A score of about 140 and a rank between 1 and 2000 is considered as a very good rank in COMEDK UGET 2024. Whereas scores above 110 and rank between 2000 and 15000 are also considered a good score and rank respectively.
Good rank & score in COMEDK UGET 2024 is above 140 with a rank between 1 and 2000. However, a rank between 110 and 15,000 is also good with a score above 110. The scores and ranks in the exam are distributed based on various factors like difficulty of the exam, availability of the seats, category etc.
Basic Score Table for COMEDK UGET 2024
Based on various factors like difficulty of the examination, number of students appearing, availability of the seats, previous years' papers and cut-offs, the scores and ranks in COMEDK UGET 2024 have been classified into various categories of ranks and scores. The table given below shows what scores are considered good and low.
Remarks | Score |
Very Good Score | 140+ |
Good Score | 110+ |
Average Score | 60+ |
Low Score | Below 40 |
Also Read: Top 10 Architecture Colleges in Karnataka Accepting COMEDK UGET 2024
Basic Rank Table for COMEDK UGET 2024
A good rank in COMEDK UGET 2024 helps the candidate secure seats in the top colleges of Karnataka. Find the range that is considered good and low in the table given below.
Remarks | Rank |
Very Good Rank | 1-2000 |
Good Rank | 2000-15,000 |
Average Rank | 15,000-40,000 |
Low Rank | Above 42,000 |
Also Read: MS Engineering College, Bengaluru
Comparison between the COMEDK UGET Marks and Rank
In the COMEDK UGET exam, candidates are ranked based on their scores and marks. The higher the rank, the better the college one can get. The table below provides an analysis of the ranks based on the marks obtained.
Remarks | Rank |
180 - 170 | 1 - 10 |
169- 160 | 11-50 |
159- 150 | 51-150 |
149-140 | 151-350 |
139- 130 | 351-800 |
129-120 | 801-1700 |
119-110 | 1701-3200 |
109-100 | 3201-5500 |
99-90 | 5501-9700 |
89-80 | 9701-14000 |
79-70 | 14001-23000 |
69-60 | 23001-36000 |
59-50 | 36001-43000 |
49-40 | 43001-45000 |
39-30 | 45000-48000 |
Also Read: Architecture Courses After 10th
List of Colleges Accepting Good Rank in COMEDK UGET 2024
The marks in COMEDK UGET are affected by various factors including the difficulty of exams, previous years' cut-offs, categories and so on. The rank is calculated based on marks secured by the candidate. The higher the candidate's scores, the greater their chances of admission to top colleges. However, those who cannot score good ranks may have to settle for average colleges.
Name of College |
R.V. College of Engineering (RVCE), Bengaluru, Karnataka |
BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka |
MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Bengaluru, Karnataka |
PES University, Bengaluru, Karnataka |
Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, Karnataka |
Ramaiah Institute of Technology (RIT), Bengaluru, Karnataka |
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (DSCE), Bengaluru, Karnataka |
KLE Technological University (formerly B.V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering and Technology), Hubli, Karnataka |
SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka |
Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology (Sir MVIT), Bengaluru, Karnataka |
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