Des Textile Design 2067 60 4170 5072 3695
B. Des in Fashion Design 784 3313 1722 3246 1741
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 520 - 1758 2635 1300

NIFT 2016 Cut Off Gandhinagar

The table below represents the cut off marks for the Gandhinagar campus of NIFT for the year 2016 along with the courses for different categories.

NIFT Gandhinagar 2016 Cut Off
Course General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Fashion Communication 725 3051 3919 4534 3102
B. Des Textile Design 1166 3076 3639 3331 3791
B. Des in Fashion Design 362 2946 3272 1669 1255
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 262 1184 1566 1866 2217
Bachelor of Accessory Design (Jewellery) 790 2478 3515 3591 4563
M.F. Tech Apparel Production 513 - 508 80 -
Master of Fashion Management 162 395 481 498 546

NIFT 2016 Cut Off Hyderabad

The cut off marks for NIFT 2016 for the Hyderabad campus is tabulated below:

NIFT Hyderabad 2016 Cut Off
Course General NRI OBC SC ST
B. Des Accessory Design 1118 3177 3969 5221 4102
B. Des Fashion Communication 953 2331 3212 3585 4060
B. Des Knitwear Design 1562 - 3989 5159 4477
B. Des Textile Design 1565 - 3949 5078 3466
B.Des in Fashion Design 422 2379 1492 2542 2719
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 465 - 1167 1745 -
Master of Fashion Management 242 304 479 495 544

NIFT 2016 Cut Off Jodhpur

The table below represents NIFT B.F.Tech cut off & NIFT MFM cut off for Jodhpur campus for the year 2016 along with the categories and for different categories are given below:

NIFT Jodhpur 2016 Cut Off
Course General NRI OBC SC ST
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 1218 - 2342 2916 -
Master of Fashion Management 386 - 535 - -

NIFT 2016 Cut Off Kangra

The cut off marks for the Kangra campus of NIFT for different programs for the year 2016 are tabulated below:

NIFT Kangra 2016 Cut Off
Course General NRI OBC SC ST
B.Des Accessory Design 2061 - 4236 5085 -
B. Des Fashion Communication 1694 - 4597 4816 -
B. Des Textile Design 2489 - 4679 5313 -
B. Des in Fashion Design 1809 - 3982 3861 3463
B.F. Tech Apparel Production 573 - 2552 - -

NIFT Seat Matrix 2023

Admission will be offered to a total of 3,950 seats including UG & PG courses such as B.F.Tech & B.Design programs across sixteen campuses of NIFT. Candidates can check the seat matrix in the table below.

NIFT Seat Matrix 2023
Program Discipline Total Seats
Bachelor of Design (B. Des) Leather Design 120
Knitwear Design 210
Textile Design 390
Fashion Design 450
Fashion Communication 420
Accessory Design 420
Bachelor of Fashion Technology (B. F. Tech) Apparel Production 360

NIFT 2023 Category-Wise Seat Reservation

Candidates who are appearing for NIFT 2023 entrance exam must check the reservation percentage as per their categories:

NIFT 2023 Category-Wise Seat Reservation
Categories Reservation Policy
OBC (Non-Creamy) 27%
SC 15%
ST 7.50%
Person with Disability (PWD) 5%
Foreign Nationals/SAARC/NRI 3 (supernumerary) seats each at Jodhpur, Kangra, Kannur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Patna, and Shillong.
5 (supernumerary) seats each at NIFT Campuses Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gandhinagar, Raebareli & Srinagar (J&K).
State Domicile 13 seats shall be offered at NIFT Srinagar
7 seats will be available in each NIFT campus, out of which 3 campuses shall be supernumerary. These 7 NIFT campuses shall include Kangra, Patna, Kannur, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Shillong, and Jodhpur.


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