BITSAT Paper Analysis 2025: Shift Wise Analysis, Difficulty Level

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Thasleem Mohideen
Thasleem Mohideen

Updated on - Nov 29, 2024

The BITSAT 2025 paper analysis will be available once the exam is concluded. Candidates will be able to find essential details such as the difficulty level of the exam, topic-wise analysis, recurring patterns, and more in the BITSAT paper analysis for 2025. In this analysis, students’ feedback about their exam experiences will be incorporated; this will help develop measures for future candidates on how the exam was administered.

 The BITSAT 2025 exam analysis will give detailed information about the weightage of topics, difficulty level, types of questions, and more.Understanding the difficulty level of the BITSAT question paper is important as it can help candidates prepare well for the examination. However, for now candidates can review the BITSAT previous year analysis shared to understand the paper pattern.

It is anticipated that BITSAT 2025 will be administered in two sessions. Last year’s BITSAT analysis may be retrieved to identify key areas of interest and baseline trends in the examination. More BITSAT 2025 Analysis updates will be provided shortly.

BITSAT Paper Analysis 2025

The candidates appearing for BITSAT 2025 exam might face moderate to difficult difficulty levels in the exam; the 2024 edition was no exception. The paper usually has four sections: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English Proficiency, & Logical Reasoning, where a ‘paper’ is intended. The problems in each section are different, with many candidates saying mathematics is the hardest because of the computations and problem-solving techniques that need to be employed.

The Physics section is well distributed concerning the number of numerical and conceptual questions. However, in comparison, it is observed that the Chemistry section is overwhelmingly more inclined towards Inorganic Chemistry and following the formulas. The English and Logical Reasoning section is easier and deals with verbal ability, reading comprehension and logical reasoning.

BITSAT Paper analysis 2025 is useful in forming the strategy for constructing exam preparation and gives ways to improve performance on the test day. Knowing the format and level of the paper enables students to boost their confidence and gain clarity of mind around the time of the examination.

The BITSAT 2025 subject-wise paper analysis will be added in the table below once the exam is concluded:

BITSAT 2025 Paper Analysis

Sections/ Subjects

Difficulty Level


To be Updated


To be Updated


To be Updated

English Proficiency

To be Updated

Logical Reasoning

To be Updated

BITSAT Paper Analysis 2024

The BITSAT 2024 exam, conducted in several stacks, experienced variations in difficulty ranges – each stack experiencing different average subject difficulty numbers. The exam generally went on to have a moderate difficulty level, with matrics alone being noticed as difficult and time-consuming across all test slots. 

Tabulated below is the BITSAT paper analysis 2024 for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English and Logical Reasoning:

BITSAT 2024 Paper Analysis: Overall

Sections/ Subjects

Difficulty Level

Average Good Attempt



28+ (out of 40)


Easy to Moderate

24+ (out of 40)



22+ (out of 40)

English Proficiency

Easy to Moderate

8+ (out of 20)

Logical Reasoning

Easy to Moderate

15+ (out of 20)

Must Check: BITSAT Answer Key 2025

BITSAT 2024 May 20 Shift 1 & 2 Analysis

Based on the students response, Physics was rather easy, especially in slot 1, with mostly conceptual questions and clear understanding being tested. The chemistry and English proficiency sections were equivalent, yet logical reasoning was tedious for most candidates, although the difficulty level in questions was moderate for most.

In Mathematics, elaborate time was given to vectors, 3D geometry, and probability. Physics, thermodynamics, electrostatics, and modern physics are a few common reimbursable topics. In Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, and Coordination Compounds were highlighted. Students found the English Proficiency section manageable, with Logical Reasoning requiring more time for completion.

