BITSAT Exam Pattern 2025: Total Marks, Paper Pattern

Pratiki Patra
Pratiki Patra

Updated on - Sep 26, 2024

BITSAT exam pattern 2025 consists of details regarding the marks distribution, types of questions, and the exam duration. According to BITSAT 2025 exam pattern, candidates will have to attempt 150 questions, from three subjections such as Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics or Biology. BITSAT 2025 exam will held for 3 hours.

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BITSAT Exam Pattern 2025 Highlights

BITSAT 2025 is an Online (Computer-based Test) exam, and it has Multiple-choice Questions (MCQs) from which candidates need to choose one correct answer from the given options. BITSAT 2025 pattern includes 150 objective questions from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology, English, and Logical Reasoning. Candidates can prioritize the subjects by analyzing BITSAT exam patterns and making a study plan accordingly.

As per the exam pattern, the duration of BITSAT 2025 exam will be three hours without a break. BITSAT 2025 exam will be conducted in two slots. To better understand BITSAT 2025 paper exam pattern, candidates must refer to the highlights given below.

BITSAT Entrance Exam Pattern 2025 Highlights
Total Questions 150
Each Question Weightage 3 Marks
BITSAT Exam Pattern Total Marks 450
Duration 3 Hours (180 Minutes)
Negative Marking -1 for Every Wrong Answer

Detailed Information on BITSAT Pattern of Question Paper 2025

Any candidate capable of answering 150 questions within the specified time (without skipping any question) can attempt an additional 12 questions (four each from Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry only), as per the weightage presented in BITSAT 2025 exam pattern. Questions given in BITSAT will be selected randomly from an enormous question bank, and each candidate will get different question paper sets.

Suppose any candidate finishes their exam within the given time before 3 hours (180 minutes) as per BITSAT exam pattern, without skipping any question. In that case, they can attempt an extra 12 questions related to Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

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However, there will be no change in BITSAT paper pattern with respect to the 150 questions, which they have already answered before. In this case, the candidate should note that if he/she opts to answer those 12 questions, he/she would not be able to go back to the previously answered 150 questions. This opportunity under BITSAT exam pattern 2025 ensures that even candidates at an average level can complete it within the given 3 hours. At the same time, a sharp candidate will get the opportunity to answer extra 12 questions. This aspect of BITSAT exam pattern 2025 allows sharp aspirants to score higher and understand exam pattern of BITSAT.

Note: Please make sure that before applying for BITSAT, you are aware of BITSAT eligibility criteria 2025 to avoid your application being rejected at the advanced stages.

Additional Questions in BITSAT 2025

BITSAT 2025 question paper pattern will consist of 12 questions apart from the 150 questions that will be asked. The 12 additional questions will be given to the candidates who have completed the initial test. Candidates must note that these additional questions will need to be attempted within the three hours provided.

Attempting these 12 questions after all the 150 questions have been answered will allow the candidate to score higher. In BITSAT exam paper pattern 12 questions have been divided accordingly.

  • Physics: 4 questions
  • Chemistry: 4 questions
  • Mathematics or Biology: 4 questions

Note: Candidates who choose to answer these 12 extra questions are not allowed to go back to the original exam and make any changes in those 150 answers.

BITSAT 2025 Marking Scheme

Candidates should analyze and understand the marking scheme designed by the official authorities for BITSAT 2025 exam pattern. Each correct answer will award you three marks, and every wrong answer will lead to a negative marking of 1 mark. As per the BITSAT marking pattern there will be no negative marking for unattempted questions.

The BITSAT examination pattern will have a maximum score of 450, and the total number of questions will be 150 in BITSAT pattern 2025. There is no time limit for individual parts of the test.

Subject-Wise Marking Scheme in BITSAT Exam Pattern 2025

BITSAT 2025 exam pattern is primarily divided into four major subjects. The organizing body of the exam selects the subjects to be included in BITSAT exam pattern.

Candidates are evaluated on their skill to score marks in the mentioned subjects, and at the same time, the weightage carried by each of these subjects is predefined and is different from each other.

The subjects covered under BITSAT paper pattern 2025 include Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency, Logical Reasoning, and Mathematics. Applicants can plan and strategize their preparation for the exam based on the weightage distribution mentioned in BITSAT exam pattern table mentioned below.

Subject-Wise Marking Scheme for BITSAT Exam Pattern 2025
Total Number of Questions 150
Part Subject Name No. of Questions
Part I Physics 40
Part II Chemistry 40
Part III English Proficiency 15
Logical Reasoning 10
Part IV Mathematics (For Engineering) or Biology (For B.Pharm)


BITSAT Marking Scheme 2025 for Physics

Candidates can go through BITSAT 2025 marking scheme for the physics portion and prepare for the subject accordingly. Going through a particular subject's weightage and marking scheme also helps applicants decide the time duration of attempting a particular subject portion in the paper.

The Physics portion consists of 18 chapters, with each question carrying one mark. Applicants can refer to the table mentioned below for more information on BITSAT exam pattern for the Physics part.

