CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024: Negative Marking & Scheme

Pallavi Pradeep Purbey
Pallavi Pradeep Purbey

Updated on - Jan 2, 2025

CSIR NET exam pattern 2024 details will be made available on the official website. CSIR NET 2024 question paper will be of objective type i.e. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). There will be a total of 3 sections on each topic which include Part A, Part B, and Part C. General Aptitude with emphasis on Logical Reasoning, Graphical Analysis, Analytical and Numerical Ability, Quantitative Comparison, Series Formation, Puzzles, etc.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 Highlights

Subjects related to Conventional Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are analytical where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to solve the given scientific problem.

The time given to complete CSIR NET examination will be 3 hours i.e. 180 minutes. The question paper will be in English and Hindi medium. But candidates have to choose the language of the exam while filling out the application form itself.

CSIR NET2024  Exam Pattern Details
Particulars Details
Conducted for lectureship Lectureship in Science streams Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Mode Online i.e. Computer-based test (CBT)
Type of Question Objective - MCQs
Exam Duration 3 Hours or 180 Minutes
Date of Exam Sep 16 - Sep 19, 2024
Subjects Life Science, Physical Science, Chemical Science, Mathematical Science, Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean & Planetary Sciences
Type of Questions 120 Multiple Choice Questions with a single correct response
Total Marks 200 (For Each Section)
Paper Medium English and Hindi

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Chemical Sciences 

CSIR NET exam pattern 2024 for chemical science is divided into three parts. Please find the detailed information on the same below.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Chemical Sciences
Particulars Details
Part A

Subjects: Part A shall carry 20 questions pertaining to General Science, Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis and Research Aptitude.

Marking Scheme: The candidates shall be required to answer any 15 questions. Each question shall be of two marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 30 out of 200.

Part B

Subjects: Part B shall contain 40 Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) generally covering the topics given in the syllabus.

Marking Scheme: A candidate shall be required to answer any 35 questions. Each question shall be of two marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 70 out of 200.

Part C

Subjects: Part C shall contain 60 questions that are designed to test a candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts.

Question Type: The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem.

Marking Scheme: A candidate shall be required to answer any 25 questions. Each question shall be of four marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 100 out of 200.

Negative marking For For every incorrect answer, 1/4th of the marks will be deducted

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Science

The table below gives you detailed information on CSIR NET exam pattern for Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Science. The exam will be divided into three sections, and marks will be deducted for incorrect answers.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Science


Part A

Subjects: Part A shall carry 20 questions pertaining to General Science, Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis and Research Aptitude.

Marking Scheme: The candidates shall be required to answer any 15 questions. Each question shall be of two marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 30 out of 200

Part B

Subjects: Part B shall contain 50 Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) generally covering the topics given in the syllabus.

Marking Scheme: A candidate shall be required to answer any 35 questions. Each question shall be of two marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 70 out of 200.

Part C

Subjects: Part C shall contain 80 questions that are designed to test a candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts.

Questions Type: The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem.

Marking Scheme: A candidate shall be required to answer any 25 questions. Each question shall be of 4 marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 100 out of 200. 

Negative Marking

For Part A and B: For every incorrect answer, 1/4th of the marks will be deducted.

For Part C: For every incorrect answer, 1/3rd of the marks will be deducted.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Life Science

CSIR NET exam pattern for Life Sciences will also have three sections, please find the details below.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Life Science


Part A

Subjects: Part A shall carry 20 questions pertaining to General Science, Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis and Research Aptitude.

Marking Scheme: The candidates shall be required to answer any 15 questions. Each question shall be of two marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 30 out of 200.

Part B

Subjects: Part B shall contain 50 Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) generally covering the topics given in the syllabus.

Marking Scheme: A candidate shall be required to answer any 35 questions. Each question shall be of two marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 70 out of 200.

Part C

Subjects: Part C shall contain 75 questions that are designed to test a candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts.

Questions Type: The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem.

Marking Scheme: A candidate shall be required to answer any 25 questions. Each question shall be of four marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 100 out of 200.