BITSAT Previous Year Paper Analysis

Section/ Subject

Difficulty Level

Expected Good Attempts

Logical Reasoning

Easy to Moderate

17+ (Shift 1), 15+ (Shift 2)



27+ (Shift 1), 29+ (Shift 2)



34+ (Shift 1), 35+ (Shift 2)


Easy to Moderate

24+ (Shift 1), 25+ (Shift 2)

English Proficiency


9+ (Shift 1), 9+ (Shift 2)


Moderate to Difficult

22+ (Shift 1), 25+ (Shift 2)

BITSAT 2024 May 21 Shift 1 & 2 Analysis

As per the response from the students appeared for the BISAT May 21 shift 1 and shift 2 exams 2024, the Maths papers was considered moderate to difficult and the easiest was english paper. Give below is the BITSAT 2024 May 21 exam paper analysis:

BITSAT Previous Year Paper Analysis

Section/ Subject

Difficulty Level

Expected Good Attempts

Logical Reasoning

Easy to Moderate

17+ (Shift 1), 15+ (Shift 2)


Above Moderate

28+ (Shift 1), 25+ (Shift 2)



33+ (Shift 1), 35+ (Shift 2)



25+ (Shift 1), 25+ (Shift 2)

English Proficiency


9+ (Shift 1), 8+ (Shift 2)



23+ (Shift 1), 20+ (Shift 2)

BITSAT 2024 May 22 Shift 1 & 2 Analysis

As per the student's responses on the BITSAT 2024 exam conducted on May 22,  Mathematics and Physics papers were considered moderate to difficult while Logical Reasoning and English were the easiest. Below is the BITSAT 2024 May 22 Shift 1 & 2 Analysis:

BITSAT Previous Year Paper Analysis

Section/ Subject

Difficulty Level

Expected Good Attempts

Logical Reasoning


15+ (Shift 1), 16+ (Shift 2)


Moderate to Tough

26+ (Shift 1), 28+ (Shift 2)



34+ (Shift 1), 35+ (Shift 2)


Moderate to Tough

22+ (Shift 1), 23+ (Shift 2)

English Proficiency


9+ (Shift 1), 9+ (Shift 2)



20+ (Shift 1), 22+ (Shift 2)

Section/ Subject Wise BITSAT Paper Analysis 2024

The BITSAT 2024 exam was divided into sections, each testing the candidate's knowledge across different subjects. Students' views are given below in combination with coverage of multiple shifts.

Mathematics Section Analysis

Difficulty Level: Difficult to Moderate

Many candidates found this to be the toughest section and the toughest regarding time management. The topics were quite application-based and involved multiple steps to solve even a single problem. The topics were quite application-based, and it was not straightforward to get to the answer. It was more about understanding than remembering equations.

Key Topics:

  • 3D Geometry
  • Vectors
  • Probability
  • Integrals
  • Matrices & Determinants


  • Shift 1 & Shift 2: The Candidates remarked that two out of the again three topics, although the majority were practical application-based, Vectors and 3D Geometry were considered quite tricky, requiring speed and conceptual clarity. It was easier to deal with Papers of Probability, but there were many to answer, and they took time. In general, it was a section with time constraints and few, in fact, direct-forward questions.
  • Shift 3 & 4th Shift: With these shifts, they reported more questions from Calculus (Derivatives and Integrals); questions related to integration were more application-oriented. What’s new is that 3D Geometry always remains on top of people’s preferences.


  • Focus on mastering Vectors and Probability as both are high-weighted areas.
  • Master practice towards time efficiency in solving while being precise.

Physics Section Analysis

Difficulty Level: Moderate to Easy

The Physics section in BITSAT 2024, although still difficult, was still easier than the Mathematics section. It was their concepts, however, that made some questions challenging for them. Since most questions were formula-based, it was essential for candidates to be fast and accurate in the application of the correct equation.

Key Topics:

  • Electrostatics
  • Modern Physics
  • Heat and Thermodynamics
  • Optics
  • Kinematics


  • Shift 1 & 2: The emphasis was on electrostatics and modern physics, and questions that I believed were not simply to be memorized to answer were common. The section covered mainly conceptual and numerical problems, especially those that included formulas.
  • Shift 3 & 4: More emphasis was placed on Thermodynamics and Kinematics, as more problems were found in routine applications, making it easier for students who understood the concepts well.


