Table of Contents
UGC NET mock test 2024 will be conducted by NTA before the exam. UGC NET 2024 mock test is an extremely difficult exam to crack. Candidates require rigorous preparation to be able to answer all the questions asked in mock tests of UGC NET 2024.
The syllabus prescribed for every subject is vast and covering it is time-consuming. Apart from that, the candidates are also advised to focus on other important aspects of the NTA NET mock test 2024 question paper. Students can find UGC NET paper 1 mock test with answers online on the official website i.e., ugcnet.nta.nic.in.
The candidates must start the preparation several months before the examination date. In the last few days, they should reserve some time to attempt UGC NET Paper 2 and 2 mock tests. Examinees can access UGC NET mock test free on this page.
Also Check: UGC NET Syllabus 2024
UGC NET Mock Test 2024 Highlights
UGC NET online test series can be found on the official website. The highlights of the NTA UGC NET mock test 2024 are given below:
Exam Name | UGC NET |
Full Form | University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test |
Exam Level | National Level |
Conducting Body | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
Exam Mode | Online, i.e., Computer Based Test (CBT) |
Languages | English or Hindi |
Steps to Attempt UGC NET Mock Test
NTA released some UGC NET online mock test papers for UGC NET preparation on its official website. The steps to access NTA UGC NET mock test sample question papers are discussed in this section:
- Step 1: Go to the official website i.e.,ugcnet.nta.nic.in.
- Step 2: Locate ‘Mock Test - UGC NET 2024 exam’, on the homepage, and click on it.
- Step 3: You will now be directed to a new page, where there’s an option to choose your subject and the paper.
- Step 4: Find UGC NET mock test 2024 for your subject, and choose the paper which you would like to attempt first.
- Step 5: After making your choices, click on the ‘Start Mock Test’ button given below.
Also Check: UGC NET Exam Pattern 2024
What are the benefits of the UGC NET free mock test 2024?
It is important to solve the NET exam mock tests as it allows aspirants to learn from their mistakes. Here are various perks of solving the mock test UGC NET 2024.
- UGC NET free mock test are considered best practice mediums for exam preparation. By solving the UGC NET practice test series, candidates understand the exam pattern and learn from their mistakes
- Free mock test UGC NET paper 1 helps in better strategizing for the exam with the required speed and accuracy
- UGC NET mock test helps examinees to identify their weakness and overcome it with monotonous practice.
- Attempting more mock papers also allows candidates to learn new techniques to perform better in exams.
UGC NET Mock Test: Key Features
The mock test has numerous features that will help the candidates to prepare better. The features of the mock test UGC NET have been described below:
- After taking the UGC NET Mock Test, the candidates understand the entire syllabus effectively.
- The UGC NET mock test in Hindi can be accessed.
- Similarly, students can also access the UGC NET English mock test.
- Candidates can access the mock test for free.
- Candidates can cover many topics like general awareness, core aptitude and more.
- To analyze their preparation level for paper 2, students must solve as many UGC NET Commerce mock test as possible.
- Students must familiarize themselves with the exam patterns, as the questions in the UGC NET Management mock test will be based on them.
- The candidates can check UGC NET previous year's question paper before the exam.
Answering Questions Given in UGC NET Mock Test 2024
Before beginning to attempt UGC NET mock test 2024, the candidate should carefully read all the instructions given on the first page. Some general instructions provide information on the duration of the test (Paper 1: 60 minutes, Paper 2: 120 minutes), the meaning of each symbol, navigation through the mock test, changing languages, etc.
The candidates must click on the checkbox given at the bottom of the page, and proceed to attempt mock test UGC NET 2024.
Understanding the Colours and Symbols on UGC NET Mock Test
Following is the colors and symbols used in UGC NET 2024 mock tests.
- White: The question has not been visited yet.
- Red: The question has not been answered yet.
- Green: The question has been attempted by the candidate.
- Blue Circle: The candidate has not attempted the question and marked it for review.
- Blue Circle with a Green Dot: The candidate has attempted the question and marked it for review. This question, if submitted, will be considered for evaluation of the candidate’s score.
Mock Tests for UGC NET 2024 Preparation
There are several advantages of solving UGC NET paper 1 mock test PDF and UGC NET mock test paper 2. Candidates can find them on the official website, as well as various other sources, for free. Some of the reasons why you should not appear for UGC NET 2024 exam without solving the sample question papers are given below:
- Hands-on experience of what the actual exam will be like. The candidates will understand the type of questions that will be asked in the exam, as well as the pattern of UGC NET question paper.
- A chance of enhancing your preparation further. So you think you’re through with the syllabus? Why not take a test and find out where you stand? If you score well, this will act as a confidence booster. If you don’t, there’s still time to improve.
- The best way to revise. The questions and the end of every textbook are meant to test a student’s contextual knowledge and understanding. Just like that, theUGC NET online mock test will help candidates recall everything that they have learned, in a non-monotonous way.
- Helps in building up speed. The candidates will have three hours to attempt all the questions asked in the exam. At least half of the candidates complain that the paper was too lengthy and they ran out of time and failed to answer all the questions. To avoid that situation, it is advised that candidates solve as many UGC mock tests as they can. Practice will build their speed, and they will be able to attempt all the questions without much difficulty.
Some of UGC NET Mock Tests are given below in PDF format. Candidates can download them and attempt them for any, or all of the reasons mentioned above. Good luck!
FAQs on UGC NET Mock Tests
Q: Where can I get papers for the mock test for UGC NET?
Q: Which is the best app for UGC NET mock test?
Q: How can I take UGC NET mock test 2023 at home?
Q: What is the score to pass UGC NET Paper 1 mock tests?
Q: Is UGC NET mock test paper 2 difficult?