AIIMS MBBS Exam Pattern 2023: Marking Scheme, Negative Marking, Total Marks

Parvathy Krishnakumar
Parvathy Krishnakumar

Updated on - Jan 8, 2024

Exam pattern consists of details regarding the mark distribution, types of questions and duration of the exam. This will give a clear idea to candidates who are appearing for the AIIMS MBBS and can prepare strategically and in a systematic way for the entrance exam. 

AIIMS MBBS 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

The Exam pattern is decided by the conducting authority. AIIMS MBBS 2023 exam will be conducted in both English and Hindi and candidates must make sure that they choose or indicate whether they prefer paper language as English or Hindi while filling out the application form. Choice of paper language will not be changed later at any cost.

Duration of AIIMS MBBS 2023 examination is of 3 and half hours i.e. 210 minutes. The candidate needs to finish the exam within the allotted time only. Question Paper of the AIIMS MBBS 2023 examination will be consisting of 200 MCQs. The candidate will be awarded 1 mark for every right answer. There is a negative mark of 1/3 marks which will be deducted for every wrong answer. No marks will be given for the questions which are not answered or marked for review.

Candidates will have the option to choose a total of 3 exam centres of AIIMS MBBS 2023 in order of priority from the total list of approximately 155 cities will be offered. The allotted exam centres will be displayed on the candidate’s AIIMS MBBS 2019 Admit Card. AIIMS MBBS 2023 examination will be conducted in online mode i.e. computer-based Test.

The AIIMS MBBS 2023 Online (CBT) Entrance Examination will be conducted in two days in two-shift per day. First Shift will be conducted on Morning between 9.00 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. The Second Shift will be conducted on Afternoon between 3.00 P.M. to 6.30 P.M.

  • The reporting time for the first shift is 7.00 A.M and for the second shift is 1.00 P.M.
  • No Candidates will be allowed in the examination centre after 8.45 A.M in the First shift and 2.45 P.M in the Second shift.
  • Candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination hall before the end of exam i.e three and a half hours.
  • The AIIMS MBBS 2023 Syllabus will be almost similar to what the students have studied in 11th and 12th class.

The below-given table gives a quick glance about the exam pattern to the candidates.

AIIMS MBBS 2023 Exam Pattern
Event Details
Exam Mode Computer Based Test i.e. Online Mode
Number of Exam Session Two Session - Morning and Afternoon
Session Allocation
Exam Type
Objective type
Paper Language
English and Hindi
Total Questions 200
Question Type Multiple-choice, reason-assertion based
Exam Duration 3 hours and 30 minutes
Syllabus Primarily the CBSE syllabus taught in Class 10+2 and common syllabus as notified by the Medical Council of India (MCI)
Location of Examination Centres Tentatively 153 cities in India

AIIMS MBBS 2023 Subject Wise Exam Pattern

The below-given table shows the exam pattern based on each subject:

AIIMS MBBS 2023 Subject Wise Exam Pattern
Subject No. of Questions Marks
Physics 60 60
Chemistry 60 60
Biology (Botany & Zoology) 60 60
General Knowledge/Aptitude 20 20

AIIMS MBBS 2023 Guidelines

Candidates are advised to read the following guidelines carefully:

  • Candidates should carry AIIMS MBBS admit card, ID proofs and one photograph to appear in the AIIMS MBBS 2023 examination. Candidate's who did not get their Admit Card and ID proof will not be permitted to enter the examination hall.
  • Candidates are advised to reach the AIIMS MBBS 2023 examination centre at least 30 minutes before the exam time because the Candidates will put through to various activities such as biometric capture, photo capture etc. which is mandatory for every candidate who is going to attend the AIIMS MBBS 2023 examination.
  • Candidates are advised not to carry wristwatches or any kind of electronic gadgets such as cell phones, calculator, Bluetooth devices etc. in the AIIMS MBBS 2023 examination hall. Candidates should not bring a pen/pencil to the AIIMS MBBS 2023 examination hall. A pen will be provided by the examination authority at the examination centre for completing examination formalities and rough work (if any).
  • If any changes are required to change in Name, Address, Mobile Number or E-mail ID, Candidate should punctually report to the Assistant Controller (Examinations), AIIMS, New Delhi.

NOTE: If a candidate is found to be copying/conversing with other candidates, he/she will be disqualified from taking the AIIMS MBBS 2023 examination and the next one or two such examinations according to the nature of the offence.

FAQs on AIIMS MBBS Exam Pattern

Q: Who decides the exam pattern of AIIMS MBBS 2023 ?

Q: What is the duration of AIIMS MBBS 2023 exam?

Q: How many exam centre can I choose?


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