UGC NET Law Syllabus 2024: Paper 1 and 2 Chapter-wise Syllabus PDF, Best Books, Preparation Tips

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Mar 19, 2024

UGC NET Law subject syllabus 2024 consists of Paper-I and Paper-II with a total of 150 questions that is 100 questions from the subject (preference) and 50 questions from the general of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) type. Each correct response carries 2 marks.

The UGC NET Subject code for Law Syllabus is 58. Additionally, UGC NET 2024 exam will be held over 81 different subjects and each subject chosen by the candidate has its own unique code. 

UGC NET 2024 Law Syllabus Unit-Wise

The University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) is a national examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) biannually for candidates seeking seats in Lectureship/ JRF across Indian colleges/Universities. 

The questions are derived from the chapter based on Concepts of law, constitutional, and administrative law. In this article, we have covered up the UGC NET Law syllabus along with the exam pattern.

UGC NET Law Syllabus 2024 is categorised into units and topics. There are ten main units that candidates will need to go through in the UGC NET Law syllabus. The units are as follows:

  1. Jurisprudence
  2. Constitutional and Administrative Law
  3. Public International Law and IHL
  4. Law of Crimes
  5. Law of Torts and Consumer Protection
  6. Commercial Law
  7. Family Law
  8. Environment and Human Rights Law
  9. Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology Law
  10. Comparative Public Law and Systems of Governance

These units have topics and subtopics as mentioned in this article, that are required to be studied thoroughly for candidates to be able to clear the NET exam for law. Candidates appearing should check out for the revised syllabus:

  • Paper-I: Evaluate the candidate’s skills and eligibility for Teaching and Research Ability
  • Paper-II: Questions will be based on the chosen subjects opted by the candidate

The following Units (I-X) represent the chapter and section-wise topics for the upcoming UGC NET Law section test.

Also Read: UGC NET Reference Books

Unit - I: Jurisprudence

The general understanding of the science of nature and sources of law, studies related to concepts of moral, culture, rights, theories and practices of the law involved, concepts and liabilities with ownership and possession more often in the law firms.

Jurisprudence Syllabus Chapters
1 Nature and sources of law
2 Schools of jurisprudence
3 Law and morality 
4 Concept of rights and duties
5 Legal personality
6 Concepts of property, ownership, and possession
7 Concept of liability
8 Law, poverty, and development
9 Global justice
10 Modernism and post-modernism

Unit - II: Constitutional and Administrative Law

Constitutional law involves the rights exercised by the different branches in federal/state law of constitution while the Administrative law governs the activities of those branches authorized for.

Constitutional and Administrative Law Syllabus Chapters
1 Preamble, fundamental rights, and duties, directive principles of state policy
2 Union and State executive and their interrelationship
3 Union and State executive and their interrelationship
4 Judiciary
5 Emergency provisions
6 Temporary, transitional, and special provisions in respect of certain states
7 Election Commission of India
8 Nature, scope, and importance of administrative law
9 Principle of natural justice
10 Judicial review of administrative actions – Grounds

Also Read: UGC NET Books 2023: Best Books for UGC NET Preparation

Unit - III: Public International Law and IHL

The area of law studies focuses on the definition, nature, basis of international law, its sources, and recognition, standards applied between sovereign states and their organizations.

Public International Law and IHL Syllabus Chapters Topics
1 International law Definition, nature, and basis
2 Sources of International law --
3 Recognition of states and governments
4 Nationality, immigrants, refugees, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) 
5 Extradition and asylum
6 United Nations and its organs
7 Settlement of international disputes
8 World Trade Organization (WTO)
9 International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Conventions and protocols
10 Implementation of IHL Challenges

Unit - IV: Law of Crimes

One of the most important sections, including topics on the general principles, stages, exceptions, offenses, theories, and variable punishments exercised under the law and of criminal liability or crimes.

Law of Crimes Syllabus Chapters Topics
1 General principles of criminal liability Actus reus and men's rea, individual and group liability, and constructive liability 
2 Stages of crime and inchoate crimes Abetment, criminal conspiracy, and attempt
3 General exceptions -
4 Offenses against the human body
5 Offenses against state and terrorism
6 Offenses against property
7 Offenses against women and children
8 Drug trafficking and counterfeiting
9 Offenses against public tranquillity
10 Theories and kinds of punishments, compensation to the victims of crime

Also Read: UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper

Unit - V: Law of Torts and Consumer Protection

Discusses from the general principles, nature, and definition, consumer rights, law, and act followed by the courts in India based on many other common principles or acts amended followed in other countries as well.

Law of Torts and Consumer Protection Syllabus Chapters Topics
1 Nature and definition of tort -
2 General principles of tortious liability
3 General defences
4 Specific torts Negligence, nuisance, trespass, and defamation
5 Remoteness of damages -
6 Strict and absolute liability
7 Tortious liability of the State
8 The Consumer Protection Act 1986 Definitions, consumer rights, and redressal mechanism
9 The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 No-fault liability, third party insurance, and claims tribunal
10 The Competition Act, 2002 Prohibition of certain agreements, abuse of dominant position, and regulation of combinations

Unit - VI: Commercial Law

Trade law or commercial law applies to the rights, contracts, relations, conducts of person and business with the financing of goods and services with certain transactions.

Commercial Law Syllabus Chapters Topics
1 Essential elements of contract and e-contract  -
2 Breach of contract, the frustration of contract, void and voidable agreements
3 A standard form of contract and quasi-contract
4 Specific contracts Bailment, pledge, indemnity, guarantee, and agency
5 Sale of Goods Act, 1930 -
6 Partnership and limited liability partnership
7 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
8 Company law Incorporation of a company, prospectus, shares, and debentures
9 Company law Directors and meetings
10 Corporate social responsibility -

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Unit - VII: Family Law

Topics involve the study of the law practice legally thal on family issues, relationships like divorce and theories of divorce, adoption, acknowledgment, guardianship and civil unions, alimony, and others.

