Table of Contents
IIT JAM books 2025: IIT JAM books 2025 are available through offline and online modes for all aspirants. Candidates must refer to the IIT JAM books to enhance their preparation. IIT JAM syllabus shares a common syllabus with other engineering entrance exams.
Hence, a student preparing for the IIT JAM 2025 exam can take other entrance exams for other reputed colleges.
IIT JAM 2025 Mathematics Books
Candidates can check the book titles with their authors' names for the best books for IIT JAM Mathematics listed below.
Book Title | Author/Publisher |
Linear Algebra | Seymour Lipschitz (Schaum’s), H. Anton, A.R.Vasishtha. |
Ordinary Differential Equation | Peter J. Collins, G.F. Simmons, M.D. Raisinghania |
Principle of Real Analysis | S. C. Malik |
Real Analysis | H. L. Royden |
Modern Algebra | A. R. Vasishtha 8. University Algebra: N. S. Gopalakrishnan |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | Erwin Kreyszig |
Vector Calculus | Murray R. Spiegel (Schaum’s), A.R.Vasishtha |
IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Mathematics
Candidates before the IIT JAM exam 2025 must look at the preparation tips below to secure good marks. The following tips will help aspirants study various topics and sub-topics for IIT JAM exam.
- Mathematics requires good practice. Candidates should solve every question in the notebooks.
- Candidates must do a thorough study of all the questions from each unit.
- Candidates should practice Differential Calculus effectively as based on the last five year's trends this topic carries the highest weightage.
- Candidates should try to solve questions timely and should practice more for questions taking extra time.
- Candidates must practice various mock tests, previous year’s question papers, and sample papers to secure higher marks.
IIT JAM 2025 Biotechnology Books
Candidates can check the IIT JAM Biotechnology books for the exam with the author names for each of the books. Aspirants must also refer to the IIT JAM Biotechnology books PDF.
Book Title | Author/Publisher |
Biochemistry | Lehninger |
Molecular Biology | Watson |
Cell Biology | Bruce Alberts or Lodish |
Development Biology | Gilbert |
CERT for General Reading and MCQ Books | Dinesh or Pradeep |
Microbiology | Prescott, Pelczar |
IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Biotechnology
Aspirants before the IIT JAM exam 2025 must look at the preparation tips for biotechnology below to secure good marks. The following tips will help aspirants study all topics and sub-topics for the IIT JAM exam.
- Biotechnology is a new subject added to the IIT JAM 2025.
- Candidates need to practice more on the subject as there are few available seats. Therefore, competition is more in IIT JAM Biotechnology.
- IIT JAM biotechnology carries a maximum weightage of biology with 44%, followed by chemistry at 20% and maths and physics at 18%.
- Candidates must focus more on the theory part as it will take less time than solving numerical problems.
IIT JAM 2025 Physics Books
IIT JAM books for physics are tabulated below. Candidates can check the books for each subsection of physics below.
Book Title | Author |
Introduction to Mechanics | Kleppner and Kolenkow |
Mechanics | D.S. Mathur |
Concepts of Physics | H.C. Verma |
Physics of Waves and Oscillations | N.K. Bajaj |
Optics | Ajoy Ghatak |
Introduction to Electrodynamics | David J. Griffiths |
Thermodynamics | Garg, Bansal, and Ghosh |
Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics and Thermal Physics | F. Reif.A |
Solid State Physics | Puri Babbar |
Semiconductor Physics | Streetman |
IIT-JAM: MSc (Physics) Previous Papers & Practice Test Papers (Solved) | R Gupta |
Solved Papers & Practice Sets IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test for MSc from IITs) – Physics | Arihant Publications |
Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications | Nouredine Zettili |
Quantum Mechanics (Schaum’s Outline Series) | Yoav Peleg, Reuven Pnini, Elyahu Zaarur, Eugene Hecht |
Introduction to Solid State Physics | Charles Kittel |
Elementary Solid State Physics | Omar |
Statistical Physics | Reif |
Mathematical Methods for Physicists | Arfken |
Classical Mechanics | John R. Taylor |
Introduction to Classical Mechanics: With Problems and Solutions | David Morin |
Heat and Thermodynamics | Mark Zemansky |
Thermodynamics Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics | FW Sears, G.L. Salinger |
Optics | Ghatak |
A Text-Book of Optics | Brijlal and Subhramanyam |
Introduction to Electrodynamics | Griffith |
Electronic Devices and Circuit | Boylestad /Nashelsky |
Nuclear Fission and Cluster Radioactivity: An Energy-Density Functional Approach | MA Hooshyar, Irwin Reichstein, F Bary Malik |
Nuclear Physics | V Devanathan |
Atomic and Molecular Physics | Raj Kumar |
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory | Boylestad and Nashelsky |
Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits | Ramakant A. Gayakwad |
Digital Fundamentals | Floyd |
IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Physics
Aspirants before the IIT JAM exam 2025 must look at the preparation tips for physics below to secure good marks. The following tips will help aspirants study all topics and sub-topics for the exam.
