AIIMS PG 2022 Reference Books


Updated on - Feb 7, 2022

AIIMS PG is one of the highest competitive exams in India. Candidates who want to compete for the exam and want to secure more marks in AIIMS PG 2022 are suggested some books to reach beyond. Preparing for a national competitive examination requires assistance from various channels. Candidates can refer to a clear explanation of topics from the syllabus for a better understanding of the concepts involved. Candidates must make proper use of the tools available for better performance in the examination.

Subject (Theory) Books
Handbook of General Anatomy by BD Chaurasia
Thieme's Atlas by BD Chaurasi
A Laboratory Course in Plant Physiology by William Francis Ganong
Medical Physiology by Ganong
Biochemistry Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry Rodwell
Microbiology Textbook of Microbiology by CP Baveja
Pharmacology Essentials of Medical Pharmacology by KD Tripathi
Forensic Medicine
Review of Forensic Medicine by Sumit Seth
ENT Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat & Head and Neck Surgery by PL Dhingra and Shruti Dhingra
Ophthalmology Review of Ophthalmology 6th Edition by Khurana and Ruchi Rai
Medicine Harrison’s Principles Of Internal Medicine- by Dennis Kasper et al and Dan L. Longo
Surgery Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery, (set volume 1 & 2) by Norman Williams, P Ronan O Connell, Andrew McCaskie
Orthopedics Essential Orthopaedics (Including Clinical Methods) by Maheshwari
Pediatrics Ghai Essential Pediatrics by Vinod K Paul
Anesthesia Short Textbook Of Anaesthesia 5 by Yadav

Reference Books for AIIMS PG 2022 (MCQ)s

Reference Books for AIIMS 2022 (MCQs)
Name of the Book Author
AIIMS PG Solutions Ashish Gupta, Amit Tripathi
Orthopaedics Quick Review Apurv Mehra
Target AIIMS PG Entrance Madhan Jyaraman, Venugopal KJ, Naveen Jeyaraman
Self Assessment & review Of Paediatrics Arvind Arora
DAMS Review of Radiology-Eighth Edition Dr. Sumer K Sethi
AIIMS 25 (for Dental) Aman Sharma, Sandeep Goyal, Simranjit Singh
Self Assessment & Review Microbiology Immunology Revision at a Glance Chaurasia
AIIMS and All India PG Medical Entrance Examination Arun Kumar
New Across: A Complete Review of Short Subjects (Set of 3 Volumes) (PGMEE) Anurag Shukla and Saumya Shukla
Review of PHARMACOLOGY Gobind Rai Garg, Sparsh Gupta
Target AIIMS Jipmer Srinath Ravichandran and Madhan Jayaraman
Self Assessment and Review of Short Subjects Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) & Orthopaedics VOL -II Arvind Arora


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