Table of Contents
CSSET 2023 Syllabus
The Syllabus for CSSET 2023 is as follows:
Part A syllabus:
- Section A: A Sanskrit Language Proficiency – Scope
Treaty: Morphs of Words, Morphs of Verbs
Suffix: Kṛt Offspring suffix Matup/ Vatup Tap, Ṅīp, Ṅīṣ
Compound: Indeclinable, Determinative, Copulative/Numeral, Appositional/Negative, Attributive
Prakriyā: Ṇich, San
Voice: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Impersonal Voice
Kāraka & Upapada Vibhakti: Accusative Karma, Instrumental Karaṇa, Dative Sampradāna, Ablative Apādāna, Locative Adhikaraṇa
- Section B: Testing of General knowledge – Scope
Indian Culture history
Music Date
Paint art Music
Drama Music
Indian Constitution Stats
Sanskrit Literature Language
Indian & Western Historical Places
Population Capital
Science (Ancient)
Modern Awards, Sports, Literature & Science
Important Days
Human Rights
Important World Conferences
Sanskrit Institutions on National Level
Contemporary Issues
- Mental Ability – Scope
Arrangement of Alphabets
Arrangement of Numbers
Increasing/Decreasing order
Time, Day, Date, Hours
Time/Word in Mirror
Cause & effects, Part & Hall
Relationship of Basic & Based
Odd one out
Upcoming Number, Series
Numeric/Relative ratios
Meaningful Order of different Things
Mathematical Rationality
Human Relations
General Rational Statement
- Section C: Teaching Aptitude – Scope
Objectives of Education
Qualities of Teacher
Educational Principles
Teaching Profession
Classroom Management
- Role of a Teacher
Teaching Objectives
Ancient Education
Sentience about Education
Educational Commissions
Educational Problems
Life-Value Education
Educational Psychology
History of Education
- Section D: Sanskrit Literature – Scope
Vaidika Vāṅmaya - Scope
Vaidika Vāṅmaya
Brāhmana, Āraṇyaka
Upniṣad, Vedanta
Darśana Philosophies
Poets & Dramas
Prose and Champū
Modern Compositions
Part B Syllabus:
- Proficiency in Sanskrit Language
Functional Grammar
Conversion of Voice
Selection of Viśiṣṭapada
Conversion of Lakāra, Liṅga, Vachana, Vāchya
Selection of Nominative, Adjective and Verb
Selection of Avyayapada, Usage of Pronoun on the place of Noun, Selection of Upmāna Upmeya
Answering after reading given paragraph
Answering after reading given Poetic metre
Writing of a Paragraph of approximately 50 words on a subject from the given option