XAT Qualifying Marks 2025: Passing Marks, Marks vs Percentile Analysis, Top Colleges

Shubhangini Priyadarshi
Shubhangini Priyadarshi

Updated on - Jan 25, 2025

XAT Qualifying Marks 2025 for the PGDM BM course for the General Engineering course is 96 and 91 percentile for the Male and Female categories, respectively. While for the PGDM HRM programs, it is 95 and 90 percentile for the Male and Female categories, respectively.

The results were released on Jan 17, 2025. XAT 2025 qualifying marks for various categories as well as the sectional cutoff for distinct segments is a part of the XAT cutoff 2025 for XLRI. The minimum marks to qualify for different courses and the top colleges are given in the sections below.

XAT Exam Qualifying Marks 2025

XAT 2025 qualifying marks have been released by the XLRI Jamshedpur for both PGDM BM and PGDM HRM courses. The marks provide the least amount of marks required to pass the exam.

Program Category Gender Overall VALR DM QA
PGD Business Management (BM) General Engineering Male 96 84 84 88
Female 91 80 80 82
General Non- Engineering Male 96 84 84 88
Female 91 80 80 82
PGDM Human Resource Management (HRM) General Engineering Male 95 90 87 83
Female 90 85 80 73
General Non- Engineering Male 93 90 87 76
Female 87 85 80 68

Factors Determining the XAT 2025 Qualifying Marks

The XAT qualifying factors for male and female candidates are different. The qualifying marks for XAT engineering and non-engineering courses are different as well. Many factors come into place to determine the qualifying marks for the courses and genders.

A few factors affecting the XAT qualifying marks are mentioned below:

  • Difficulty of the Exam: The difficulty of the exam can set the qualifying marks low or high. If the XAT 2025 exam is tough, then the qualifying marks will be low; if easier, the marks will be higher.
  • Number of Applicants: The higher the number of candidates who appear for the exam, the higher the qualifying marks will go. 
  • Number of seats Available: If fewer seats are available, then the qualifying marks for the exam will be higher.
  • Reservation: Reservation changes the seats available through the XAT 2025 exam. Which will have the minimum qualifying marks set high. 

Suggested: What After XAT Result 2025?

How to Calculate the XAT Percentile 2025?

Candidates can try to calculate the XAT percentile to predict their scores. The formula to calculate the percentile is the same as used by other institutes.

(XAT Percentile= Number of candidates – Rank of a candidate/Number of candidates x 100)

The XAT percentile depends upon the factors given in the formula above.

XAT Qualifying Marks 2025: Marks vs Percentile Analysis

XAT marks vs percentile are measured to determine a candidate's percentile rank based on the marks achieved by them in the XAT 2025 exam. To take admission candidates have to score 99+ percentile.

With a 40+ score in an exam, the expected XAT percentile can be 99+, and for a 35+ score, the expected XAT percentile can be 95+ percentile.

The XAT percentile mentions the percentage of candidates who scored a particular mark/score or who scored the same.

What's After Qualifying for the XAT

Candidates who qualify in the XAT exam 2025 will be allowed to pursue their management degrees from MBA colleges in India such as XLRI, SP Jain, XIMB, IMT, and many others.

Every college has a different minimum XAT qualifying marks and percentile.

Also Read: Top Colleges Accepting 50 Percentile in XAT 2025

XAT Qualifying Marks 2025 for Top Colleges

The expected XAT qualifying marks for top colleges and institutes are mentioned in the table below:

Name of Colleges Minimum XAT Percentile Qualifying Mark
TAPMI Manipal 80 27.5
Institute of Rural Management Anand 80 27.5
MICA Ahmedabad 80 27.5
Great Lakes Institute of Management 80 27.5
LIBA Chennai 80 27.5
K J Somaiya Institute of Management 85 30.5
Goa Institute of Management 85 30.5
IMT Ghaziabad 90 32
XIMB Bhubaneswar 90 32.5
SPJIMR Mumbai 90 34.5

Candidates must make sure to achieve the XAT qualifying marks to get further considered.


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