Latest Updates for NEET
- 08 February 2025 :
The NTA has scheduled the NEET 2025 exam for May 4, 2025.
Table of Contents
NEET Marks Vs Rank 2025 statistics can benefit students who want to know their expected rankings after the exam. NEET 2025 Marks Vs Rank for medical applicants will be made public by the authorities, as the result for NEET UG 2025 will be released in Jun 2025.
The answer key will be released on the official website by the conducting authority. Applicants must enter the login credentials required (if any) to download their answer key.
While a complete score of 720 will get students ranked 1, scores lower than that will get them a lower rank. NEET ranks 2025 are determined based on the total number of exam candidates and their scores.
NEET 2025 is an entrance examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for students who want to pursue their careers in the medical (MBBS) and dental fields (BDS). NEET provides admissions to more than 66,000 seats for MBBS and BDS in India.
Important: NEET Total Marks 2025
Dont Miss: Top Medical Colleges in India Accepting NEET 2025
NEET Marks Vs Rank 2025
The study of NEET Marks vs rank 2025 is easy for NEET candidates to grasp. The analysis of NEET 2025 marks vs rank allows candidates to find their All India NEET ranks in addition. Candidates must pass the NEET national-level medical entrance exam to be eligible for admission to medical, dental, and AYUSH institutes in India.
By examining the patterns from prior years, candidates can comprehend how to determine their rank using their NEET 2025 scores. Additionally, candidates must consider the number of applicants, the test's difficulty level, and other elements to determine NEET rankings.
Also Read:
NEET 2025 Mark Vs Rank Highlights
Candidates for NEET 2025 should know the marking methodology to comprehend how the NEET Marks Vs Rank 2025 is determined. The candidates can receive a general sense of the expected NEET total marks based on their responses.
Candidates can read the entire article to gain a thorough breakdown of the NEET Mark vs Rank 2025 relationship. To learn the relationship between NEET 2025 Mark vs Rank, consult the NEET data from the prior year. Candidates should be aware that the relationship between NEET marks and rank varies every year depending on several criteria, including.
- The level of difficulty of the NEET exam questions.
- Candidates' level of preparation.
- The number of applicants who showed up for the test.
- Past-year patterns.
How to Calculate NEET Mark vs Rank?
Candidates can refer to this section to learn the most simple method for determining the NEET percentile score:
Let's now assume that:
- P = Percentile
- N = Total number of applicants who showed up for the test
- r = Rank got by the competitor
- P = [(N – P)/P] X 100
So, if a candidate has secured 50th rank in the exam and a total of 5,00,000 have appeared for the exam, then:
- P = [(5,00,000 – 50)/5,00,000] x 100
- P = 99.99
NEET Qualifying Marks 2025 and Scores
Aspirants must achieve the pass percentile and NEET Cut Off 2025 marks set forth by NTA to be eligible to take the NEET exam. For instance, the NEET 2025 cutoff for the General category is the 50th percentile, meaning that applicants from the same category must score at or above the level of 50% of those applying to take the NEET 2025 exam.
Previous Year NEET Marks Vs Rank
NEET Marks Vs Rank for the previous year has been provided below year-wise.
NEET Mark Vs Rank 2024
Candidates must check on the NEET 2024 Mark Vs Rank details shared.
Marks Range | Rank Range |
720-715 | 1-67 |
715-700 | 177-2,250 |
690-665 | 4,406-17,800 |
656-638 | 25,500-40,116 |
630-615 | 47,810-65,000 |
606-591 | 70,000-91,527 |
550-500 | 1,44,000-2,09,000 |
451-414 | 2,85,550-3,51,425 |
380-287 | 4,20,000-6,57,138 |
251-142 | 7,74,559-12,00,000 |
NEET Mark Vs Rank 2023
Candidates must check on the NEET 2023 Mark Vs Rank details shared.
