SPSAT 2023: Exam Date, Admit Card, Syllabus, Latest News

Rajalakshmi BK
Rajalakshmi BK

Updated on - Nov 22, 2023

SPSAT 2023 notification will be released on the official website. Sir Padampat Singhania Admission Test (SPSAT) is an entrance exam conducted by Sir Padampat Singhania University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, for allowing students who wish to pursue education in the fields of Engineering and Management. The SPSAT 2023 is conducted online for students to get admission into the university through a single examination. For further details regarding the SPSAT, read the article given below.

What is SPSAT?

Sir Padampat Singhania University conducts a combined entrance exam named Sir Padampat Singhania Admission Test (SPSAT) throughout the year for students who intend to get admission to the university for various undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the field of Engineering and Management.

Conducting Body: Sir Padampat Singhania University, located in Jaipur, Rajasthan, is the conducting body of SPSAT. The university provides graduate degree programs through its two institutes - the School of Engineering and the School of Management.

Level: SPSAT is a university-level entrance exam conducted every year by the university.

Courses Offered: Sir Padampat Singhania University offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs as well as doctorate programs in the field of Management and Engineering.

SPSAT 2023 Highlights

The SPSAT 2023 is conducted remotely as a proctored online examination. The test is conducted for students to get admission into either of the two schools of the university. The SPSAT 2023 highlights are given below.

SPSAT 2023 Highlights
Exam Name SPSAT
Full Form Sir Padampat Singhania Admission Test
Conducting Body Sir Padampat Singhania University
Level University
Category Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral
Mode Online
Medium English
Official Website www.spsu.ac.in

SPSAT Exam Dates 2023

SPSAT 2023 Exam Dates will be announced on the official website. The tentative dates related to the SPSAT 2023 are as follows.

SPSAT Exam Dates 2023
Events Dates (Tentative)
Application Form Start Date May 2023
Application Form Last Date Jun 2023
Exam Date Jul 2023
Result Date  Aug 2023
Counselling Date Sep 2023

SPSAT Courses 2023

Sir Padampat Singhania University offers different courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels through the School of Engineering and School of Management. The courses and their fields in different levels are given below.

SPSAT Courses 2023
Undergraduate Courses B.Tech in Biotechnology
B.Tech in Civil Engineering
B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
B.Tech in CSE (Cloud Technology & Information Security)
B.Tech in CSE (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering
B.Tech in ECE (Internet of Things)
B.Tech in Electrical Engineering
B.Tech in EE (Electric Vehicle)
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech in ME (Rail Transportation)
B.Tech in Mining Engineering
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
Postgraduate Courses M.Tech in Biotechnology
M.Tech in Civil Engineering
M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
M.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering
M.Tech in Electrical Engineering
M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech in Mining Engineering
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Computer Application (MCA)
Doctoral Programs Ph.D in Biotechnology
Ph.D in Computer Science & Engineering
Ph.D in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D in Management

SPSAT Eligibility Criteria 2023

SPSAT 2023 Eligibility Criteria is set by the exam conducting authority. The eligibility criteria are different for each course. The common criteria are:

  • The candidates applying for undergraduate degree courses must have passed class 10+12 or an equivalent from a recognized university/ board. Those who are applying for Engineering courses must have taken the Science stream to be eligible.
  • The applicants for postgraduate degree courses should have an undergraduate degree with any subject as a major. The students opting M.Tech must have graduated B.Tech or an equivalent from a reputed university and the ones writing the exam for MCA must have graduated in BCA/ Science/ Computer subjects from a recognized university.
  • The students who are planning to apply for doctoral programs must have completed a postgraduate degree with a major relevant to the subject they are choosing.

The applicants are advised to go through the eligibility criteria set by the conducting body thoroughly to make sure they are eligible for applying for SPSAT 2023.

SPSAT Application Form 2023

SPSAT 2023 application form will be avaialble on the official website. The candidates can opt for the application mode at their convenience. The steps to be followed for applying through both online mode and offline mode are as given below.

Online Application Form for SPSAT 2023

The candidate can apply online on the official website of the university. To apply online, follow the steps given below.

  • Step 1: Visit the official website i.e, www.spsu.ac.in
  • Step 2: Click on 'Apply Online' and enter the required login credentials.
  • Step 3: After the details are entered, the application will receive an email that has to be verified by the applicant.
  • Step 4: Using the login credentials, the applicant must fill in the application form with their personal and academic details carefully, without making any errors.
  • Step 5: The applicant has to make a payment of INR 1175/- as an application fee through online modes after which the application process is complete.

Offline Application Form for SPSAT 2023

The candidates can apply via offline mode as well. Follow the steps given below to apply offline.

  • Step 1: The application form can be collected either from the university or a bookshop or download it from the university's official website.
  • Step 2: The application form has to be filled in with the correct details without making any mistakes.
  • Step 3: The payment must be done via bank using a DD of INR 1175/- addressing Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur, and this DD has to be attached to the application form. If the applicant has made the payment at the time of collecting the application form, this step is not required.
  • Step 4: The application form and the DD has to be sent to the university address through courier or speed post. The applicants can submit the application to the university and its offices in person as well.

