NIMSEE 2023: Exam Date, Admit Card, Syllabus, Latest News

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Jan 5, 2024

NIMSEE 2023 exam notifications will be released by NIMS University to provide admission to candidates into various courses. The exam is conducted at the national level giving the opportunity to students all across India.

NIMS University, located in Jaipur, Rajasthan, conducts the NIMS Entrance Exam (NIMSEE) every year for students who intend to pursue an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in the university. For further details about NIMSEE regarding the courses offered, eligibility criteria and other details, read the following article.


NIMS entrance exam (NIMSEE) is the national level entrance exam conducted by NIMS University every year for admission into various courses offered by the university. NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan is the conducting authority of NIMSEE every year. The conducting authority will be releasing the NIMS entrance exam soon.

NIMSEE 2023 Highlights
Exam Name NIMSEE
Full Form NIMS Entrance Exam
Conducting body
NIMS University
Level National
Category Undergraduate and Postgraduate
Courses Offered
  • Science,
  • Management
  • Engineering
  • Arts
  • Law
  • Design

Mode Offline
Medium English
Exam Duration 2 hours
Official Website
Helpline Number
9116010414/ 7412077155/ 9116010433

NIMSEE 2023 Courses Offered

Through NIMS entrance exam, the NIMS University offers admission into various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various fields. The courses offered by the university are as tabulated below.

NIMSEE 2023 Courses Offered
Fields Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses
Architect and Planning Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch)
Bachelor of Planning (B.Plan)
Master of Design (M.Des.)
Master of Architecture (M.Arch)
Master of Planning (M.Plan)
Health Professions B.Sc. in Public Health
B.Sc. in Forensic Medicine
B.Sc. in Nutrition and Dietetics
B.Sc. in CLinical Research
M.Sc. in Public Health
M.Sc. in Forensic Medicine
M.Sc. in Nutritin and Dietetics
M.Sc. in Clinical Research
M.Sc. in Medical Biotechology
Dental Science Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) MDS in Con. Dentistry and Endodontics
MDS in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
MDS in Oral Medicine and Radiology
MDS in Oral Pathology and Microbiology
MDS in Orthodontics and Dentofacial
MDS in Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
MDS in Periodontology
MDS in Public Health Dentistry
MDS in Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge
Engineering and Technology Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in More Than 20 Streams
B. Tech + Master of Business Administration [MBA]
B.Tech + Master of Technology [M.Tech]
Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Around 20 Streams
Applied Sciences B.Sc. in Chemistry (Hons.)
B.Sc. in Information Technology
B.Sc. in Mathematics (Hons.)
B.Sc. in Physics (Hons.)
B.Sc. in Computer Science
B.Sc. in Statistics
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
M.Sc. in Chemistry
M.Sc. in Information Technology
M.Sc. in Mathematics
M.Sc. in Physics
M.Sc. in Computer Science
M.Sc. in Statistics
Master of Computer Application (BCA)
Humanities & Social Sciences B.A. Hindi/ English/ Education
B.A. Psychology/ Economics/ Home Science
B.A. Geography/ History/ Anthropology
B.A. Political Science/ Sociology/ Public Administration
B.Sc. in Clinical Psychology/ Geography/ Economics/ Anthropolgy
B.Sc. Physical Education
Bachelor of Visual Arts
Bachelor of FIne Arts
Bachelor of Physical Education
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Bachelor of Performing Arts
M.A. Hindi/ English/ Education
M.A. Psychology/ Economics/ Home Science
M.A. Geography/ History/ Anthropology
M.A. Political Science/ Sociology/ Public Administration
M.Sc. in Clinical Psychology/ Geography/ Economics/ Anthropolgy
M.Sc. Physical Education
Master of Visual Arts
Master of FIne Arts
Master of Physical Education
Master of Social Work (BSW)
Master of Library and Information Science
Master of Performing Arts
Law Bachelor of Laws
B.A. + LLB
LLM Criminal & Security Law
Master of Laws in Constitutional & Administrative Laws
Medicine Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Master of Surgery and other PG courses
Medical & Allied Sciences B.Sc. in Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Biophysics
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Zoology/ Botany
B.Sc. in Environmenal Science/ General Science/ Food Technology
B.Tech in Biotechnology/ Biomedical Engineering
M.Sc. in Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Biophysics
M.Sc. in Bioinformatics/ Food Technology/ Genetics
M.Sc. in Zoology/ Botany/ Environmental Science
M.Tech in Biotechnology/ Biomedical Engineering
Commerce & Management Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
B.Sc. in Television & Film Production
Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.)
Bachelor of Fire & Industry Safety
Bachelor of Finance Management
Bachelor of FInancial & Marketing Management
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Aviation Management
M.Sc. in Television & Film Production
Master of Commerce
Nursing Basic B.Sc. Nursing
Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing
M.Sc. Nursing
Pharmacy Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) Pharm.D.
Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm)
Journalism Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Master of Arts in Journalism
Fashion Design Bachelor of Design (Textile)
Bachelor of Fashion Design & Technology
Master of Design (Fashion)
Hotel & Tourism Bachelor of Aviation Management
Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology
Bachelor of Tourism & Hotel Management
Bachelor of Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
B.Sc. in Hotel Management
Bachelor of Airline Tourism & Hospitality Management
Master of Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
Master of Airline Tourism & Hotel Management
Master of Hotel Management