NEET Marks |
NEET Ranks |
NEET Percentile |
715 - 701 |
1 - 48 |
99.99977254 - 99.99727052 |
700 - 651 |
97 - 4245 |
99.99448417 - 99.75861151 |
650 - 601 |
4677 - 20568 |
99.73404618 - 98.83041734 |
600 - 551 |
21162 - 48400 |
98.79664001 - 97.2477732 |
550 - 451 |
49121 - 125742 |
97.20677412 - 92.84978301 |
450 - 401 |
126733 - 177959 |
92.79343059 - 89.88050559 |
400 - 351 |
179226 - 241657 |
89.80845866 - 86.25837041 |
350 - 301 |
243139 - 320666 |
86.17409768 - 81.76558761 |
300 - 251 |
322702 - 417675 |
81.64981212 - 76.24924939 |
250 - 201 |
420134 - 540747 |
76.10942035 - 69.25085979 |
200 - 151 |
544093 - 710276 |
69.06059221 - 59.6107305 |
150 - 101 |
715384 - 990231 |
59.32026822 - 43.69131616 |
100 - 51 |
1001694 - 1460741 |
43.0394819444824 - 16.93614606 |
50 - 0 |
1476066 - 1750199 |
16.0647023500832 - 0.4763513206 |
Must Read: NEET Rank Predictor 2025
NEET Mark Vs Rank 2022
Following is the NEET Mark vs Rank 2022 mentioned below.
NEET Marks | NEET Ranks |
720 - 715 | 1 - 19 |
710 - 700 | 23 - 202 |
698 - 690 | 204 - 512 |
688 - 680 | 522 - 971 |
679 - 670 | 992 - 1701 |
669 - 660 | 1702 - 2751 |
659 - 650 | 2759 - 4163 |
649 - 640 | 4170 - 6061 |
639 - 630 | 6065 - 8522 |
629 - 620 | 8535 - 11463 |
619 - 610 | 11464 - 15057 |
609 - 600 | 15070 - 19136 |
599 - 590 | 19141 - 23731 |
589 - 580 | 23733 - 28745 |
579 - 570 | 28752 - 34261 |
569 - 560 | 34269 - 40257 |
559 - 550 | 40262 - 46747 |
549 - 540 | 46754 - 53539 |
539 - 530 | 53546 - 60853 |
529 - 520 | 60855 - 68444 |
519 - 510 | 68448 - 76497 |
509 - 500 | 76500 - 85025 |
499 - 490 | 85032 - 93986 |
489- 480 | 93996 - 103350 |
479 - 470 | 103369 - 113223 |
469 - 460 | 113233 - 123338 |
459 - 450 | 123346 - 133916 |
449 - 440 | 133919 - 144909 |
439 - 430 | 144916 - 156179 |
429 - 420 | 156204 - 168034 |
419 - 410 | 168039 - 180302 |
409 - 400 | 180312 - 193032 |
399 - 390 | 193048 - 206241 |
389 - 380 | 206257 - 219764 |
379 - 370 | 219770 - 233843 |
369 - 360 | 233864 - 248477 |
359 - 350 | 248480 - 263339 |
349 - 340 | 263357 - 278814 |
339 - 330 | 278863 - 294772 |
329 - 320 | 294808 - 311293 |
319 - 310 | 311297 - 328377 |
309 - 300 | 328386 - 345954 |
299 - 290 | 345964 - 363964 |
289 - 280 | 363970 - 382695 |
279 - 270 | 382711 - 402154 |
269 - 260 | 402189 - 422163 |
259 - 250 | 422166 - 442631 |
249 - 240 | 442639 - 464126 |
239 - 230 | 464135 - 486718 |
229 - 220 | 486731 - 510131 |
219 - 210 | 510168 - 535169 |
209 - 200 | 535197 - 560995 |
199 - 190 | 561027 - 588519 |
189 - 180 | 588561 - 618096 |
179 - 170 | 618132 - 650040 |
169 - 160 | 650046 - 684698 |
159 - 150 | 684720 - 721833 |
149 - 140 | 721838 - 762989 |
139 - 130 | 763007 - 808249 |
129 - 120 | 808278 - 858455 |
119 - 110 | 858461 - 914407 |
109 - 100 | 914411 - 975925 |
99 - 90 | 975975 - 1044070 |
89 - 80 | 1044096 - 1116998 |
79 - 70 | 1117041 - 1193433 |
69 - 60 | 1193511 - 1269683 |
59 - 50 | 1269709 - 1342259 |
49 - 40 | 1342317 - 1405936 |
39 - 30 | 1406059 - 1457867 |
29 - 20 | 1457902 - 1495726 |
19 - 10 | 1495842 - 1520740 |
9 - 0 | 1520799 - 1534697 |
Also Read: NEET Participating Colleges 2025
NEET Mark Vs Rank 2021
Following is the NEET Mark vs Rank 2021 mentioned below.
