ICSE Class 10 Exam Preparation Tips 2025: Best Books, Complete Strategy & Guide

Sushmita Sundas

Updated on - Feb 28, 2025

The ICSE class 10 preparation tips 2025 will guide the students to score better marks in the board exams. It includes important tips such as following the timetable, revising, using sample papers, and more. With the help of the ICSE class 10th guidelines, students can effectively schedule their studies and allocate equal time to each topic. 

Furthermore, the board is expected to conduct the ICSE class 10th board exams in February 2025 in pen and paper mode. Success in this board exam requires careful planning, effective study strategies and a focused mindset.

ICSE Class 10 Preparation Tips 2025

The following pointers will help the students to excel in the ICSE class 10th board exams. Students must follow all the tips mentioned below to cover all the topics and chapters properly.  

Prepare a Time Table

Students must strongly follow the time table for each subject. They must dedicate equal time to each subject and topic.  Students should prioritize the subject based on their strengths and weaknesses. They must allocate more time to the challenging subject. 

Cover the Syllabus

The ICSE class 10 syllabus is designed in simple language, and students must not skip any topics or chapters. Students must familiarize themselves with the topics, subtopics, and the weightage each topic carries so they can strategize their preparations accordingly. 

Be Consistent

Students must be consistent with their study plans and must not skip any subjects. They must prepare according to their schedules to stay ahead in their board exams. 

Use Previous Year Question Papers

The previous year's question papers are the most helpful resource for candidates. Students must use the previous year's question papers to understand the pattern and difficulty level of the papers. They must check all the questions thoroughly to understand the pattern. 


After finishing all the chapters and subjects, students are advised to revise them thoroughly. They must participate in the mock tests that are conducted online to know their preparation level. Students must revise every topic and chapter to enhance their preparations. 

Set Daily Targets

Students must set daily targets and try to complete them without failing. They must stay disciplined to score better marks in the board exams. They must also make notes for important subjects and revise them accordingly. 

Active Learning

Students must start their preparations at the beginning of the session. They must engage in discussions, teach concepts, and more. Students are also advised to use interactive resources such as videos, diagrams, and animations.

ICSE Class 10 2025 Preparation Tips: Subject-Wise 

The ICSE class 10th board includes some important subjects such as Maths, Science, Social Science, Hindi and English. The detailed subject-wise preparation tips are given below for the student’s reference.  

Mathematics Preparation Tips

The ICSE class 10th Maths papers are conducted for 100 marks and students can follow the preparation tips mentioned below. 

  • Students have to keep a separate notebook to practice sums for the Maths subjects. 
  • They must keep a small notebook for formulas and equations and must follow it while practicing math. 
  • Students must focus more on the chapters in which they are weak and must practice them regularly to prepare effectively. 
  • Students are advised to practice all the questions mentioned in their textbooks, as most of the questions are based on the textbook. 

Science Preparation Tips

Some of the important ICSE class 10 preparation tips 2025 for the Science subject are mentioned below. 

  • Students must focus more on the fundamentals and concepts. They must understand every topic and chapter as it will be helpful for their board and competitive exams. 
  • They must create a separate notebook for the equations and formulas so that they can revise them every day. 
  • For the biology subject, students are advised to use diagrams and animations to understand the material properly. 
  • Students must first complete the chapters and topics they find difficult.

History, Civics and Geography Preparation Tips

All the paper will be conducted for 100 marks, and some of the tips to follow are mentioned below: 

  • History and civics contain many dates and events, which are sometimes difficult for the students to understand. Students are advised to use the mnemonic approach to memorize the dates. 
  • Students must use the proper maps and diagrams to understand the chapters. They must make small notes and revise them thoroughly. 
  • Students must revise the map questions and practice it every day to enhance their preparation. 

Hindi Preparation Tips

Hindi is the most scoring subject, and some of the important steps they must follow are mentioned below. 

  • Students are advised to pick a topic and write an essay every day to improve their writing skills. 
  • Students must focus more on understanding the poems and memorizing the poet’s name. 
  • Students must use the previous year question papers to understand the question pattern thoroughly. 