- IIT JAM physics requires a lot of practice, like mathematics. Candidates should study each topic.
- Aspirants must be clear about the concepts and must practice well.
- Candidates must go through the syllabus carefully and clear confusion if any.
- Candidates must note down all the formulas and equations in one place and do a quick revision before the exam date.
IIT JAM Chemistry Books
The best book for IIT JAM Chemistry for Physical, Organic and Inorganic are mentioned below. Candidates can check the books separately for each of these sections and can prepare for the exam in advance.
Book Title | Author |
IIT-JAM: MSc (Chemistry) Previous Papers & Practice Test Papers (Solved) | R Gupta |
Solved Papers & Practice Sets IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test for MSc From IITs) – Chemistry | Arihant Publication |
Quantitative Analysis | R.A. Day Jr. A.L. Underwood |
Elementary Organic Spectroscopy: Principles and Chemical Applications | Sharma Y.R. |
Instrumental Approach to Chemical Analysis | AK Srivastava, PC Jain |
Analytical Chemistry: An Introduction | D.A. Skoog, D.M. West and F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch |
Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry | R.M. Roberts, J.C. Gilbert, L.B. Rodewald, A.S. Wingrove |
Physical Chemistry | Keith J. Laidler, John H. Meiser |
Textbook Of Physical Chemistry | Maron |
Physical Chemistry | Levine |
Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry | H. J Arnikar |
Physical Chemistry – A Molecular Approach | D. A. McQuarrie and J. D. Simon |
Principles of Physical Chemistry | B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, and M. S. Pathania |
University General Chemistry | CNR Rao |
Chemistry of Organic Natural Products | O. P. Agarwal |
Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry | Bodie Douglas, Darl Mcdaniel, John Alexander |
Concise Inorganic Chemistry | JD Lee |
Inorganic Chemistry | AG Sharpe |
Inorganic Chemistry | Duward Shriver, P. W. Atkins, Tina Overton, Jonathan Rourke, Mark Weller |
Organic Chemistry – Structure and Reactivity | Seyhan N. Ege |
Organic Chemistry | Paula Y. Bruice |
Organic Chemistry | R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd |
Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds | Dyer |
Organic Spectroscopy | William Kemp |
Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds | PS Kalsi |
IIT JAM Physical Chemistry Books
IIT JAM books for Physical Chemistry are listed below.
Book Title | Author/Publisher |
Theory of Gases: Physical Chemistry | Peter W. Atkins |
Chemical and Phase Equilibria: Principals of Chemical Equilibrium & Phase Rule | K.G. Denbigh |
Electrochemistry: An Introduction to Electrochemistry | Samuel Glasstone |
Chemical Kinetics | Keith J. Laidler |
Solid State | Peter W. Atkins |
Adsorption: Introduction to Surface Chemistry & Catalysis | Gabor A. Somorjai |
Basic Mathematical Concept: Differential Equation & Matrices | Shanti Narayan |
IIT JAM Inorganic Chemistry Books
IIT JAM best books 2025 for Inorganic Chemistry are as follows.
