JEE Main Books 2025: Best Books for JEE Main Preparation

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Jul 15, 2024

JEE Main Books 2025 include top-publications such as Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma, Chemistry NCERT for Class 11 and 12, and R.D. Sharma Vol 1 and 2. These books provide comprehensive knowledge for the candidates preparing for the JEE Main exam. Below, students can find top JEE Mains books for 2025 recommended by exam experts and previous year’s toppers.

The NCERT books for classes 11 and 12 are great for JEE Main 2025 preparation. The best books for JEE Main preparation contain fundamental concepts for students beginning their preparation. Candidates must review different resources to boost their preparation for the exam.

Recommended: JEE Main 2025 Last Minute Preparation Tips

Suggested: Most Easy and Scoring Chapters for JEE Main 2025

JEE Main Books 2025 for B.Tech & B.E

The examination is conducted for four courses in total. Several colleges, apart from the IIITs, and NITs, accept JEE Main scores. The question paper for B.Tech and B.E is divided into four sections- Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. To learn foundational concepts, the NCERT books for JEE Mains 2025 are the best options. 

Students are provided the top subject and section-wise JEE Main books 2025 below. Candidates can review the list of these books to understand the basic requirements of the exam. The JEE books mentioned on this page are available for sale online or offline easily.

Also Read: 

JEE Main Exam Pattern 2025 JEE Main Syllabus 2025

Best Books for JEE Main Physics Preparation 2025

Physics can be a problematic subject due to a complex mix of theory and application. The special thing about JEE Main Physics paper is that 80% of the topics in Section A come from the prescribed theoretical part, while the remaining 20% come from the practical component (experimental skills).

Book Title Author/Publication
Concepts of Physics (Vol I & II) H.C. Verma
Problems in Physics I.E. Irodov
Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
Problems in Physics A.A. Pinsky
Feynman Lectures on Physics R.P. Feynman
Aptitude Test Problems in Physics Krotov

Other Important JEE Books for Main Preparation 2025

Students may also refer to the best book for JEE Mains to help candidates prepare. The following books cover basic and in-depth concepts of the JEE Main Physics syllabus:

Book Title Book Cover
NCERT Physics Classes XI & XII (Part 1) JEE Main Books
NCERT Physics Classes XI & XII (Part 2) JEE Main Books
Physics: Very Advanced level JEE Main Reference Books
Resnick, Halliday, and Walker (Optional) JEE Main Reference Books
Concepts of Physics by HC Verma Vol-1 JEE Main Reference Books
Concepts of Physics by HC Verma Vol-2 JEE Main Reference Books
Understanding the Physics of Electricity & Magnetism by DC Pandey JEE Main Books
Understanding Physics for JEE Main & Advanced Optics & Modern Physics by DC Pandey JEE Main Books
Understanding Physics for JEE Main & Advanced Waves & Thermodynamics by DC Pandey JEE Main Books
Concepts of Modern Physics (SIE) by Arthur, Shobhit Mahajan, and S. Rai Choudhury JEE Main Books
Problems In General Physics by IE Irodov JEE Main Books
Physics Volume 1- Resnick Halliday JEE Main Books
Physics Volume 2- Resnick Halliday JEE Main Books
New Pattern Physics- DC Pandey JEE Main Books
New Pattern Physics- DC Pandey JEE Main Books

Practice Now: JEE Main Previous Year Question Paper

Best Books for JEE Main Chemistry Preparation 2025

Many students find JEE Main Chemistry books easy to study on account of the fewer number calculations, formulas, and more theories. However, it is also considered a complex subject as it has a large number of theoretical concepts to learn.

The table below has books for JEE Main that are categorized as per the topics of organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry.

List of Books for Organic Chemistry Preparation

Top JEE books for Organic Chemistry include authors like Morrison & Boyd and M.S. Chauhan. Students may refer to the best books for JEE Mains below:

Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry by Solomons Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd
Organic Chemistry by Arihant Prakashan Organic Chemistry by J.D March
Organic Chemistry by Peter Sykes Concept of Organic Chemistry by M. S. Chauhan
Organic Chemistry by Bahal & Bahal Organic Chemistry Volume 1 by I. L. Finar
Organic Chemistry by O.P. Tandon -

List of Books for Inorganic Chemistry Preparation

Candidates must compare the index of the JEE Mains books 2025 with the syllabus to identify crucial topics. Students can refer to the following books to focus on top books for JEE mains:

Inorganic Chemistry
O.P. Tandon’s Inorganic Chemistry NCERT for Class XI & XII
J.D. Lee’s Concise Inorganic Chemistry -