SPSAT Exam Pattern 2023

SPSAT 2023 exam pattern is essential for candidates to know before they sit for the exam. SPSAT 2023 exam will be conducted online for 60 minutes. The exam consists of 3 sections for all the courses except M.Tech and Ph.D courses. The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions for 60 marks. There are no negative marks for incorrect answers. The details of the SPSAT Exam Pattern 2023 are tabulated below. 

SPSAT Exam Pattern 2023
Exam Mode Online
Number of Papers 1
Number of Questions 60
Number of Parts 3 (Except M.Tech & Ph.D Courses)
Question Paper Type Multiple Choice Questions
Total Marks 60
Exam Duration 60 Minutes i.e., 1 Hour
Exam Medium English
Marking Scheme 1 Mark for Correct Answer, No Negative Marks

SPSAT 2023 Mark Distribution

The number of sections, subjects and mark distribution is different for different programs. They are tabulated below.

SPSAT 2023 Mark Distribution
Programs Sections Subjects Marks Distribution Total Marks
B.Tech (all streams)
Physics 20
Chemistry 20
Mathematics/ Biology 20
BBA & B.Com
English 20
Reasoning 20
Mathematics/ Biology 20
English 20
Reasoning 20
Computer 20
M.Tech (Biotechnology) 1 Biotechnology 60 60
M.Tech (Civil Engineering) 1 Civil Engineering 60 60
M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering 1 Computer Science & Engineering 60 60
M.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering) 1 Electronics & Communication Engineering 60 60
M.Tech (Electrical Engineering) 1 Electrical Engineering 60 60
M.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) 1 Mechanical Engineering 60 60
M.Tech (Mining Engineering) 1 Mining Engineering 60 60
English 20
Reasoning 20
Mathematics 20
English 20
Mathematics 20
Computer 20
Ph.D (Biotechnology) 1 Biotechnology 60 60
Ph.D (Computer Science & Engineering) 1 Computer Science & Engineering 60 60
Ph.D (Electronics & Communication Engineering) 1 Electronics & Communication Engineering 60 60
Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering) 1 Mechanical Engineering 60 60
Ph.D (Management) 1 Management 60 60

SPSAT Syllabus 2023

SPSAT 2023 Syllabus is crutial for SPSAT 2023 exam preparation. Sir Padampat Singhania University offers undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in the fields of Management and Engineering. The applicants who are writing the SPSAT 2023 exam are assessed based on the subjects they are opting for. The question paper is divided into 3 sections with different subjects for different courses each section is for 20 marks except for M.Tech programs which have only one section for 60 marks. For further details check the table below.

SPSAT Syllabus 2023
Course Levels Programs Subjects
Undergraduate Courses
B.Tech (all streams)
Mathematics/ Biology
BBA & B.Com
Mathematics/ Biology
Postgraduate Courses
M.Tech (Biotechnology) Biotechnology
M.Tech (Civil Engineering) Civil Engineering
M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
M.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering) Electronics & Communication Engineering
M.Tech (Electrical Engineering) Electrical Engineering
M.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech (Mining Engineering) Mining Engineering
Doctoral Courses
Ph.D (Biotechnology) Biotechnology
Ph.D (Computer Science & Engineering) Computer Science & Engineering
Ph.D (Electronics & Communication Engineering) Electronics & Communication Engineering
Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering) Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D (Management) Management

SPSAT Results 2023

SPSAT Results 2023 will be released on the official website. The date for the results announcement will be notified on the website. Students who qualify for the examination will be called for the counselling process. Students will be selected based on their marks in the examination, availability and other factors set by the university.

The SPSAT Results 2023 will have details about the applicant such as name, date of birth, roll number, application number, marks obtained by the applicant and the qualifying status. The applicant must make sure that all the details given are correct.

Steps to Check SPSAT Results 2023

The steps to check the SPSAT Results 2023 are as follows:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of Sir Padampat Singhania University.
  • Step 2: Check for SPSAT links and click on the results link.
  • Step 3: Enter the login credentials on the page redirected by the link.
  • Step 4: The SPSAT Results 2023 will be available on this page.
  • Step 5: Click on the link for viewing the scorecard.
  • Step 6: The scorecard should be downloaded for the admission process.

SPSAT Counselling 2023

SPSAT Counselling 2023 will be conducted after the results are announced on the official website. The applicant must keep a check on the dates allotted to them so they do not miss them. The university also considers students who reach the university first, i.e. first come first serve. The admission is given based on the cut-off marks, ranks of the applicants, and availability of seats. The applicants will have to pay the fee during counselling, so it is advised to be prepared for such a situation.

The applicants must carry the following documents at the time of admission without fail.

  • SPSAT Results 2023 Printout
  • Class 10+12 Marks Certificate
  • Graduation and Post Graduation Marks Certificate (if applicable)
  • Passport-size photograph of the applicant.
  • Legal Certificates for Caste/ Category/ others (if applicable)

SPSAT Mock Tests 2023

SPSAT mock tests are available for applicants through which the applicants can get a better idea of the examination and prepare accordingly. The main intention of practising through mock tests is that the applicant can figure out the ways they should manage time by understanding what topics require more time and what topics do not. It also helps in becoming familiar with the exam pattern and type of questions asked for the SPSAT 2023. The exam preparation is incomplete without studying using sample papers or taking mock tests. In order to gauge oneself and learn more about time management, mock tests can help greatly.

Read More: SPSAT Mock Tests 2023


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