Family Law Syllabus Chapters Topics
1 Sources and schools -
2 Marriage and dissolution of marriage
3 Matrimonial remedies Divorce and theories of divorce
4 Changing dimensions of the institution of marriage Live-in relationship
5 Recognition of foreign decrees in India on marriage and divorce -
6 Maintenance, dower, and stridhan
7 Adoption, guardianship, and acknowledgement
8 Succession and inheritance
9 Will, gift, and wakf
10 Uniform Civil Code

Unit - VIII: Environment and Human Rights Law

Meaning and concept of ‘environment’ and ‘environmental pollution’, the environment and human rights, group rights, protection implemented under the law.

Environment and Human Rights Law Syllabus Chapters
1 Meaning and concept of ‘environment’ and ‘environmental pollution’
2 International environmental law and UN Conferences
3 Constitutional and legal framework for the protection of the environment in India
4 Environmental Impact Assessment and control of hazardous waste in India
5 National Green Tribunal
6 Concept and development of human rights
7 Universalism and cultural relativism
8 International Bill of Rights
9 Group rights
10 Protection and enforcement of human rights in India

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Unit - IX: Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology Law

Starting from the theories to the concepts, meaning, protection, patent law, a trademark of the laws governing the rights deriving from the intellectual and technological invention and discoveries against cyber-crimes or geographical indications, and others as listed below in the underlying topics.

Intellectual Property Rights and Information Technology Law Syllabus Chapters Topics
1 Concept and meaning of intellectual property -
2 Theories of intellectual property
3 International conventions pertaining to intellectual properties
4 Copyright and neighboring rights Subject matters, limitations, and exceptions, infringement and remedies
5 Law of patent Patentability, the procedure for grant of patent, limitations and exceptions, infringement and remedies
6 Law of trademark Registration of trademarks, kinds of trademarks, infringement and passing off, remedies
7 Protection of Geographical Indications -
8 Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge
9 Information technology law digital signature and electronic signature, electronic governance, electronic records and duties of subscribers
10 Cybercrimes, penalties, and adjudication -

Unit - X: Comparative Public Law and Systems of Governance

Models, forms, rules, constitution amendment of the differences and similarities in the law and government of the different countries, The system of governance globally carved out in different methods are also studied in the chapters below.

Comparative Public Law and Systems of Governance Syllabus Chapters Topics
1 Comparative Law Relevance, methodology, problems, and concerns in Comparison
2 Forms of governments Presidential and parliamentary, unitary and federal
3 Models of federalism USA, Canada, and India
4 Rule of Law ‘Formal’ and ‘substantive’ versions
5 Separation of powers India, UK, USA, and France
6 Independence of judiciary, judicial activism, and accountability India, UK, and USA
7 Systems of constitutional review India, USA, Switzerland, and France
8 Amendment of the Constitution India, the USA, and South Africa
9 Ombudsman Sweden, UK, and India
10 Open Government and Right to Information USA, UK, and India

The download link for UGC NET Law Syllabus PDF has been provided below.

UGC NET Law Syllabus PDF Download

Best Books for UGC NET Law 2024 Syllabus

Getting in touch with the NTA NET syllabus means gathering all the important information about the exam in one place, and competing in the upcoming UGC NET Exam. Read the best reference UGC NET law books that cover the chapter-wise under UGC NET Law Syllabus by the National Testing Agency.

Take the best move to grab the correct books from any of the following, and exams are easier! Be choosy of what the book contains, keep it selective.

Best Books for UGC NET Law 2024 Syllabus
UGC NET Law Books Authors/ Publishers
UGC NET/SLET/JRF General Paper-I (Teaching and Research Aptitude Paperback) Arihant Experts
UGC NET/SLET Law Pankaj Jaiswal
UGC NET/SET Law Trueman’s
Universal’s UGC NET Law Examination-Solved Papers Krishan Keshav
UGC-NET/JRF (Law Examination) Thakkar Law Publishers
UGC NET Law (Premium Solved Papers) Bookhive’s
UGC NET/SET Law Paper-II Cosmos Beehive
CBSE UGC NET Law (Paper II & III) R Gupta’s

Also Read: How to Crack UGC NET 2024 in First Attempt? Strategies, Tips

UGC NET 2024 Exam Pattern

The questions will be of MCQs type in an online mode of exam conduction (Computer Based Test). However, there will be a continuation of the test with no break/short recess from Paper-I to Paper-II unless emergencies/technical glitches.

UGC NET Law 2024 Exam Pattern
Highlights UGC NET Paper-I UGC NET Paper-II
Test mode Online
Duration of test 3 hours (180 minutes)
Paper type Common Subject Specific/Preference-based questions
Questions type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)s
No of Questions 50 100
Mark in Total 100 200
Marking Scheme No negative Marking, 2 marks per correct response
Language medium English & Hindi

Read More: UGC NET Exam Pattern

UGC NET Law 2024 Preparation Tips

The candidates willing to pursue a career through UGC NET Law 2024 are advised to follow the mentioned below tips to enhance their performance and chances of cracking the exam:

  • Go through the chapters and topics before creating the timetable. 
  • Focus on the areas that need more attention. Devote more time to improving those areas.
  • Gain a clear idea of each topic and priorities the areas of high weightage.
  • Practice from previous years' question papers and arrange ample time to revise topics.
  • Arrive for mock tests to gauge the preparation. Analyse the test results and work on areas that require improvement.

Also Read: Best UGC NET Coaching Centre in India


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