NEET Marks | NEET Ranks |
720 | 1 |
718-708 | 2 - 31 |
707-698 | 39 -131 |
697 - 688 | 134-382 |
687-678 | 399 - 844 |
677 - 668 | 880 - 1625 |
667-658 | 1710 - 2912 |
657-648 | 3065 - 4869 |
647-638 | 5073 - 7357 |
637-628 | 7643 - 10545 |
627-618 | 10877 - 14353 |
617- 608 | 14766 - 18807 |
607 -598 | 19277 - 24026 |
597 - 588 | 24534 - 29770 |
587 -578 | 30391 - 36057 |
577 -568 | 36751 - 42759 |
567 -558 | 43422 - 50021 |
557 - 548 | 50784 - 57778 |
547 - 538 | 58599 - 65727 |
537 - 528 | 66548 - 74111 |
527 - 518 | 74929 - 82675 |
517 - 508 | 83522 - 91757 |
507 - 498 | 92665 - 101137 |
497 - 488 | 102054 - 110801 |
487 - 478 | 111799 - 120832 |
477 - 468 | 121819 - 131202 |
467 - 458 | 132265 - 142031 |
457 - 448 | 143226 - 153188 |
447 - 438 | 154385 - 164903 |
437 - 428 | 166026 - 176642 |
427 - 418 | 177822 - 188860 |
417 - 408 | 190149 - 201809 |
407 - 398 | 203121 - 215020 |
397 - 388 | 216357 - 228512 |
387 - 378 | 229880 - 242439 |
377 - 368 | 243827 - 256796 |
367 - 358 | 258281 - 271762 |
357 - 348 | 273287 - 286921 |
347 - 338 | 288498 - 302718 |
338 - 328 | 302718 - 319518 |
327 - 318 | 321100 - 336798 |
317 - 308 | 338543 - 355088 |
307 - 298 | 356873 - 373742 |
297 - 288 | 375528 - 393108 |
287 - 278 | 394985 - 413106 |
277 - 268 | 415081 - 433736 |
267 - 258 | 435789 - 455346 |
257 - 248 | 457558 - 478134 |
247 - 238 | 480330 - 501800 |
237 - 228 | 504101 - 526247 |
227 - 218 | 528700 - 552229 |
217 - 208 | 554724 - 578992 |
207 - 198 | 581610 - 607516 |
197 - 188 | 610299 - 637029 |
187 - 178 | 639955 - 668399 |
177 - 168 | 671419 - 701456 |
167 - 158 | 704728 - 736962 |
157 - 148 | 740376 - 774912 |
147 - 138 | 778519 - 815368 |
137 - 128 | 819314 - 859537 |
127 - 118 | 863637 - 908137 |
117 - 108 | 912581 - 960876 |
107 - 98 | 965743 - 1018522 |
97 - 88 | 1023837 - 1081257 |
87 - 78 | 1086789 - 1148396 |
77 - 68 | 1154157 - 1218142 |
67 - 58 | 1224015 - 1288057 |
57 - 48 | 1293945 - 1355785 |
47 - 38 | 1361058 - 1416461 |
37 - 28 | 1420925 - 1467024 |
27 - 18 | 1470806 - 1505718 |
17 - 8 | 1508256 - 1531812 |
7 - 0 | 1533343 - 1545759 |
NEET Mark Vs Rank 2020
Following is the NEET Mark vs Rank 2020 mentioned below.
NEET Marks 2020 | NEET AIR Rank |
720 | 1 |
720 | 2 |
715 | 3 |
715 | 4 |
715 | 5 |
715 | 6 |
711 | 7 |
710 | 8 |
710 | 9 |
710 | 10 |
705 | 25 |
705 | 30 |
705 | 40 |
TBA | 50 |
Also Read: Minimum Marks Required in NEET 2025 for MBBS
NEET Mark Vs Rank 2019
Following is the NEET Mark vs Rank 2019 mentioned below.