List of Books for Physical Chemistry Preparation

Top books for JEE Mains include P. Bahadur’s Numerical Chemistry and O.P. Tandon’s Physical Chemistry. The following books cover a significant portion of the JEE Mains Physical Chemistry syllabus:

Physical Chemistry
O.P. Tandon's Physical Chemistry Bruce H. Mahan's University Chemistry
P.Bahadur's Numerical Chemistry R.C. Mukherjee's Numerical Chemistry

Other Important JEE Mains Books 2025 for Chemistry

Once students have reviewed the JEE Mains books for 2025 PDF online, they must focus on section-wise books. The following JEE Mains book will aid students in covering all major sections of the exam:

Book Title Book Cover
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by RC Mukherjee JDLEE_CHEM_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
NCERT Exemplar Problems: Solutions Chemistry JEE MAIN
Organic Chemistry by Robert Thornton Morrison JEE Main
Numerical Chemistry by P. Bahadur (Objective) PBAHADUR_CHEM_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
Arihant Organic Chemistry Objective (Optional) ORGANIC_CHEM_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
Physical Chemistry for Competitions (JEE Main & Advanced) Vol-1 and Vol-2 COMPETITORS_CHEM_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by RC Mukherjee CALCULATIONS_CHEM_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
Numerical Chemistry 22/E by P Bahadur NUMERICAL_CHEM_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
A Master Resource Book in Chemistry by Sanjay Sharma JEE_MAIN

Best Books for JEE Main Maths Preparation 2025

JEE Main Mathematics is a subject full of problems. While students who find it easy knowing that it is full of calculations and scoring, students who find it hard have to struggle with learning the requisite formulae or logic and applying them for solutions.

Students can use JEE Main best books for JEE Main preparation, recommended by toppers of JEE Main exam given below, and practice as many questions as they can, for practice. 

List of Books for Calculus Preparation

Students must include different JEE preparation books to round out their preparation. Some important books for Calculus subject are showcased below:

Differential Calculus for IIT-JEE by Amit Agarwal Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas and Finney
Integral Calculus for IIT-JEE by Amit Agarwal Problems in Calculus of One Variable by I. A. Maron

List of Books for Trigonometry, 2D & 3D Geometry, Vector Algebra Preparation

JEE Main preparation books 2025 include top publications such as Arihant publications and TMH publications. Students must review the following books for the best preparation.

Trigonometry, 2D & 3D Geometry, Vector Algebra
Coordinate Geometry for IIT-JEE by SK Goyal Trigonometry for JEE Main & Advanced by Arihant Publications
Algebra for JEE Main & Advanced by Arihant Publication Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE by TMH Publication
Vectors & 3D Geometry by Arihant Publications Higher Algebra 4th Edition By Hall and Knight

List of Books for PnC & Probability Preparation

The best books for JEE Mains 2025 include in-depth knowledge on PnC and Probability. Candidates may review the following books for thorough revision:

PnC & Probability

Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications Vol I and II for JEE Main & Advanced by William Feller

Important JEE Mains Books 2025 for Math

Candidates are advised to solve workbooks in addition to the best books for IIT JEE preparation. Students must utilise the following JEE Main books to aid their preparation plans:

Book Title Book Cover
S.L. Loney for Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry LONEY_MATH_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
G.N. Berman: This book is specifically used for Calculus. BERMAN_MATH_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
I.A. Maron and A Das Gupta (Subjective) MARON_MATH_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
RD Sharma class 12th VOL 1 JEE MAIN BOOKS
RD Sharma class 12th VOL 2 JEE Main Ref Books
RD Sharma Class 10th Jee Main Ref book
RD Sharma Class 11th Jee Main Rd sharma
Vectors & 3D Geometry by Arihant Publications VECTOR_MATH_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
Trigonometry for JEE Main & Advanced by Arihant Publications TRIGNO_MATH_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
Chapter-wise and Topic-wise Solved Papers (1979 - 2016) by Amit Agarwal PAPERS__MATH_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
A Practice Book of Mathematics JEE Main & Advanced by Arihant Publication JPRAKASH_MATH_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
NCERT Exemplar Problems: Solutions Mathematics Class 11 NCERT_MATH_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI
NCERT Exemplar Problems: Solutions Mathematics Class 12 NCERT_MATH_REFER_JEE_MAIN_GETMYUNI

Reference Books for JEE Mains for B.Plan & B.Arch

The second paper is conducted for UG courses in Architecture and Planning. The candidates will be attempting questions from JEE Main Mathematics, Aptitude, and Drawing.

