The calculation of the JEE Main percentile score 2024 is done based on the formula- 100 x Number of candidates appeared in the “session” with raw score equal to or less than the candidate.
How to Calculate JEE Main Percentile Score? 100 multiplied by the number of candidates that appeared in the session and scored either equal to or lesser than the candidate /total number of candidates in the session is the method to calculate the percentile score of JEE Main 2024.
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the JEE Main results for Session 2 on Apr 24, 2024.
How to Calculate JEE Main Percentile Score 2024?
The JEE Main percentile is calculated based on your score. The percentage is based on your relative performance in the JEE Main exam that you appeared in.
The marks you score are transformed into a range of 100 to 0 for each session.
Procedure to Calculate JEE Main Percentile Score 2024
The following process is used to calculate the total JEE Main percentile score:
100 x number of candidates that appeared in the session and scored either equal to or lesser than the candidate /total number of candidates in the session.
Example 1:
The highest raw score and percentile score of JEE Main will be converted into a normalized percentile score of 100 for their respective session. Let us now understand this with the help of an example:
Session | Total Number of Candidates (present) | Highest Raw Score | Total Number of candidates who Scored Equal to or Less than the highest raw score of a candidate | Applying the above formula |
Session 1 | 28012 | 335 | 28012 | (28012/28012) X 100 = 100 |
Session 2 | 32541 | 346 | 32541 | (32541/32541) X 100 = 100 |
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Example 2:
The lowest raw score and percentile score of JEE Main will be calculated from the lowest raw scores and will depend on the total number of candidates who have taken the exam for the respective session.
Session | Total Number of Candidates (present) | Lowest Raw Score | Total Number of candidates who Scored Equal to or Less than the lowest raw score of a candidate | Applying the above formula |
Session 1 | 28012 | -39 | 1 | (1/28012) X 100 = 0.0035699 |
Session 2 | 32541 | -38 | 1 | (1/32541) X 100 = 0.0030730 |
Example 3:
In this hypothetical example we will see the raw scores and percentile of students in a particular JEE Main session:
Candidates | Raw Score by the Candidate | Candidates who Scored Less than the Raw Score | Total Number of Candidates Appeared for the Exam | Percentile of the Candidate | Explanation (Applying the above formula) |
1 | 335 | 28,000 | 28,012 | 99.9571612 | (28000/28012) X 100 = 99.9571612 |
2 | 330 | 27,012 | 28,012 | 96.4301013 | (27012/28012) X 100 = 96.4301013 |
3 | 310 | 20,000 | 28,012 | 71.3979722 | (20000/28012) X 100 = 71.3979722 |
4 | 270 | 16,588 | 28,012 | 59.2174782 | (16588/28012) X 100 = 59.2174782 |
5 | 230 | 13,999 | 28,012 | 49.9750107 | (13999/28012) X 100 = 49.9750107 |
6 | 99 | 6,700 | 28,012 | 23.9183207 | (6700/28012) X 100 = 23.9183207 |
7 | 58 | 400 | 28,012 | 1.42795944 | (400/28012) X 100 = 1.42795944 |
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What is the JEE Main Percentile Score?
The percentile score denotes the percentage of candidates that have scored equal to or below (same or lower score) the percentile in the exam.
Hence, the topper (highest scorer) of each session will score the same percentile which is 100 and the marks obtained between the highest and lowest is also converted into a proper percentile.
Instead of publishing the raw marks of the students, the percentile score will be converted into the normalized score, this in return helps each candidate secure a position according to their merit.
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JEE Main Normalisation Process 2024
To derive a solution caused due to different shifts and varied question papers, the normalisation process is used. It ensures that candidates are neither benefited nor disadvantaged due to the difficulty level of the examination.
The purpose is to serve justice and identify true merit.
The process of Normalisation is an established practice for comparing candidate scores across multi-session papers and this is similar to the process being adopted in other large educational selection tests conducted in India.
To understand this further, let us take an example: JEE Main exam is conducted in two sessions and two shifts each session.
Session | No of Candidates Absent | No of Candidates Present | Total students | Highest Marks | Lowest Marks |
Session 1 (Day 1, Shift 1) | 3,974 | 28,012 | 31,986 | 335 | -39 |
Session 2 (Day 1, Shift 2) | 6,189 | 32,541 | 38,730 | 346 | -38 |
In the above example, we understand that the process to calculate the highest raw score will be normalized to 100; hence, indicating that 100% of candidates have obtained scores that are equal to or lesser than the highest scorer for that session.
Also Check: JEE Main 2024 Normalisation
Key Terms for Calculating JEE Main Percentile Score 2024
The key terms to understand how to calculate the percentile score are mentioned below. This will help you get an idea of how to calculate the score based on your marks.
- Percentile Score: This score is based on the relative performance of candidates who have appeared for the exam.
The percentile score is calculated by converting the total marks secured by the candidate into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each examinee session. - Normalisation Process: This process is used to compare the candidates’ scores who have appeared in different shifts, this helps to derive at a particular score.
- Highest Raw Score and Percentile Score: The highest raw score secured by the candidates will be normalised to 100 percentile score for each session they appeared for.
All the highest raw scores will be converted into normalised percentile scores of 100 for their respective session. - Lowest Raw Score and Percentile Score: To calculate the lowest raw score, the total number of candidates appearing in the exam for each session is calculated. The percentile score for lowest raw score is different.
JEE Main Tie-Breaking Rules 2024
JEE Main results will be declared as the percentile score of the total raw score. In case two or more candidates attain equal percentile scores in the exam, the merit of such candidates shall be determined in accordance with the following order:
- The candidates obtaining a higher percentile score in Mathematics as the first option.
- In case there is a clash of marks again, candidates achieving higher percentile score in Physics is considered.
- If there is a situation of tie again, candidates attain a higher percentile score in Chemistry.
- If the problem is still not resolved, candidates older in age to be preferred.
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