Marks Range | Rank Range |
701 | 1 |
690-681 | 20-88 |
680-671 | 99-214 |
670-661 | 223-476 |
660-651 | 568-930 |
650-640 | 946-1714 |
639-631 | 1809-2570 |
630-621 | 2788-3956 |
620-611 | 4074-5630 |
610-601 | 5692-7580 |
600-591 | 7784-10036 |
590-581 | 10248-12898 |
580-571 | 13064-16008 |
570-561 | 16173-19478 |
560-551 | 19967-23501 |
550-541 | 23695-27650 |
540-531 | 27994-32317 |
530-521 | 32796-37464 |
520-511 | 37780-38736 |
518-508 | 38822-44553 |
507-497 | 45023-51086 |
496-486 | 51498-58114 |
485-475 | 58214-65316 |
474-464 | 65801-73197 |
463-453 | 73337-81607 |
452-442 | 82216-89872 |
441-431 | 90825-99323 |
430-420 | 99914-109429 |
419-409 | 109937-120258 |
408-398 | 121183-130881 |
397-387 | 131606-142409 |
386-376 | 143021-154839 |
375-365 | 155526-166885 |
364-354 | 168240-180534 |
353-343 | 181904-194475 |
342-330 | 196229-212737 |
329-319 | 213657-228146 |
318-308 | 229715-244438 |
307-297 | 246358-262168 |
296-286 | 264920-281164 |
285-275 | 282209-301278 |
274-264 | 301630-321670 |
263-253 | 323239-342377 |
252-242 | 345392-365681 |
241-231 | 367875-389513 |
230-220 | 390772-415591 |
219-209 | 417086-443048 |
208-198 | 444437-473780 |
197-187 | 474172-504471 |
186-176 | 505827-537501 |
175-165 | 541048-576326 |
164-154 | 578413-615798 |
144-134 | 619072-700772 |
133-123 | 704652-753821 |
122-112 | 760098-815858 |
111-101 | 816706-879718 |
100-90 | 881132-950796 |
83-73 | 1000399-1071321 |
70-59 | 1094305-1168705 |
58-50 | 1174669-1228755 |
34-18 | 1318393-1374142 |
NEET Tie Breaking Criteria 2025
Numerous students receive the same NEET marks in the exam because of the enormous number of test-takers. The students cannot be sent to the desired institutes if they are not ranked appropriately.
NTA has tie-breaker requirements for NEET to address this issue. These standards enable NTA to assign various ranks to candidates with the same scores but different NEET total marks. Following are the NEET tie breaking criteria for 2025.
- The candidate with the higher rank in the biology portion gets a higher rank.
- If a student's NEET total marks in the Biology and Chemistry sections are equal, the student with the higher Chemistry score is given a higher rank.
- Students with fewer incorrect answers will receive a higher rank if the Chemistry section NEET total marks are equal.
Until the previous year, If all of the above-mentioned criteria for the candidates were met, an age requirement stipulated that the applicant with the higher age would receive the higher rank. For NEET 2025, the NTA has removed this requirement, though.
NEET Marks vs Rank 2025 Factors
Candidates should know that the NEET marks vs rank 2025 data is derived using previous year trends, specifically 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017. Another important point is that the information below is hypothetical and varies according to things like:
- The level of difficulty of the NEET exam questions.
- Level of candidates' preparation.
- A number of students are taking the NEET 2025 examination.
- In cases where two or more applicants receive identical marks, the authorities' tie-breaking criteria shall be applied.
NEET Marks vs Rank: Previous Year Analysis
The following are some key aspects of NEET marks vs rank 2025 that candidates must take into account:
- In NEET 2022, 715 were the maximum marks any applicant could have received. The scores for NEET 2021, NEET 2020, NEET 2019, NEET 2018, and NEET 2017 were all 720.