JEE exam books for Main exam include B.Plan & B.Arch textbooks such as:

Title Author/Publication
A complete self-study guide for B.Arch entrance examinations P.K. Mishra
NATA & B.Arch Full Package NATA 360
Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Agarwal
Architecture Entrance Books P.K. Mishra
B.Arch/B.Plan Aptitude Test for JEE Main S.C. Garg

Best Books for JEE Mains by Toppers

JEE toppers recommend comprehensive sources of information as the best books for JEE Mains. Students must revise the syllabus with JEE previous year’s question papers for optimum prep.

Tabulated below are best JEE Main books recommended by JEE Main toppers:

JEE Main Physics Books Recommended by Toppers

Candidates must review some top JEE books to understand the derivations and calculations. Students can boost their analytical ability by resolving numericals from the following JEE Mains books: 

Title  Author/Publication
Mechanics Part 1 DC Pandey
Mechanics Part 2 DC Pandey
Electricity and Magnetism DC Pandey
Optics and Modern Physics DC Pandey
Waves and Thermodynamics DC Pandey
Vol 1 HC Verma

JEE Main Chemistry Books Recommended by Toppers

Books for JEE Mains must focus on clarifying foundational concepts for students. After reviewing fundamental topics, students can focus on comprehensive books such as:

Title  Author/Publication
Physical Chemistry  P. Bahadur
Organic Chemistry  O.P Tandon
Inorganic Chemistry O.P Tandon

JEE Main Maths Books Recommended by Toppers

JEE Main toppers recommend studying books for IIT JEE followed by mock test revision. Students can optimise their preparation strategy with sample papers. Candidates may refer to the following books for JEE Math section:

Title  Author/Publication
Differential Calculus Arihant
Vectors and 3D geometry Arihant
Algebra Arihant
Integral Calculus Arihant
Co-Ordinate Geometry Arihant

IIT JEE Main 2025 Important Topics

Aligning the JEE Main syllabus and JEE Main books 2025 is important for preparation. The important topics for the exam are identified based on their weightage and frequency of appearing in past exams. 

The following topics can be covered using the books for JEE Mains mentioned above.

Mathematics Physics Chemistry
Coordinate Geometry Modern Physics Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry
Limits, Continuity and Differentiability Heat Periodic table and Representative Elements
Integral Calculus Thermodynamics Thermodynamics And The Gaseous State
Complex numbers and The Quadratic Equation Optics Atomic Structure
Matrices and Determinants Current Electricity Chemical Bonding
Statistics and Probability Electrostatics Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium
Three Dimensional Geometry Magnetics Solid State And Surface Chemistry
Vector algebra - Nuclear Chemistry And Environment Chemistry

JEE Main Preparation Links:

How to Choose the Right Book for JEE Main 2025?

JEE Main books being chosen by candidates for preparation for JEE Main 2025 must encompass the following features.

  • All topics from the JEE Main syllabus must be covered. The index of every JEE Main 2025 preparation book will have a list of topics that are covered in JEE Main book.
  • Candidates should pay attention to the table of contents and compare it with the JEE Main syllabus and the JEE Main exam pattern of JEE Main exam.
  • Comparing the content of two or more JEE Main books will give an idea about the JEE Main preparation book, which covers a lot of syllabi.
  • Investing in JEE main books for JEE main, which are closest to the JEE Main syllabus, will be helpful.
  • It's advisable to pick the latest edition of any JEE Main preparation book.
  • Checking the year of publication will enable candidates to choose the latest edition of the book, which will also have updated content.
  • It's better if the book has mock tests or sample papers.
  • The IIT JEE Main preparation books that have sample / mock test papers will help candidates to practice JEE Main questions after covering topics.
  • Books must be written by a renowned author.
  • Buying JEE Main books 2025 written by renowned authors/publications will be helpful. JEE Main books will have more authentic information provided by credible sources.

Buying quality JEE Main reference books for JEE Main preparation is very crucial as they will help the candidates understand difficult topics in a detailed manner.

FAQs on JEE Main Books

Q: Are Cengage books good for JEE Mains?

A: The Cengage book series is very good for JEE mains and JEE advanced. If a candidate is solving this series, then they would not need any other book for JEE preparation. There are a total of 5 books which are Algebra, Trigonometry, Coordinate geometry, Calculus and Vectors, and 3D geometry.

Q: Are NCERT books enough for JEE Mains?

A: Yes, NCERT books are enough for the JEE Mains Chemistry. Around 80% of questions from Chemistry in the JEE Mains exam are from NCERT directly or indirectly. If the candidate had gone through NCERT properly they would be able to solve 65% of the questions easily.

Q: Is JEE Main in 40 Days a good book?

A: Yes, it is one of the best crash courses. Candidates would be able to score good marks if they refer to JEE Main in 40 Days.

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