  • The aspirants should pay special attention or devote additional time to similar topics like Electrostatics and Modern Physics because such topics are always present in many shifts.
  • Do not wait until the last moment to work on numerical questions – they are pretty much present in every paper and are usually based on Heat and Thermodynamics – thus seeking to improve speed in the process.

Chemistry Section Analysis

Difficulty Level: Moderate

The Chemistry section was not too bad, as organic and inorganic questions were in the right proportions. Candidates found this section relatively easier than Physics and Mathematics, which still required good time management.

Key Topics:

  • Thermodynamics
  • Electrochemistry
  • Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  • Coordination Compounds
  • Biomolecules


  • Shift 1 & 2: Many candidates reported that the Chemistry questions in these shifts focused more on inorganic chemistry and balancing equations. Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry were particularly heavily tested.
  • Shift 3 & 4: Organic chemistry questions were highlighted, especially on Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Functional Groups. The difficulty level did not change, as there were questions of a theoretical nature and calculations.


  • Emphasis should be placed on thermodynamics and electrochemistry since they tend to be over-weighted.
  • Review the basics of Organic Chemistry, especially the reactions and the properties of hydrocarbons.

English Proficiency Section Analysis

Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate

One of the sections concerned itself with judging the candidate's understanding and interpretation of concepts expressed in English. Most questions dealt with grammar, lexical units, and reading comprehension with the details of the article.

Key Topics:

  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Sentence Completion


  • Shift 1 & 2: Candidates attributed a braver self-assessment necessary. Many questions relied upon Reading Comprehension and vocabulary levels. The questions based on sentence correction were quite direct but demanded the necessary attention from the learners.
  • Shift 3 & 4: There is no change in the test's complexity level or the number of students. Some students noted that relative samples are grainy and strongly devoted to the grammar aspects of discourse.


  • Enroll in courses on English language usage in different contexts to broaden vocabulary.
  • Practice Reading Comprehension exercises advanced over time, thereby enhancing performance.

Logical Reasoning Section Analysis

Difficulty Level: Moderate

To complete the Logical Reasoning section, which proved to be the most demanding and notable in terms of time, candidates went through a clear pipeline of analytical units. Although this section is rather simple, it took longer and has a few tricky questions.

Key Topics:

  • Puzzles
  • Blood Relations
  • Syllogisms
  • Direction Sense
  • Data Sufficiency


  • Shift 1 & 2: The section included a fair mix of questions, with Syllogisms and Puzzles being the most common. Logical puzzles were more time-consuming, and many candidates found them tricky.
  • Shift 3 & 4: These shifts can allow deeper layers of Data Sufficiency and Direction Sense. The questions were mostly analytical, and candidates had to demonstrate critical thinking skills to complete them time-efficiently.


  • Develop a habit of solving Puzzles and Syllogisms under time restraints to make rapid progress concerning time.
  • Practice Data Sufficiency questions because they can be tricky but are easy once you have practised enough.

BITSAT Paper Analysis 2023

The BITSAT 2023 exam for a session was held several times in May throughout the month. The overall average level of complexity of the paper was moderate to high, as all subjects had their respective difficulty levels. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the BITSAT 2023 exam, shift by shift, highlighting the difficulty levels and the primary topics tested.

BITSAT Paper Analysis 2023



Overall Difficulty




English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning

May 21



Moderate, Lengthy







Moderate to Difficult

Easy to Moderate

Easy to Moderate

Easy to Moderate

May 22



Moderate to Difficult

Easy to Moderate

Easy to Moderate





Moderate to Difficult

Easy to Moderate

Easy to Moderate

Easy to Moderate

May 23









Easy to Moderate




Easy to Moderate

May 24



Easy but Lengthy







Easy to Moderate

Easy to Moderate


Easy to Moderate

May 25









Easy to Moderate





May 26


Moderate to Tough









Easy to Moderate



BITSAT 2023 Session 2 Paper Analysis

The June BITSAT 2023 Session 2 exam maintained a moderate difficulty level, similar to the May session. However, almost all students progressed and Latices specialize in integrating various forms of Maths. The Mathematics section emerged as the most challenging, with heavy content like calculus, probability, vectors, and trigonometry becoming the norm. The physics section also contained some critical concept questions as well, particularly in areas such as the Laws of Motion, modern physics, and thermodynamics, where a greater level of comprehension was essential. On the other hand, the students performed relatively well and had more ranges to score in the Chemistry and English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning sections.