English Preparation Tips

The ICSE class, 10 preparation tips 2025 for English, have been mentioned below for the student’s reference. 

  • Students must read and write the questions every day and must follow the sample papers. 
  • Students are advised to focus more on the grammar portion to score higher marks. 
  • Students must also practice the unseen passages from the previous year's question papers. 

ICSE Class 10 Preparation Tips 2025: How to use Sample Papers?

The ICSE class 10 sample papers 2025 are the most important and valuable resource for the candidates. It helps the students to understand the question pattern and the difficulty level of the paper. Some of the important tips are mentioned below: 

  • Students have to download the latest sample papers for all the subjects from the official website. 
  • Students have to set a timeline while solving the questions from the sample papers. 
  • Students must use the ICSE class 10 sample papers after completing every subject and topic. 
  • Students have to use the previous year question papers to understand the question pattern and to manage their time. 
  • Students must use the last 10 years of sample papers to stay updated and to prepare effectively for the board exams. 
  • Students must grade themselves after solving the sample papers to understand their preparation level. 

ICSE Class 10 2025 Preparation Tips: How to use Textbooks?

The ICSE class 10th textbooks 2025 will help the students to prepare effectively for the board exams. Some of the tips to follow are: 

  • While using the ICSE class 10th textbooks students must not skip any topics or chapters as most of the questions are based on the textbook. 
  • Students are advised to solve all the questions mentioned in the textbook to enhance their preparation level. 
  • Students must also use the reference books to understand the concepts in Physics and Maths. 
  • All the topics and chapters that are covered in the ICSE class 10th books are prepared in a simple language so as to make the complex topics easy. 

Realistics Last 10 Days ICSE Class 10 Preparation Tips 2025

Students must start their ICSE class 10th board preparation from the beginning of the session. However, the concluding 10 days can be a game changer for the candidates. Some of the last 10 days' tips are: 

  • Day 1-2: Students must positively revise all the concepts and fundamentals of all the subjects. 
  • Day 3-4: If students are under confident in certain topics and chapters, then they must focus more on those subjects to avoid stress on the exam day. 
  • Day 5-6: Students must only use the sample papers and the previous year question papers for all the subjects. 
  • Day 7: If students make any mistakes while solving the previous year's papers, they must revise and practice thoroughly. 
  • Day 8: Students must revise lightly and must make a note for every subject. 
  • Day 9: Students must emphasize the formulas and equations more and must write them down constantly. 
  • Day 10: Students must engage in mock tests and must stay positive.

ICSE Class 10 Preparation Tips 2025: Important Points

Students must feel free to reach out to their mentors if they have any doubts about their preparations. Some of the important tips students must follow while preparing for the ICSE class 10th board exams are: 

  • Students must clarify their doubts about subjects like Hindi, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and other subjects. They must make their concepts and fundamentals strong and clear to score better marks in the ICSE class 10th board exams. 
  • They must consult their teachers and mentors for guidance on the exam day strategy and focus more on time management. 
  • Once they solve all the previous year's questions, they must ask clear feedback from their mentors or teachers so that they can improve their performance in the board exams.

ICSE Class 10 Board Exams 2025: Tips

The board will conduct the ICSE class 10th exams in February 2025 (tentative). Students have to follow some of the tips mentioned below while appearing for the board exams. 

  • While sitting for the ICSE class 10th board exams, students are advised to prepare all the necessary items the night before the exams, including their admit cards, stationery, and any permitted items. 
  • On the examination day, students are advised to arrive at the examination hall 30 to 40 minutes before the exams commence. 
  • Before starting the exams, students are advised to read all the instructions and questions carefully. They must also carefully check the mark distribution pattern. 
  • They must manage their time while answering the questions in the board exams. Don’t spend too much time on one question. 
  • Students must stay calm and maintain their composure during the exam. 
  • Students are also advised to eat light and keep themselves hydrated. 
  • Students must maintain a positive mindset during the exam.

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