UPSEE/ UPTU Paper Analysis 2023: Pre-Exam Analysis

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Mar 18, 2024

UPSEE/UPCET Paper Analysis2023 is useful for students attempting the entrance exam of UPTU - Uttar Pradesh Technical University. The pre-exam analysis will inform students of the difficulty level for different sections, so the students may prioritise the sections that need more work. The analysis combined with the UPCET Exam Pattern will boost the preparation strategies for candidates.

The exam is conducted by the Abdul Kalam Technical University in offline mode. There are three subjects in the engineering course which have a total of 150 questions. The maximum marks are 600, and the exam is held for 3 hours. The exam is renamed UPCET from 2021 onwards and it will be conducted for non-engineering courses. Admission to engineering courses will be done based on JEE Main scores.

UPSEE/UPCET Pre-Exam Analysis 2023

UPSEE/UPTU/UPCET 2023 exam had no changes made to the exam pattern for this year. Below listed is the exam pattern, syllabus, and preparation tips that will help students in preparing for the 2023 exam. Students must use this information to their advantage and get the best score.

UPSEE/UPCET Exam Pattern For 2023

The exam pattern below will give an idea of what to expect in the UPSEE exam 2023. This pre-analysis of the UPTU entrance exam is based on subjects and the number of questions in that subject.

  • Paper 1 includes Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics with 50 Objective type questions. The total is 150 questions.
  • Paper 2 includes Physics Chemistry and Biology with a total of 150 questions. (50 Objective type questions from each subject)
  • Paper 3 includes AG 1, AG 2, and AG 3, each carrying 50 questions with a total of 150 questions.
  • Paper 4 is an aptitude test for architecture and design.
    • Part A includes mathematics and aesthetic sensitivity
    • Part B includes drawing aptitude.
    • Both parts consist of 50 questions each.

Section-wise Important Topics for UPCET 2023

To further help students with the pre-paper analysis, some important topics might appear on the UPSEE question paper. Candidates must take a look through to see the trend of type of questions.

Physics Topics for UPSEE 2023

  1. Wave Motion
  2. Rotational Motion
  3. Electrostatics
  4. Ray Optics
  5. Motion in One Dimension and Solids & Semiconductor device
  6. Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism
  7. Heat & Thermodynamics

Chemistry Topics for UPSEE 2023

  1. Aldehyde Ketone
  2. p-block elements
  3. Ionic Equilibrium
  4. General Organic Chemistry
  5. Alcohol Phenol Ether and Solutions
  6. s-block elements
  7. Alkanes, Alkenes & Alkynes
  8. Chemical Bonding

Mathematics Topics for UPSEE 2023

  1. Vectors, Probability
  2. Definite Integration
  3. Dynamics, Complex Numbers
  4. Matrices Determinants
  5. Theory of Equation

Biology Topics for UPSEE 2023

  1. Origin of life
  2. Genetics
  3. Mechanism of organic evolution
  4. Plant cell
  5. Organic evolution
  6. Human genetics and eugenic
  7. Ecosystem
  8. Ecology
  9. Applied biology
  10. Soil

Best Practices to Prepare for UPSEE 2023

Here are some points to keep in mind when students get close to the finish line. The UPSEE exam is very competitive, but competition can be beaten with a few simple steps.

  1. Revise through the entire syllabus and make sure you target the important questions.
  2. Check online expert opinions about the exam and see if any important topics have been missed out.
  3. Keep practising on mock tests and previous question papers, especially repeated questions.
  4. Remember to keep calm and brace mentally for the exam.

UPSEE 2022 Post-Exam Paper Analysis

The UPSEE 2022 exam for B.E and B.Tech was held on Apr 21, 2022. The exam was held from 12 PM to 3 PM and was three hours long in duration. The test had 150 MCQs consisting of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 

UPSEE 2022 Post-Exam Highlights

  • Only the aspirants appearing for the exam were allowed into the exam hall. 
  • At 3 PM, candidates were asked to exit the exam hall in an orderly manner, following all the protocols for social distancing. 
  • Wearing masks were compulsory
  • The candidates must bring their own stationery to the examination hall. 

UPSEE 2022 Post-Exam Review

  • The UPSEE 2022 difficulty was overall moderate.
  • Overall, students found that three hours was sufficient to complete the entire paper and the questions were not very tricky.


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