BITSAT Marking Scheme 2025 for Physics
Marks/ Weightage of Questions
Oscillation 3-4
Gravitation 3-4
Rigid Body Dynamics 3-4
Kinematics 2-3
Mechanical Properties 5
Waves 2-3
Electrical Field 2-3
Dual Nature of Matter & Radiation 3-4
Alternating Current 2-3
Magnetism & Moving Charges 3-4
Current Electricity 4
Thermodynamics 3-4
Work, Energy, and Power 3-4
Atomic Study 3-4

BITSAT Paper Pattern and Marking Scheme 2025 for Chemistry

To understand the Chemistry section's BITSAT 2025 exam pattern, candidates should know the weightage carried by the different topics covered under the subject. Chemistry consists of 8 major topics as per BITSAT exam pattern 2025. The weightage pattern for Chemistry is mentioned in the table below.

BITSAT Marking Scheme 2025 for Chemistry
Marks/ Weightage of Questions
Thermodynamics 3-4
Hydrogen and s-block Elements 2-3
Equilibrium 4
Atomic Structure 3-4
The Solid State 2-3
Coordination Compounds 2-3
Physical and Chemical Equilibria 4-5
States of Matter 2-3

BITSAT Marking Scheme for English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning

As per the pre-defined BITSAT 2025 paper pattern, the English Proficiency portion of the paper consists of 15 questions, carrying one mark each. The Logical Reasoning portion consists of 10 questions, carrying one mark each.

To understand the weightage of topics covered under English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning, candidates can go through the table mentioned below.

BITSAT Marking Scheme 2025 for English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning
English Language Topics Marks/Weightage of Questions Logical Reasoning Topics
Marks/Weightage of Questions
Composition 1-2 Alphabet Test 2-3
Synonyms 1 Puzzle Test 1-2
Analogies 1-2 Analogy 1-2
Verbal Ability 3-4 Binary Logic 1-2
Conclusion 2-3 Classification Test 2-3
Reading Comprehension 2-3 Verbal Reasoning 2-3
Antonyms 1 Syllogism 1-2
Vocabulary 1-2 Non-verbal Reasoning 1-2
Word Formation 1-2

BITSAT Marking Scheme 2025 for Mathematics and Biology

As per the information given out by the organizing authorities in BITSAT question paper pattern 2025, Mathematics and Biology carry the maximum weightage amongst the rest of the subjects. Each section separately has 45 questions in their respective sections carrying one mark each.

The Mathematics section comes in BITSAT 2025 exam pattern for applicants attempting Engineering courses. The biology section is for candidates attempting the exam as per BITSAT pharmacy exam pattern.

BITSAT Marking Scheme 2025 for Mathematics and Biology
Mathematics Topics Marks/Weightage of Questions Biology Topics
Marks/Weightage of Questions
Binomial Theorem 2-3 Molecular Basis of Inheritance 1-2
Permutations & Combinations 4-5 Anatomy of Flowering Plants 2-3
Parabola 3-4 Plant Growth and Development 1-2
Circles 4-5 Excretory Products and Their Elimination 2-3
Sequence & Series 4-5 Chemical Coordination and Integration 1-2
Sets, Relations & Functions 2-3 Ecosystems 1-2
Theory of Equation 2-3 Biological Classification 2-3
Matrices Determinants 3-4 Breathing and Exchange of Gases 1-2
Application of Derivatives 6-7 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes 2-3
Continuity & Differentiability 2-3 Reproduction 5-6

The distribution of marks and weightage within BITSAT 2025 exam pattern structure is pre-defined by the organizing authorities. Candidates who are willing to attempt the exam should go through the given BITSAT question paper pattern properly to avoid any unnecessary mistakes in the admission procedure.

Aspiring candidates can also refer to the graphical representation of subject-wise weightage within BITSAT pattern 2025.

BITSAT Exam Pattern

Note: Candidates can take a look at BITSAT syllabus 2025 as well to get a clearer idea of BITSAT Exam Pattern.

BITSAT 2025 Facts and Figures

Candidates can take a look at the facts and figures for BITSAT 2025 exams

  • Candidates can go back and make changes to any of their answers to the 150 questions.
  • Candidates are given the opportunity to attempt 12 extra questions once they have answered the 150 questions (without skipping any) within the prescribed 3 hours.
  • The twelve extra questions will be from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology, i.e., 4 questions from each of the subjects.
  • Candidates must note that they cannot go back to modify their answers to the 150 questions once they've opted to attempt the extra questions.
  • The final list of exam centers as well as the date and time of BITSAT 2025 exam will be announced on the official BITSAT website.

FAQs on BITSAT Exam Pattern

Q: Is the BITSAT exam pattern 2025 the same as the previous year?

A: Yes, the BITSAT exam pattern is the same as previous years. Students can refer to the exam pattern for the marking scheme and other details.

Q: Is there a negative marking in the BITSAT 2025 exam pattern?

A: Yes, there is a negative marking scheme for the BITSAT exam. For every incorrect response, 1 mark is deducted from the total scores of students.

Q: How many questions does the BITSAT exam 2025 have?

A: The BITSAT 2025 pattern includes 150 questions in Physics, Chemistry, Maths/Biology, English and Logical Reasoning sections. Students can expect objective questions in the exam. An additional 12 questions are available for candidates who finish the paper in advance.

Q: What are the total marks in the BITSAT paper pattern?

A: BITSAT exam 2025 is conducted for a total of 450 marks. This is a combined score of the various sections of BITSAT exam.

Q: How many additional questions can students answer in the BITSAT exam?

A: Students can answer 4 questions each from Physics, Chemistry, Math/Biology for a total of 12 questions. Once students advance to the additional questions section, they cannot go back to the previous 150 questions of the exam.


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