Book Title | Author/Publisher |
Periodic Table: Concise Inorganic Chemistry | J. D. Lee |
Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds: Inorganic Chemistry | Miessler & Tarr |
Main Group Elements (s and p blocks): Concise Inorganic Chemistry | J. D. Lee |
Transition Metal (d block): Concise Inorganic Chemistry | James E. Huheey |
Analytical Chemistry: Quantitative Inorganic Analysis | A. I. Vogel |
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry | James E. Huheey |
Instrumental Method of Analysis: Instrumental Method | Skoog, Holler & Crouch |
IIT JAM Organic Chemistry Books
IIT JAM books for Organic Chemistry are listed below.
Book Title | Author/Publisher |
Organic Chemistry | Carey & Sundberg |
Natural Products Chemistry: Organic Chemistry (Vol-II) | I. L. Final |
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Organic Chemistry (Vol-I) | I. L. Final |
Qualitative Organic Analysis: Introduction to Spectroscopy | Pavia, Lampman, Kriz, Vyvyan |
Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry | P.S. Kalsi |
Organic Chemistry | Clayden, Greeves, Warner, and others |
Candidates can also refer to the Arihant IIT JAM chemistry book PDF. Mentioned below are the IIT JAM Spectrum Chemistry PDFs for the years 2017 and 2016.
Particulars | Links |
Spectrum Chemistry January 2017 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry February 2017 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry March 2017 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry April 2017 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry February 2016 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry March 2016 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry May 2016 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry August 2016 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry September 2016 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry October 2016 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry November 2016 | Download PDF |
Spectrum Chemistry December 2016 | Download PDF |
IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Chemistry
Candidates before the IIT JAM exam 2025 must look at the preparation tips for chemistry below to secure good marks. The following tips will help aspirants study all topics and sub-topics for the exam.
- Candidates must focus more on organic chemistry as most of the questions come from this subject.
- Candidates must not ignore any inorganic and physical chemistry topics as they carry relatively minimum weight. Every question is equally important.
- Candidates must practice all the new topics well and solve sample papers, IIT JAM mock tests, and IIT JAM previous year’s question papers for practice. Candidates must refer to IIT JAM books mentioned above.
IIT JAM Geology Books
IIT JAM books which can be referred to for Geology are tabulated below. Candidates can check the names of the IIT JAM books with their authors' names.
Subject | Author |
The Planet Earth |
Physical geology- Mukherjee Geo-dynamic |
Evolution of India- K S Vaidya | |
Geomorphology |
Geomorphology- M.J. Selby |
Introduction to Geomorphology by Kale, VS, and Gupta | |
A Remote Sensing Geology by R.P. Gupta | |
Structural Geology | Structural Geology- Prof. Haakon Fossen |
Structural Geology- S.K. Ghosh/Billings/Davis | |
Palaeontology |
Palaeontology: Ecosystems, Environments, and Evolution by Brenchley, P.J. and Harper, D.A.T. |
Introduction to Paleontology by Arnold | |
Stratigraphy | Fundamentals of Historical Geology and Stratigraphy of India by Ravindra Kumar |
Stratigraphic principles and practice by J.M. Weller. | |
Mineralogy |
Mineralogy by Dexter Perkins/Cornelis Klein |
Optical Mineralogy by Paul F. Kerr | |
Optical Mineralogy by P.K. Verma | |
Petrology |
An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic. |
Petrology by John D. Winter | |
Igneous Petrology by M.K. Bose | |
Economic Geology |
Industrial minerals and rocks of India by Deb |
Economic Mineral Deposits by Bateman, A.M., and Jensen, M.L. | |
Ore deposits of India their distribution and processing by Gokhale, K.V.G.K., and Rao | |
Applied Geology |
Hydrogeology- Todd, and Karanth |
Groundwater by H.M. Ragunath |
IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Geology
Aspirants before the IIT JAM exam 2025 must look at the preparation tips for geology below to secure good marks. The following tips will help aspirants study all topics and sub-topics for IIT JAM exam.
- Candidates to get higher scores must practice the theory from all the topics and the subtopics.
