How to calculate JEE Main 2025 rank from percentile? Use this formula: ((100 – P)/100)*N 1. Candidates can use this formula to evaluate their performance and anticipate college allocation.
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Want to know how to calculate JEE Main 2025 rank from percentile? To calculate the rank of the JEE Main 2025 exam from the percentile the candidates need to apply the given formula: (100- percentile)*no. candidates per session/100. Analysing the JEE Main 2025 marks vs percentile vs rank is crucial to analyse one's performance in the exam and estimate which college will be allocated during the counselling.
The JEE Main 2025 results and rank list for session 1 has been released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on Feb 11, 2025. At the same, the session 2 results will be out on Apr 17, 2025. NTA has released the final results in the form of percentiles which will be converted into JEE Main 2025 ranks with the release of JEE Main merit list 2025.
According to the guidelines of NTA, the percentile of the total score is not an aggregate or average of the percentiles of each subject on the exam. So, how has the JEE Main 2025 calculation of marks took place? Check the article below to discover everything about how to calculate the JEE Main 2025 rank from the percentile.
What is JEE Main 2025 NTA Percentile Score?
Before understanding how to calculate the JEE Main 2025 rank from the percentile, it is crucial to understand what a percentile score is. JEE Main percentile score or NTA score tells about the relative performance of all the candidates who have appeared for the examination.
The raw scores are equated to 100. Then students are assigned the percentile based on the number of candidates who have scored above and below their acquired scores.
In the context of calculating ranks, do keep in mind that the final percentile scores are used. With that said, the ranking calculation uses the highest prioritised final percentile score, and not necessarily the overall final percentile score. The priority works as follows:
Overall Percentile > Maths > Physics > Chemistry > Age
If the candidate's overall percentile score overlaps with another candidate's overall percentile score, then the final percentile for the next category in the list is considered.
If clashes occur between those categories as well, the higher rank would then go to whichever candidate is older. If all the cases overlap, then both candidates are given the same rank.
Also Read: What is a Good Percentile in JEE Main 2025?
Steps to Calculate JEE Main 2025 Rank from Percentile
Using the JEE Main normalisation process, the JEE Main raw scores are first converted into JEE Main percentile scores. Further, the percentile is converted into JEE Main 2025 ranks.
In order to answer the question of how to calculate the JEE Main 2025 rank from the percentile, it is crucial to break down the formula block by block. This way, it will be better to understand how the process works.
To obtain a rank from your NTA percentile score alone, the following variables are used in the formula. For brevity, they are also denoted by letters:
- NTA Score (P);
- the total number of students who have appeared for the exam (N);
- the percentage of students below or equal to your marks (P);
- the percentage of students above your marks (100 - P);
- and finally, the number of students above your marks (([100 - P] / 100) * N).
Compared to the other variables, the first two are easier to obtain.
What's the Formula to Calculate JEE Main 2025 Rank from Percentile?
To calculate the JEE Main 2025 rank, candidates can use the following rank calculator of JEE Main 2025:
(100-P)/100)* N+1)
Note: Keep in mind that whatever result you receive is merely an estimation of the real results that will appear once they are announced. This is largely due to various factors that come into play during the evaluation process.
Examples to Calculate the JEE Main Rank
To simplify the understanding of the calculations with the given formula, let's take the example of two candidates (Rohan & Shiv) who finished their JEE Main 2025 exams, attempting both times (Jan & April). Let's say that the number of candidates that appeared was approximately 2 lakhs:
Student Name |
Percentile Score for January |
Percentile Score for April |
Rohan |
95 |
60 |
Shiv |
65 |
98 |
Rohan came out of the exams securing the 95th percentile in Jan. Shiv, however, finished the exams securing just the 60th percentile.
Coming to April, their performances change. This time, Rohan didn't prepare himself well enough and came away with just the 65th percentile. Shiv learned from his mistakes and scored a whopping 98th percentile.
This means that if we apply the formula to Rohan's & Shiv's percentile scores, we get the following:
Student |
Percentile Calculation |
Rohan |
([100 - 95] / 100) * 2,00,000 + 1 |
Shiv |
([100-98] / 100) * 2,00,000 + 1 |
According to the NTA, the candidates' rankings are assigned based on the best of the two NTA percentile scores of candidates who appeared for both sessions.
Only then are the AIR published via a rank list. Additionally, it is only done once the normalisation process is carried out.
Also Read: How to Calculate JEE Main Percentile Score 2025 from Marks?
JEE Main 2025 Rank and Percentile Analysis
Ranks are awarded based on the percentile achieved by the candidate. As per the official notification released by NTA, 12 students have secured a perfect 100 percentile score in JEE Main 2025.
Candidates may refer to the table below as a JEE Main 2025 expected rank predictor to know what position they'd be ranking:
JEE Main All India Rank (Expected) |
Percentile (NTA Score) |
1-12 |
100 |
13-19 |
99.99826992- 99.99890732 |
23-42 |
99.99617561 - 99.99790569 |
64-106 |
99.99034797 - 99.99417236 |
108-524 |
99.95228621- 99.99016586 |
546-1385 |
99.87388626-99.95028296 |
1421-2798 |
99.74522293-99.87060821 |
2863-4667 |
99.57503767- 99.73930423 |
4830-6664 |
99.39319714- 99.56019541 |
7152-10746 |
99.02150308 - 99.3487614 |
11018- 16163 |
98.52824811-98.99673561 |
16495-21145 |
98.07460288-98.49801724 |
22238-32826 |
97.0109678-97.97507774 |
33636-43174 |
96.0687115-96.93721175 |
44115-54293 |
95.05625037-95.983027 |
55269-65758 |
94.01228357-94.96737888 |
66999-76260 |
93.05600452 -93.89928202 |
78111-87219 |
92.05811248 -92.88745828 |
90144-109329 |
90.0448455 -91.79177119 |
92303-169542 |
84.56203931-91.59517945 |
173239-326517 |
70.26839007-84.22540213 |
334080-1025009 |
6.66590786-69.5797271 |
Also Check: What is a Good Score in JEE Main 2025?
Important Points to Remember for JEE Main 2025
The NTA percentile score used for the rank calculation is the highly prioritised percentile score. If clashes occur between candidates in this regard, then the oldest is awarded the highest rank.
Additionally, here are some of the binding points:
- AIR is declared mostly during the week after the conduction of the examinations themselves. The process is further carried out via normalisation, without which AIR cannot be provided.
- Our JEE Main Rank Predictor can be used as a better, more convenient alternative to finding out an approximate rank that you hold.
- A percentile is not the same as a percentage.
Learning how to calculate the JEE Main 2025 rank from the percentile is crucial to predicting college allocation and performance. Candidates can use the above-provided formula to understand how NTA assigns unique percentile ranks to each candidate.