The following is a shift-wise analysis of the BITSAT 2023 June session, including a detailed description of the difficulty level and topics for all sections.

BITSAT 2023 Paper Analysis



Overall Difficulty




English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning

June 18



Tough (Vectors, 3D, Calculus, Trigonometry)

Tricky (Laws of Motion, Heat, Modern Physics)

Easier (Chemical Bonding, Solid States)





Moderate to Tough

Moderate (Current Electricity, Gravitation)

Easy to Moderate

Easy to Moderate

June 20



Moderate (Probability, Set Relations)

Easy to Moderate

Easy to Moderate (Electrochemistry, Periodic Table)

Moderate for English, Easy for Logical Reasoning






Moderately Easy

Easier for English, Easy to Moderate for Logical Reasoning

BITSAT Paper Analysis 2022

The BITSAT 2022 paper was generally rated as easy to moderate, with NCERT-based questions providing students with familiar content. Math was undoubtedly the most difficult part compared to other subjects like Physics and Chemistry, which were comparatively easy and NCERT-based.

The Mathematics part was rather long and time-consuming owing to the need for numerous and intricate calculations, whilst Physics and Chemistry worked for well-prepared students with NCERT textbooks. The English and Logical Reasoning sections were considered easy, allowing students to score effectively in these areas.

Here’s a breakdown of the BITSAT 2022 paper’s difficulty level by section.

BITSAT 2022 Paper Analysis


Difficulty Level

Overall Paper

Moderate to Easy


Moderate and Lengthy


Easy to Moderate



English & Logical Reasoning


BITSAT Important Topics as Per Analysis

Based on an in-depth analysis of past BITSAT papers, here’s a list of important topics per subject and the expected number of questions from each topic. This table should serve as a guide for focused preparation on high-weightage areas.

BITSAT Important Topics 2025


Important Topics

Number of Questions Expected


Laws of Motion, Work, Energy & Power, Heat & Thermodynamics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects, Modern Physics

5-6 per major topic


Electrostatics, Oscillations & Waves, Optics, Fluids, Gravitation

3-4 per topic


Mechanics (including Rotational Motion)

4-5 questions


Units & Dimensions, Kinematics

1-2 questions


Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynamics

4-5 per topic


Coordination Compounds, Organic Chemistry (Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers)

5-6 questions


Physical Chemistry (Electrochemistry, Chemical Equilibrium)

3-4 per topic


Inorganic Chemistry (p-Block, s-Block, d-Block Elements)

2-3 per topic


Calculus (Differentiation & Integration), Vectors & 3D Geometry

5-6 per topic


Trigonometry, Permutations & Combinations, Probability

3-4 per topic


Algebra (Quadratic Equations, Complex Numbers, Matrices & Determinants)

5-6 questions


Coordinate Geometry (Conic Sections, Circles, Parabolas)

4-5 questions


Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Correction

6-8 questions


Reading Comprehension, Synonyms/Antonyms

3-4 per topic

Logical Reasoning

Analytical Reasoning, Puzzle-Based Questions, Series Completion

5-7 questions


Logical Deduction, Syllogisms

3-4 per topic

Candidates aiming to secure good marks in BITSAT 2025 can refer to the BITSAT previous year exam analysis to get an insight about the difficulty level of the exam, subject-wise difficulty, important topics and key preparation tips. 

FAQs on BITSAT Paper Analysis

Q: What is the difficulty level of the BITSAT paper analysis 2025?

Q: When will BITSAT 2025 Exam Analysis be out?

Q: What does BITSAT Paper Analysis contain?

Q: Analysis of BITSAT Paper are available for the previous year?

Q: How will BITSAT 2025 paper analysis be updated?


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