Table of Contents
NMAT books 2024 are a great source for exam preparation. The biggest obstacle that candidates will face during the NMAT exam is the section-wise time limit, an aspect that can affect even the most prepared of candidates. For this reason, candidates must go through the syllabus carefully, choose the best NMAT books, and solve question papers and sample papers from the previous years.
Many students opt for coaching lessons, onsite or online, for expert guidance and preparation for NMAT. That does not necessarily guarantee a candidate clearing the exam. For many students, however, the coaching classes can prove to be an expensive affair. For this reason, it is important for candidates to choose the best NMAT books, and formulate an effective strategy to score well in the exam.
Choosing the best books for NMAT preparation can be confusing to the candidate as there are multiple sources and authors to choose from. Candidates need to keep an eye out for the best NMAT books as recommended by the experts are mentioned below.
Best NMAT Preparation Books 2024
The major sections in the NMAT exam are Language Skills, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Skills. Judging by the NMAT exam pattern, the Quantitative Skills section has the most weightage while Language Skills has the least weightage. The NMAT best books for preparation are as follows:
Best NMAT Books for Quantitative Aptitude
The table below shows the best NMAT books and their authors, for the Quantitative Aptitude section in the exam:
Book Name | Author |
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT | Arun Sharma |
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT | Arun Sharma |
Quantitative Aptitude | RS Aggarwal |
Mathematics for MBA | RS Aggarwal |
A Complete Manual for CAT | Arihant |
How to Become a Human Calculator?: With the Magic of Vedic Maths | Dr. Aditi Singhal |
Best NMAT Books for Logical Reasoning
The table below shows the best NMAT books and their authors, for the Logical Reasoning section in thE exam:
Book Name | Author |
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT | Nishit K. Sinha |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT | Arun Sharma |
Logical Reasoning | Arihant |
Non-verbal Reasoning | RS Aggarwal |
A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning | RS Aggarwal |
Logical and Analytical Reasoning | Ashok Gupta |
Best NMAT Books for Language Skills
The table below shows the best NMAT books and their authors, for the Language Skills section in the exam:
Book Name | Author |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT | Arun Sharma |
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT | Nishit K. Sinha |
Word Power Made Easy | Norman Lewis |
High School English Grammar and Composition | Wren and Martin |
Descriptive English for Competitive Examinations | SJ Thakur and SK Rout |
Mastering the Verbal Ability for CAT | Arihant |
Apart from the book mentioned in the table above, candidates must spend time reading the editorial sections of English newspapers. Additionally, solving Reading Comprehension passages, as well as solving question papers by various MBA institutes can help prepare candidates for the Language Skills section in the NMAT exam.
NMAT Important Topics (Section-Wise)
As per the syllabus and best NMAT books, candidates will have to focus on the important topics from each section in the NMAT exam. By focusing on the important topics for each section, candidates can increase their chances of getting a score in the NMAT exam. The section-wise important topics in the NMAT exam are given in the table below.
Language Skills Important Topics
The important topics in the Language Skills section of the NMAT exam are as follows:
Use of Antonyms, Synonyms, and Idioms | Correction of Grammatical Errors |
Fill in the Blanks | Uses of Parts of Speech, Tenses, Conditional |
Reading Comprehension Passages | Jumbled Sentences |
Syntax | Vocabulary Usages |
Phrasal Verbs | Sentence Correction and Usage |
Logical Reasoning Important Topics
The important topics in the Logical Reasoning section of the NMAT exam are as follows:
Critical Reasoning | Course of Action |
Puzzles | Coding and Decoding |
Syllogisms | Family Tree |
Quantitative Ability Important Topics
The important topics in the Quantitative Ability section of the NMAT exam are as follows:
Trigonometry | Algebra |
Solid Geometry | Mensuration |
Line Graph | Probability |
Coordinate Geometry | Modern Maths |
Permutations and Combinations | Mixture and Solutions/ Allegations |
Statistics | Bar Graphs |
Pie Chart | 2D and 3D Geometry |
Number Systems | Arithmetics |
NMAT Exam Pattern 2024
Candidates need to through the syllabus and exam pattern to make the best decision in terms of choosing the best NMAT by GMAC books. By having a good idea of the exam pattern and syllabus, candidates can employ the best strategy for writing the exam, as each section is bound by a time limit. Effective strategies can be formed only if the candidates - apart from thorough preparation - spend ample amounts of time solving question papers and sample papers from the previous years. Emulating the actual exam by setting a timer for each section while solving question papers can help candidates form an effective strategy for scoring the maximum marks in the exam. The NMAT exam pattern is as follows:
Section | Marks | Time Allotted |
Language Skills | 36 | 28 minutes |
Logical Reasoning | 36 | 40 minutes |
Quantitative Aptitude | 36 | 52 minutes |
Total | 108 | 120 |
NMAT 2024 Exam Important Tips for Preparation
Like many MBA entrance exams such as CAT 2024 and GMAT, the NMAT exam is equally competitive and challenging. While the syllabus of NMAT is similar to the CAT exam, the exam pattern is similar to GMAT, in that each section in the exam has a specified time limit. The questions in the exam are randomly generated, however, candidates are given a choice to select the order of the sections they want to attempt. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on the number of attempts by a candidate for the NMAT.
Since the exam is competitive and has a high difficulty level, it is imperative that candidates source all the best NMAT books as per the content of the syllabus. Having the right study material is the first step, but formulating a strategy for writing the exam is equally important. This can be achieved through solving as many previous year question papers and sample papers with a timer, along with attempting mock tests online. The important tips for the final preparation for NMAT are given below:
- Revise All the Topics: By the time the exam dates come around the corner, it is important that candidates should have begun their revision of all the topics covered in the syllabus.
- Avoid Studying New Topics: Studying new topics at the 11th hour is an unwise strategy, as it might make the candidate forget the topics they have already studied. It also amounts to a massive waste of effort as that time can be spent revising the topics that the candidate has already covered.
- Focus on Strengths: Dealing with anxiety before the exam can prove to be extremely detrimental to the candidate's performance in the exam, which is why it is important for candidates to focus on their strengths rather than worry about their weaknesses.
- Have a Disciplined Approach: Having a proper schedule and timetable can provide a seamless path to the preparation and formulation of strategies for scoring well in the NMAT exam. Apart from preparation, it is important that a candidate eat well, stay hydrated, and have a healthy sleep cycle throughout the study process.
Sourcing the best NMAT books is just the first step towards preparation. Employing the right strategy can increase the likelihood of scoring well in the exam.
NMAT Previous Years' Question Paper PDFs
Candidates are advised to download the NMAT question papers from previous years given below and solve them as sincerely as they would attempt the actual NMAT exam.