NIMSEE 2023 Important Dates

NIMSEE 2023 exam dates will be released soon on the official website. Candidates will be able to apply online or offline for NIMS entrance exam. The tentative dates for the NIMSEE 2023 exam are given in the table below.

NIMSEE 2023 Important Dates 

Important Events Dates
Application Form Start Date Apr 2023 (Tentative)
Application Form Last Date May 2023 (Tentative)
Admit Card Availability Jun 2023 (Tentative)
NIMSEE 2023 Exam Date Jun 2023 (Tentative)
Results Announcement Jul 2023 (Tentative)

NIMSEE 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must check the eligibility criteria before applying for the NIMS entrance exam and apply for the test only if they meet the minimum eligibility criteria.

Age Limit: There is no upper age limit set by the conducting authority.

Education Qualification

Eligibility for NIMS entrance exam is based on academic qualification, minimum secured marks in qualifying exam as given below,

  • For UG Program: Must have passed class 10+2 from recognised State Board of Education or Central Board of Education or equivalent with minimum 50% marks.
  • For PG Program: Must have a minimum of 3 years graduation degree from any recognized university or institute with a minimum of 50% marks.

NIMSEE 2023 Admission Process

The admission process must be followed by every applicants who intend to get admission in NIMS University through the NIMSEE 2023. The admission process includes the registration, application, examination, results and finally, the counselling. The applicants are allotted seats in the university solely based on the admission process. 

NIMSEE 2023 Registration and Application

The applicant must register on the website first to access the application form. The registration is important as the applicant will be notified important events at the right time. The applicant is provided login credentials after registration using which they can fill in the application form, download the admit card and use it for other admission purposes. 

 The online application can be filled in and the application fee can be paid through online modes using credit card/ debit card/ netbanking, and submitted on the website itself for online mode. The application form can be downloaded for offline application. The form must be filled in and sent to the university. The application fee must be enclosed with the form for offline mode.

Then, the applicant can download the NIMSEE 2023 admit card once it is released by the university. The applicant should use the login credentials given to them at the time of registration to access the admit card.

NIMSEE 2023 Examination

The applicants must go through the instructions given by the university before appearing for the examination. They must carry the admit card and an identity proof along with them. The applicants must be thorough with the syllabus, exam pattern and the mark distribution to avoid any sort of confusion while writing the exam. The answers must be marked correctly. It is advised to go through the questions and answers before submitting the paper.

NIMSEE 2023 Results and Counselling

The applicants will be able to check their results on the official website of the university using their login credentials received at the time of registration once it has been released. The applicants must stay updated with the dates as the counselling dates should not be missed at any cost. The scores and percentage acquired by the student will be available in the scorecard released with the results, along with the ranks. 

The qualified candidates will then be notified for counselling which takes place in the university campus. After the declaration of results, the counselling dates and time will be announced. Students who qualified for the entrance exam must attend the counselling session along with the required documents without fail. The applicants will be allotted seats in the course of their choice according to the ranks and availability. 

Certain competitive exams also are considered for giving admission in the university. Students who have passed these exams with qualifying marks are also eligible for admission. These exams include CAT, GMAT, MAT, and CMAT for MBA programs, JEE for B.Tech and GATE for M.Tech programs, NEET for MBBS and BDS programs and NATA for B.Arch programs.