- For unreserved category applicants in NEET 2022, the cutoff score was 117, while in NEET 2021, it was 138. However, it was 147, 134, 119, and 131 for NEET 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017, respectively.
- The fact that more candidates are receiving those marks as we move through the grades in decreasing order is crucial to remember. For instance, 18 applicants scored 681-690, yet 19967–23501 candidates received scores of 551–560.
- The final rank of applicants who met the requirements to participate in NEET 2022, NEET 2021, NEET 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017 is 1534697, 1545759, 1374142, 634897, and 543473, respectively.
- Because many candidates received the same marks, the opening rank of a marks range is given in addition to the closing rank.
NEET Cut Off 2025
Candidates must qualify by attaining the NEET 2025 cutoff to be admitted into the programs given by the national-level medical entrance test. The table below provides the prior sessions' category-specific NEET cutoff and comparable scores. Regarding the same candidates, aspirants can understand the NEET cutoff 2025 they must achieve.
Candidates can check the detailed NEET UG 2025 expected cutoff for all categories in the below table.
Category |
NEET CutOff Percentile |
NEET Cutoff Marks |
General |
50 |
720-130 |
SC |
40 |
129-105 |
ST |
40 |
129-105 |
40 |
129-105 |
Gen/ EWS- PWD |
40 |
129-120 |
40 |
119-105 |
40 |
119-105 |
40 |
119-105 |
NEET Cutoff 2023 Percentile and Trends
Applicants must check the percentile and cutoff trends shared for NEET 2023.
Category |
NEET CutOff Percentile |
NEET Cutoff Marks |
General |
50 |
720-137 |
General-PH |
45 |
720-137 |
SC |
40 |
136-107 |
ST |
40 |
136-107 |
40 |
136-107 |
40 |
120-107 |
NEET Cutoff 2022 Percentile and Trends
The NEET cutoff 2022 trends and percentile score is mentioned below.
Category |
NEET Cutoff Percentile |
NEET 2022 Cutoff Marks |
Unreserved |
50 |
715-117 |
40 |
116-93 |
Unreserved-PH |
45 |
116-105 |
40 |
104-93 |
NEET Cutoff 2021 Percentile and Trends
The NEET 2021 cutoff trends and percentile score is mentioned below for the candidates.
Category |
NEET Cutoff Percentile |
NEET 2021 Cutoff Marks |
Unreserved |
50 |
720-138 |
40 |
137-108 |
Unreserved-PH |
45 |
137-122 |
40 |
121-108 |
NEET Cutoff 2020 Percentile and Trends
Applicants can check the 2020 cutoff trends and percentile shared for NEET exam.
Category |
NEET Cutoff Percentile |
NEET 2020 Cutoff Marks |
Unreserved |
50 |
720-147 |
40 |
146-113 |
Unreserved-PH |
45 |
146-129 |
40 |
128-113 |
NEET Cutoff 2019 Percentile and Trends
The cutoff trends and percentile details for NEET 2019 is mentioned below.
Category |
NEET Cutoff Percentile |
NEET Cutoff 2019 Marks |
Unreserved |
50 |
701-134 |
40 |
133-107 |
Unreserved-PH |
45 |
133-120 |
40 |
119-107 |
NEET AIQ Cutoff for MBBS Colleges
The list of NEET AIQ MBBS colleges is shared below for the candidates
Medical Colleges |
2021 Closing Rank |
2020 Closing Rank |
1179 |
90 |
143 |
163 |
215 |
324 |
414 |
571 |
37720 |
776 |
773 |
457 |
1623 |
1800 |
6146 |
5253 |
Pt. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak |
6379 |
6573 |
- |
2828 |
MBBS/BDS Cutoff for Deemed Universities
Candidates must check the MMB/BDS cutoff for Deemed Universities shared below.
Colleges |
Quota |
2021 Closing Ranks |
2021 Closing Ranks |
Sree Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry |
Management |
101054 |
662903 |
Management |
292013 |
366140 |
259750 |
554308 |
Muslim Minority |
121421 |
170227 |
Jain Minority |
155613 |
191841 |
NEET Cutoff for BDS Deemed Universities
The NEET cutoff for BDS Deemed Universities is listed below for the applicants.
