AUMAT Exam Pattern 2023: Marking Scheme, Total Marks

Vandana Thakur
Vandana Thakur

Updated on - Nov 30, 2023

Table of Contents

The exam pattern is the pattern in which the exam is conducted. If the exam consists of negative marking and the duration and more. The exam pattern showed the candidate how to prepare themself for the exam. Exam pattern is an important part to be looked upon to know about the scheme of the AUMAT exam.

AUMAT Exam Pattern 2023

AUMAT 2023 is conducted every year. Alliance University conducts it for the admission of the students in the university for the course of BBA & BBM. The paper consisted of 5 sections depending on the AUMAT 2023 syllabus. There were a total of 45 questions, and each question carries one mark.

  • The candidates must select the exam mode preference while filling out the form AUMAT 2023.
  • The questions will be divided into five sections: Quantitative, Conceptual, General Knowledge, English Proficiency, and Comprehension.
  • The exam will be 60 minutes with 45 Multiple Choice Questions comprising 50 marks.
  • A +1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer, and -0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • To get the highest score in AUMAT 2023 exam, candidates must concentrate on the five sections mentioned above. The detail of that section is mentioned in the syllabus section.
  • In the exam pattern, the questions in the first four sections are 10, carrying 1 mark each, and in the fifth section, 5 questions carrying 2 marks each mentioned in the below table.
AUMAT Exam Pattern
Category Questions Marks
Quantitative 10 10
Conceptual 10 10
General Knowledge 10 10
General English 10 10
Comprehension 5 10
Total 45 50


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