Candidates appearing for JEE Main 2025 exam can improve their accuracy by devising a study plan, understanding the exam pattern, following the JEE Main syllabus and practicing sample papers. Students must avoid mistakes such as choosing the wrong study materials, not practicing mathematical problems, etc.
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The common mistakes to avoid in JEE Main 2025 includes not being aware of the JEE Main exam pattern and syllabus, not following the NCERT books for preparation, preparing without a proper study plan and many more. Students can improve their accuracy in JEE Main 2025 exam by choosing the right study material, practicing the previous year's question paper, conducting self mock assessments, etc.
JEE Main is a vital exam for students after their 12th standard exam. Aspirants who want to pursue engineering and related courses from top-tier institutes such as IIITs, NITs etc. must appear in this.
After scoring a decent mark in the JEE Main exam, candidates will be eligible to take the second stage of JEE i.e. JEE Advanced Exam. Hence, they eventually get a chance to secure a seat in any of the IITs in India.
Tips to Improve Accuracy while Preparing for the JEE Main 2025 exam
Candidates must prepare a study plan, cover all the required topics in the syllabus, practice sample papers, etc to improve their accuracy in the JEE Main 2025 exam. Students should follow the tips to improve their accuracy while preparing for the JEE Main Exam mentioned below:
Choose the Right Study Material
Students need to collect all the required JEE Main 2025 books and resources before starting their preparation for the JEE Main exam. They should focus on the JEE Main syllabus so that the students will be able to start their preparation for this exam with ease.
Prepare a Study Plan
Students who are looking to score decent marks in the JEE Main exam, need to prepare a well-structured study plan. Without a proper study plan, students will not be able to distribute their time for all three subjects (Maths, Physics, and Chemistry) efficiently. Hence, there will be a lack of preparation in any of those three subjects. Therefore, after preparing a proper study plan, students need to follow this from day one till the day before their exam.
Focus on the Basics of each topic
Students need to understand the basics of all the topics included in the JEE Main syllabus. Basics are the foundation of the preparation of the aspirants. Without a clear concept of the basics, students will never get a decent mark in the JEE Main exam. Hence, understanding the basics of all the topics is a must.
Focus on the Important Topics
After a solid foundation on the basic topics, students need to focus on the topics that are important for this exam. Preparing the important topics is also a challenging yet important task for the students. Most of the questions in the JEE Main exam usually come from the important topics. Hence, students must identify these topics from the JEE Main 2025 syllabus, and prepare for the exam.
Practice Mathematical Problems
There will be a lot of numericals on the JEE Main question paper. Students must prepare mathematical problems from all the chapters in the JEE Main syllabus. Preparing numericals of different types (easy, medium, and hard) will help candidates solve any mathematical problem during the exam.
Give Time for Periodic Revision
Students should focus on the revision. Without periodic revision, students will not be able to remember anything during the exam.
After preparing each chapter, they can revise it regularly. In this way, students will be able to enhance their preparation level and will score decent marks in the JEE Main exam.
Also Read: Common Myths About JEE Main Preparation Debunked
Tips to Improve Accuracy for the JEE Main Exam Inside the JEE Exam Center
Students must remember a few points before entering the JEE Main 2025 exam centre. Those are crucial for any student. Students will improve their accuracy and score decent marks in the JEE Main exam. The tips students need to follow during this exam are as follows:
Stay Calm and Focused
Students need to focus only on the exam. They should not look at if any other thing is happening there.
Students need to be calm and composed while entering the exam hall. This is the best way to attend the exam.
Pay Attention to the Instructions
Aspirants need to read all the instructions for the JEE Main exam before jumping into solving questions. It is the primary thing all the students must do.
Attempt Questions that are Easy to Answer
Students must carefully read all the questions and attempt to only those questions which they can answer confidently.
Try to Answer Questions that are Left
For questions that are left unanswered, students need to try them one by one to solve. If they are still not solved, try again one by one. It will be able to solve a few questions from the questions that are unanswered in the beginning.
Manage Your Time Wisely
While answering the questions, students need to be quick as there is a limited amount of time for the entire JEE Main Paper. Managing time properly during the JEE Main exam will help candidates avoid negative markings and to score better marks in the exam.
Do not Panic
Students must be positive in every circumstance and should not panic if they can not figure out the answer to a particular question. They must focus on the other questions that need to be answered.
Common Mistakes Students Should Avoid in JEE Main 2025
Many students make a lot of mistakes during JEE Main 2025 preparation and also during the exam. It will cost their chances of joining some of the elite engineering institutes in this country. The mistakes students usually make and need to stop doing are as follows:
- Many students do not follow the NCERT books at all. Although, it is not mandatory to follow the NCERT books for the JEE Main preparation. Still, the topics covered in this book are clear and precise and followed by most of the toppers.
- A lot of students do not want to clear the basic concepts and directly jump into learning all the tricks to solve the problems. It is not recommended at all. First, they need to learn all the basics and have a solid foundation. Then, they can proceed to learn those tricks.
- A lot of students do not practice mathematical problems at all. It is a big mistake as mathematical problems carry a huge weight in the JEE Main exam. Students who do not practice numerical problems will never score good marks in this exam.
- Students should not start taking JEE Main mock tests immediately after starting their preparation. When they are done with their preparation and revision, only then the aspirants can start taking mock exams.
- Many students get stuck with a single question during the exam. It is a pretty bad strategy. Once they fail to solve a question, they must proceed immediately to the next question.
- Students must review all the answers before submitting their responses. Many students have a habit of making silly mistakes. They need to eliminate those little errors while taking the JEE Main exam.
Also Read: How to Manage Time During JEE Main Exam?
Improving accuracy in the JEE Main exam can help the aspirants improve their marks and overall rank significantly. Strategic preparation, regular practice, periodic revision, and proper execution during the exam can help students in achieving their desired results. Students who will be consistent throughout the entire process will be successful in getting into their dream engineering colleges.