Medical Colleges |
Quota |
2021 Closing Ranks |
2020 Closing Rank |
Management |
866207 |
231800 |
Management |
511579 |
384660 |
Jain Minority |
829006 |
322909 |
NEET 2025 AIQ Admission
Although all applicants are qualified for 15% AIQ admissions, not all successfully get a spot in the aforementioned category. Aspiring medical professionals might use the following table for clarification on this.
AIQ Closing Ranks 2021 (MBBS)
The AIQ closing rank for MBBS for the year 2021 is listed below.
Category |
Round 1 |
Round 2 |
Mop - Up round |
Open |
13970 |
15657 |
19207 |
14930 |
17878 |
19232 |
SC |
78780 |
93407 |
99542 |
ST |
102589 |
107511 |
120806 |
15662 |
18572 |
19594 |
AIQ Closing Ranks 2021 (BDS)
The AIQ closing rank for BDS course for the year 2021 is shared below.
Category |
Round 1 |
Round 2 |
Mop - Up round |
Open |
24531 |
30500 |
34807 |
26769 |
33099 |
37341 |
SC |
104876 |
133153 |
140668 |
ST |
140725 |
151231 |
174368 |
27150 |
35054 |
39501 |
AIQ Closing Ranks - 2020, 2019
AIQ closing ranks for the year 2020 and 2019 are mentioned below for different categories.
Category |
NEET AIR 2020 |
NEET Marks 2020 |
NEET AIR 2019 |
NEET Marks 2019 |
General |
15038 |
611 |
12618 |
582 |
13423 |
615 |
12179 |
583 |
SC |
81121 |
506 |
293667 |
-- |
ST |
96759 |
488 |
87649 |
445 |
General PH |
591575 |
175 |
555972 |
171 |
465525 |
225 |
301731 |
274 |
759769 |
126 |
842021 |
107 |
815024 |
113 |
831138 |
-- |
AIQ Closing Ranks - 2018 and 2017
The 2018 and 2017 AIQ closing ranks are mentioned below.
Category |
NEET AIR 2018 |
NEET Marks 2018 |
NEET AIR 2017 |
NEET Marks 2017 |
General |
10443 |
537 |
8317 |
563 |
10449 |
537 |
8347 |
562 |
SC |
64642 |
417 |
52996 |
442 |
ST |
77792 |
399 |
76167 |
405 |
General PH |
397544 |
184 |
531574 |
134 |
379480 |
210 |
514811 |
138 |
725351 |
101 |
547950 |
130 |
607500 |
125 |
526589 |
135 |
The number of medical colleges and seats nationally has significantly increased during the past year. Medical aspirants can check the list of medical and dental institutes and seats available through NEET 2025 below to get a sense of the range of alternatives.
MBBS/BDS Seats and Colleges (available through NEET 2025)
Colleges and Seats |
Government Colleges |
Private Colleges* |
Total Colleges |
322 |
290 |
Total Seats |
48,012 |
43,915 |
AIQ Seats |
NA |
NA |
Colleges and Seats |
Government Colleges |
Private Colleges* |
Total Colleges |
50 |
263 |
Total Seats |
3,513 |
23,260 |
AIQ Seats |
NA |
NA |
NEET Marks vs Ranks Analysis Importance
An indication of what ranks a student can earn will be given by comparing NEET 2025 marks vs ranks. The applicants could make educated decisions during counselling with the help of this understanding of NEET ranks.
Candidates can narrow their list of top colleges by using the NEET marks vs ranks analysis 2025 to help them during counselling.
FAQs on NEET Marks vs Rank
Q: What is the total marks for NEET marks vs rank 2025?
Q: What are the marks required for MBBS in NEET 2025 mark vs rank?
Q: Can I score 650 in NEET 2025 if I start now?
Q: Is 570 a good score in NEET 2025 mark vs rank?
Q: Can I score 650 in NEET 2025?
Q: What is my expected rank if my NEET 2025 score is in the range of 400?
Q: What is NEET Mark vs Rank 2025?
Q: What rank can candidates can expect if my NEET score is between 500 and 600?
Q: What is the expected NEET rank if the score is between 300 and 400?