Negative Marking

For every incorrect answer, 1/4th of the marks will be deducted.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Mathematical Science

The exam pattern for CSIR NET Mathematical science is given below. The exam will consist of three sections with negative marking in Part A and B. Part C will not attract any negative marking.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Mathematical Science


Part A

Subjects: Part A shall carry 20 questions pertaining to General Science, Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis and Research Aptitude.

Marking Scheme: The candidates shall be required to answer any 15 questions. Each question shall be of two marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 30 out of 200.

Part B

Subjects: Part B shall contain 40 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) generally covering the topics given in the syllabus.

Marking Scheme: A candidate shall be required to answer any 25 questions. Each question shall be of three marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 75 out of 200.

Part C

Subjects: Part C shall contain 60 questions that are designed to test a candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts.

Questions Type: The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem.

Paper Pattern: The questions in this part shall have multiple correct options. Credit in a question shall be given only on identification of ALL the correct options. No credit shall be allowed in a question if any incorrect option is marked as the correct answer. No partial credit is allowed.

Marking Scheme: A candidate shall be required to answer any 20 questions. Each question shall be 4.75 marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 95 out of 200.

Negative Marking

For Part A and B: For every incorrect answer, 1/4th of the marks will be deducted.

For Part C: No deduction of marks for incorrect answers

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Physical Sciences

CSIR NET exam pattern 2024 for Physical Sciences will have three sections like the rest of the exam and will include negative marking for every wrong answer that the candidates attempts.

CSIR NET Exam Pattern 2024 for Physical Sciences
Particulars Details
Part A

Subjects: Part A shall carry 20 questions pertaining to General Science, Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis and Research Aptitude.

Marking Scheme: The candidates shall be required to answer any 15 questions. Each question shall be of two marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 30 out of 200.

Part B

Subjects: Part B shall contain 25 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) generally covering the topics given in Part A (CORE) of the syllabus.

Marking Scheme: Each question shall be of 3.5 Marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 70 out of 200. Candidates are required to answer any 20 questions.

Part C

Subjects: Part C shall contain 30 questions from Part B (Advanced) and Part A that are designed to test a candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts.

Question Type: The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem.

Marking Scheme: A candidate shall be required to answer any 20. Each question shall be of 5 Marks. The total marks allocated to this section shall be 100 out of 200.

Negative Marking For every incorrect answer, 1/4th of the marks will be deducted.

To prepare better for the exam, apart from having proper knowledge of CSIR NET exam pattern, students will also need some books which will help during the preparation. Some of the recommended books for CSIR NET preparation are given below in the table. 

CSIR NET Reference Books
Microbiology L.M. Prescott, J.P. Harley, and D.A. Klein
Life Sciences Fundamentals and Practice, Part-I Pranav Kumar & Usha Mina
Plant Tissue Culture M.K. Razdan
Ecology and Environment PD Sharma
Biochemistry Lubert Stryer, J.M., Berg and J.L. Tymoczk
UGC-CSIR NET (JRF & LS) Chemical science Dr. Aditya Tomar
CSIR-UGC NET/ JRF/ SLET Chemical sciences Dr. Hemant Kulshrestha
CSIR-UGC NET (Chemical Science) I & II Guide: Joint Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Lectureship RPH Publication
-UGC NET: Chemical Sciences: Previous Papers (Solved) and 25 Practice Sets RPH Editorial
UGC-CSIR NET (JRF & LS) Physical Science W. Malemnganba Chenglei
Joint CSIR-UGC NET (Physical Science) Exam Guide (Popular Master Guide) Mitesh Chakraborty
CSIR-UGC NET/JRF/SET Physical sciences Dr. Surekha Tomar
Joint CSIR UGC-NET: Physical Science (Part-A, B & C) Previous Years' Papers & 10 Practice Sets (Solved) RPH Editorial Board
Physical Sciences Csir-Jrf-Net Gate Tomar
Mathematical Sciences for UGC-CSIR Junior Research Alok Kumar
CSIR UGC NET Mathematical science R Gupta
UGC-CSIR NET/ SET (JRF & LS) Mathematical Science Pawan Sharma, Anshuman, Suraj Singh
Name of the Books Authors


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