A comprehensive list of colleges for low rank in COMEDK UGET helps aspiring candidates to choose the right college for themselves after considering their aspirations and requirements.
List of Colleges for Low Rank in COMEDK UGET include Acharya Institute of Technology, SDM College of Engineering & Technology, Sri Sai Ram College of Engineering and many more. In COMDEK UGET, the rank of 60,000 or above is considered low.
Every year, lakhs of aspirants appear for the state-level entrance exam in the hope of qualifying for admission. Due to the high competition and popularity, the seats at the top participating institutes of COMEDK are filled instantly by candidates with a rank up to 60,000. However, if you have a rank above 60,000, you don’t need to worry as there are still some good COMEDK colleges where you can take admission with your rank. Even though you cannot get admission to top colleges, you can still study at some good participating institutes. Several colleges accept low ranks in COMEDK, including candidates having ranks above 60,000. The below section will overview the list of colleges for COMEDK that accept admission for low rank (above 60,000)"
List of COMEDK UGET Colleges with Low Rank
For those with rank 60,000 or above, the colleges may offer quality education but there can be limitations in the choice of courses. Some of the colleges are listed below.
College Name |
Courses Offered and Average Fee(Approx) |
Expected Closing Rank |
68247 |
74561 |
52711 |
56254 |
75366 |
73000-74000 |
43746 |
68798 |
68798 |
74189 |
68798 |
BLD EA's V.P. Dr. P G Halakatti College of Engg & Technology |
73373 |
68798 |
75103 |
68798 |
68798 |
68798 |
68798 |
68798 |
68798 |
68798 |
Admission Process to Colleges for Low Rank in COMEDK UGET
To secure a seat in these colleges, the aspiring candidate must follow the steps of the admission process as given below.
- Aspiring candidates must register for the counselling process on the official COMDEK website.
- They should then verify the documents as specified by the COMDEK.
- Now candidates should start selecting the colleges and fill out forms for the preferred colleges.
- Once the forms are filled out, the candidates are allotted seats based on their ranks, choice preferences, and availability of seats.
- After the allotment of the seats, the candidate is required to fill the prescribed tuition fees to confirm their admission.
- After that, the candidate must report to the college within the specified time to complete their admission formalities.
Some important tips for COMDEK UGET Low-Rank candidates
The aspiring candidates should consider important factors when choosing colleges with a low rank in COMEDK UGET. These points are listed below.
- Participate in the extended rounds of the colleges to look for the leftover seats where lower-ranking candidates might have luck.
- Look for spot admissions, which means the seats that remained unfilled due to any circumstances.
- Also look for management quotas, which are considered for admission in some colleges.