- Aspirants must practice numerically well and focus more on Economic Geology, Applied Geology, etc. Candidates must have a good command of these topics as they are the scoring topics of IIT JAM geology.
- Candidates must give maximum time to ‘Petrology’ as the question is asked in the exam frequently.
IIT JAM Mathematical Statistical Reference Books
Candidates must check some of the Mathematical Statistical IIT JAM reference books mentioned below.
Book Title | Author/Publisher |
Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics | S.C. Gupta & V.K. Kapoor |
An Introduction to Probability and Statistics | V.K. Rohatgi |
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | Robert V. Hogg and Craig Mckean Hogg |
Introduction to the Theory of Statistics | Mood and Graybill |
IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Mathematical Statistics
Applicants before the IIT JAM exam 2025 must look at the preparation tips for mathematical statistics below to secure good marks. The following tips will help aspirants study all topics and sub-topics for the exam.
- IIT JAM for mathematical statistics will consist of a weightage of 40% from mathematics and 60% from statistics. Candidates must practice all the topics and subtopics from each subject well.
- Candidates must remember all the formulas and their alternatives to secure higher marks in IIT JAM exam.
- Aspirants are advised to practice mathematical statistics just like mathematics and must give considerable time to each question.
IIT JAM Biological Science Reference Books
The books which can be referred to for Biological Science are tabulated below. Candidates can check the names of the books with their authors' names.
Some other books for Biological Science are listed below.
Book Title | Author/Publisher |
Cell and Molecular Biology | Karp |
Biochemistry | Jeremy M. Berg, Lubert Stryer, John L. Tymoczko |
Developmental Biology | Scott F. Gilbert, Susan R. Singer |
Kuby Immunology | Barbara A. Osborne, Richard Goldsby |
Essentials of Physiology | Lauralee Sherwood |
Molecular Biology of the Cell | Bruce Alberts |
Microbiology | John P. Harley, Donald Klein |
Life Sciences: Fundamentals and Practice – I, II | Pranav Kumar, Usha Mina |
Principles of Genetics | Gardner, Simmons, Snustad |
IIT JAM 2025 MCA Books
Mentioned below are the IIT JAM MCA books of various reputed authors and publishers. Candidates must refer to these books before the exam to get high scores.
Book Title | Author/Publisher |
A text –Book of Vector Calculus | Shanti Narayan |
Computer Networks | Tennenbum T |
Computer Today | Suresh Basandra |
Differential Calculus | Gorakh Prasad |
Differential Equations | G.F.Simmons |
Digital Circuits and Design | Salivahan |
Digital Electronics | Dr. Saroj Rangnekar |
Digital Integrated Electronics | H.Taub & D.Shilling |
Digital Logic Design | Morris Mano |
Fundamental of Computers | P. K. Sinha |
Digital Principles & Application | Malvino |
Digital Technology | Virendra Kumar |
Elementary Linear Algebra | Charles W.Curtis(C.W.Curtis) |
Elementary Linear Algebra | H.Anton |
Fundamental of Computers | V. Rajaraman |
How to solve it by Computer | R. G. Dormy |
Integral Calculus | Gorakh Prasad |
IIT JAM 2025 General Preparation Tips
Authorities advise candidates to follow a proper schedule to score higher marks in the exam. Candidates appearing for the IIT JAM 2025 exam can refer to the guidelines given below for IIT JAM exam preparation:
- Make a proper schedule for IIT JAM exam preparation.
- Study 8-10 hours per day.
- To score well in the exam candidates, must practice various IIT JAM sample papers, previous year's papers, etc.
- Attempt mock tests once the syllabus and the IIT JAM previous question papers are solved.
- Make short notes for each of the topics and revise as required.
FAQs on IIT JAM Books
Q: What is the IIT JAM Math book for 2025?
Q: Which books should I refer to for IIT JAM preparation?
Q: Which is the best book for IIT JAM Physics preparation?
Q: Are BSc-level books good for IIT JAM?
Q: Can I refer to GATE or JEST preparation books for IIT JAM?