CSSET 2021 Syllabus


Updated on - Jan 27, 2022

CSSET 2023 Syllabus

The Syllabus for CSSET 2023 is as follows:

Part A syllabus:

  • Section A: A Sanskrit Language Proficiency – Scope
    • Treaty: Morphs of Words, Morphs of Verbs

    • Suffix: Kṛt Offspring suffix Matup/ Vatup Tap, Ṅīp, Ṅīṣ

    • Compound: Indeclinable, Determinative, Copulative/Numeral, Appositional/Negative, Attributive

    • Prakriyā: Ṇich, San

    • Voice: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Impersonal Voice

    • Kāraka & Upapada Vibhakti: Accusative Karma, Instrumental Karaṇa, Dative Sampradāna, Ablative Apādāna, Locative Adhikaraṇa

  • Section B: Testing of General knowledge – Scope
    • Indian Culture history

    • Music Date

    • Paint art Music

    • Drama Music

    • Indian Constitution Stats

    • Sanskrit Literature Language

    • Indian & Western Historical Places

    • Literacy

    • Population Capital

    • Environment

    • Science (Ancient)

    • Modern Awards, Sports, Literature & Science

    • Important Days

    • Human Rights

    • Important World Conferences

    • Sanskrit Institutions on National Level

    • Contemporary Issues

  • Mental Ability – Scope
    • Arrangement of Alphabets

    • Arrangement of Numbers

    • Increasing/Decreasing order

    • Time, Day, Date, Hours

    • Time/Word in Mirror

    • Shapes

    • Cause & effects, Part & Hall

    • Relationship of Basic & Based

    • Odd one out

    • Upcoming Number, Series

    • Numeric/Relative ratios

    • Meaningful Order of different Things

    • Mathematical Rationality

    • Human Relations

    • General Rational Statement

  • Section C: Teaching Aptitude – Scope
    • Objectives of Education

    • Qualities of Teacher

    • Educational Principles

    • Discipline

    • Teaching Profession

    • Classroom Management

    • Role of a Teacher
    • Teaching Objectives

    • Ancient Education

    • Assignment

    • Sentience about Education

    • Educational Commissions

    • Educational Problems

    • Life-Value Education

    • Educational Psychology

    • History of Education

  • Section D: Sanskrit Literature – Scope
    • Vaidika Vāṅmaya - Scope

    • Vaidika Vāṅmaya

    • Brāhmana, Āraṇyaka

    • Upniṣad, Vedanta

    • Darśana Philosophies

    • Puraṇa

    • Rāmāyana

    • Mahābhārat

    • Epics

    • Poets & Dramas

    • Prose and Champū

    • Modern Compositions

    • Composers

Part B Syllabus:

  • Proficiency in Sanskrit Language
    • Functional Grammar

    • Conversion of Voice

    • Selection of Viśiṣṭapada

    • Conversion of Lakāra, Liṅga, Vachana, Vāchya

    • Selection of Nominative, Adjective and Verb

    • Selection of Avyayapada, Usage of Pronoun on the place of Noun, Selection of Upmāna Upmeya

    • Answering after reading given paragraph

    • Answering after reading given Poetic metre

    • Writing of a Paragraph of approximately 50 words on a subject from the given option



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