NIMSEE 2023 Application Form

NIMSEE 2023 Application Form will be available on the official website. Candidates will be able to apply online or offline for NIMS Entrance Exam. The applicants have to pay the registration procedure fee of INR 1000/- for both UG and PG courses. Registration procedure fee of INR 1000 can be paid online via net banking/debit card/credit card or through demand draft.

NIMSEE 2023 Application Form Fee 

Application Mode


Application Fee

INR 1000/-

Steps to Register Online for NIMSEE 2023

  • Step 1: Visit the university official website.
  • Step 2: Check for the online application link and click on it.
  • Step 3: Proceed to fill the application form.
  • Step 4: Fill in all the required details correctly.
  • Step 5: Upload all the required scanned documents.
  • Step 6: Continue filling in all the required details and submit.
  • Step 7: Payment of registration fee shall be made through net banking/debit card/credit card.

NIMSEE 2023 PhD Application Process

Candidates should fill out the form by following the steps outlined below:

  • Step 1: Fill out the application form on the NIMS University's official website.
  • Step 2: Pay the INR 3000 application fee for M.Phil/Ph.D. (INR 4000 for M.Phil & Ph.D.).
  • Step 3: Fill out the application form and keep track of your registration number.
  • Step 4: The application can be downloaded at the university's official website.
  • Step 5: Send the completed application form to "Registrar, Nims University Rajasthan, Jaipur-Delhi Highway (NH-11C), Jaipur – 303121, Rajasthan" along with self-attested copies of a Demand Draft in the amount of INR 3000 for M.Phil or Ph.D. (INR 4000 for M.Phil & Ph.D.) payable at Jaipur in favour of NIMS University, Rajasthan.

NIMSEE 2023 Admit Card

NMSEEE 2023 Admit Catrd will be released soon on the official website. After registering successfully, admit card for the NIMS Entrance Exam could be downloaded through the university official website. The admit card is a mandatory document to be carried to the exam hall, failing which the applicant will not be allowed to write the exam. The admit card will contain all the details about the candidate, exam date and exam centre.

ID Proof: The applicants are required to carry any one government ID proof such as Voter ID, PAN Card, Aadhar Card, Driving License, Passport along with the admit card.

Steps to Download NIMSEE 2023 Admit Card

  • Step 1: Visit the university official website.
  • Step 2: Check for the admit card link and click on it.
  • Step 3: You will be redirected to admit card download page, enter the login credentials.
  • Step 4: The admit card will be displayed on the screen download and take the print of the same.

Note: The applicants are advised to read the instructions on the admit card carefully and follow them during the conduct of the examination.

NIMSEE 2023 Exam Pattern

Candidates are recommended to go through the exam pattern mentioned below, this will help them in planning thier preparation process. NIMS entrance exam will be conducted online i.e. Computer-based Test (CBT) for all the aspirants. The question paper consisted of multiple-choice questions (MCQ). The question paper was in English.

NIMSEE 2023 Exam Pattern
Mode Online i.e. Computer-based Test (CBT)
Question Type Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)
Medium English

NIMSEE 2023 Results

The conducting authority NIMS will announce the results of the entrance exam through the university official website. The applicants have to download rank cards from the website only. All candidates who will appear for the entrance exam will be awarded NIMSEE 2023 test-wise ranks as per marks secured in the test appeared.

Steps to Check NIMSEE 2023 Result

  • Step 1: Visit the university official website.
  • Step 2: Check for the result link and click on it.
  • Step 3: You will be redirected to the result page, enter the login credentials.
  • Step 4: The result will be displayed on the screen download and take the print of the same for future references.

NIMSEE 2023 Counselling

NIMSEE 2023 counse,ling dates will be announced soon on the official website. After the declaration of the results, the qualifying candidates will be called for the further counselling process. Shortlisted applicants will be called by the university admission office for taking part in the counselling process. Candidates who have cleared the NIMS Entrance Exam 2023 will be shortlisted for the counselling process which will be held shortly after the declaration of the results.

The admission is purely based on the marks obtained by the candidate in the NIMS Entrance Exam.

NIMSEE 2023 Contact Details

The contact details of NIMSEE 2023 are given below for the reference of the candidates.

Email ID:

Phone Numbers: 8306005713 I  8306005716| 8306005717 I  8306005718

Toll Free Number: 18001201020


Jaipur-Delhi Highway (NH-11C),
Jaipur – 303121, Rajasthan, INDIA.

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