AIIMS PG Subject Wise Weightage: Exam Pattern

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Mar 18, 2024

AIIMS PG subject-wise weightage of the syllabus is crucial for the preparation of the exam. All India Institute of Medical Sciences for Post Graduate Test (AIIMS PG) is conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. It is a national-level examination; hence, the competitive level is cut-throat. 

Every year, thousands of candidates appear for this entrance examination. The ones with proper preparation can clear the examination. Further, candidates who clear the AIIMS PG examination are offered admissions to various MD, MS, MDS courses. 

Subject Wise Weightage in AIIMS PG

The topic is elaborate for the AIIMS PG. Surgery, ENT, orthopedics, anesthesia, medicine, dermatology, and venereology is considered to carry more weightage. AIIMS PG entrance subject wise weightage is displayed in the table below:

AIIMS PG Subject-Wise Weightage
Topics No. of Questions Weightage 
Surgery, Ent, Orthopedics & Anesthesia 30 15%
Medicine, Dermatology, & Venereology 26 13%
Pathology 17 8.5%
Social and Preventive Medicine 16 8%
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 16 8%
Microbiology 14 7%
Pharmacology 14 7%
Anatomy 10 5%
Physiology 10 5%
Biochemistry 10 5%
Pediatrics 10 5%
Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy 9 4.5%
Forensic Medicines 6 3%
Ophthalmology 6 3%
Psychiatry 6 3%

AIIMS PG Syllabus - Subject-wise

For appearing for the AIIMS PG entrance examination, the detailed syllabus is mentioned below. It becomes essential to cover all the AIIMS subject-wise syllabus for PG. Besides, the exam is conducted in pre-clinical, para-clinical, and clinical phases. 

AIIMS PG Subject Wise Syllabus
Phase MS/MD Syllabus  MDS Syllabus 
Pre-clinical Anatomy Preclinical Conservative Dentistry
Physiology Pre-Medical Orthodontics
Biochemistry Preclinical Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge
General Anatomy including Embryology and Histology
General Human Physiology & Biochemistry
Dental Anatomy, Embryology and Oral histology
Dental Anatomy, Embryology and Oral histology
Para-clinical Community Medicine General Medicine
Forensic Medicine General Surgery
Pathology Periodontology
Pharmacology Oral Medicine & Radiology
Microbiology Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Clinical Community MedicineObstetrics Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Medicine and allied subjects (Psychiatry, Dermatology) Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
Gynaecology Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge
Paediatrics Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry
Surgery and allied subjects (Anaesthesiology, E.N.T., Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics)
Clinical postings

Read More: AIIMS PG Syllabus

Exam Pattern for AIIMS PG Entrance Test

Before applying for the AIIMS PG it is also mandatory to learn the exam pattern along with AIIMS PG subject wise weightage. The details of the AIIMS PG is tabulated below:

AIIMS PG Particulars
Full Form All India Institute of Medical Sciences for Post Graduate Test
Exam Level National Level Exam
Conducting Authority All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Answering Medium  English 
Mode of Exam Online i.e. Computer-based Test (CBT)
Type of Questions  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Duration of Exam 180 Minutes

Read More: AIIMS PG Exam Pattern

AIIMS PG Eligibility Criteria

The conducting authority mentions some specified criteria for applying for the AIIMS PG entrance exam. All the candidates eager to apply for the examination must qualify for the same. The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Candidates applying for admission from the unreserved category must secure a minimum of 55% in aggregate.
  • Candidates from reserved quotas such as ST/SC must secure a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
  • Any candidate with benchmark disability (PwBD) belonging to the SC/ST category must have a minimum of 50% marks. 

Furthermore, for applying for MD/ MS/ MDS/ M.Ch/ DM there are some additional requirements. The details are mentioned below:

  • For MD/ MS/ MDS: A MBBS degree is required for admissions to MD/ MS courses from any University recognized by the Medical Council of India/ Dental Council of India (or approved by AIIMS) and a BDS degree for admissions into MDS courses. Besides, the candidates must have completed compulsory rotating Internship/ Practical training for one year. 
  • For M.Ch/DM: The candidate must secure at least 55% marks in the MBBS exam. Further, candidates must have completed the required period of a one-year compulsory Internship.

Read More: AIIMS PG Eligibility Criteria

Books for AIIMS PG Entrance Exam

A good book can help to crack the examination with flying colours. The books listed below are considered best for subject wise weightage in AIIMS PG. Candidates are recommended to follow these books while preparing from the AIIMS PG:

AIIMS PG Best Books

Handbook of General Anatomy 
BD Chaurasia
Thieme's Atlas
Physiology A Laboratory Course in Plant Physiology William Francis Ganong
Medical Physiology
Microbiology Textbook of Microbiology CP Baveja
Pharmacology Essentials of Medical Pharmacology KD Tripathi
Forensic Medicine Review of Forensic Medicine Sumit Seth
ENT Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat & Head and Neck Surgery PL Dhingra and Shruti Dhingra
Ophthalmology  Review of Ophthalmology Khurana and Ruchi Rai
Medicine Harrison’s Principles Of Internal Medicine Dennis Kasper & Dan L. Longo
Orthopaedics Essential Orthopaedics (Including Clinical Methods) Maheshwari
Paediatrics Ghai Essential Pediatrics Vinod K Paul
Anaesthesia Short Textbook Of Anaesthesia Yadav

Read More: AIIMS PG Books

Exam Day Instructions for AIIMS PG

The exam day can be very confusing and stressful. Therefore, here are a few guidelines for the AIIMS PG exam day; candidates are suggested to abide by these:

  • Candidates are required to read all the exam related instructions printed on the admit card.
  • Attempting all the questions is essential for securing a seat in any course.
  • Further, candidates should attempt any answer only when sure. Once the answers are marked, they cannot be altered. 
  • Although, unattempted questions will not affect the total marks
  • One mark will be allotted for each correct answer, while 1/3rd marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
  • Candidates must sign the attendance sheet.
  • Carrying the admit card with photo identity proof is mandatory.


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