Tamil Nadu Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Released: Download Latest and Revised Tamil Nadu Class 10th Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Feb 28, 2025

The TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 contains subjects like Maths, Social Science, Science, English, and Tamil. Each paper will be conducted for 100 marks, out of which 80 will be given for theory and 20 will be given for practical exams. The syllabus includes a course description, course objective, grading criteria, and grade computation. 

The TN 10th 2024-25 syllabus is divided into four parts: Part I contains compulsory Tamil, Part II contains English, Part III contains Maths, Science, and Social Science, and Part IV contains optional subjects. Students have to score a minimum of 35 marks in each subject to pass the TN 10th exams

Candidates can prepare for the TN 10th exams by referring to the syllabus set by the board. The TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 PDF download links for all the core subjects are provided below in Tamil and English, respectively.

TN 10th Syllabus Download Link
Subjects PDF (Tamil) PDF (English)
English Download Download
Maths Download Download
Science  Download Download
Tamil Download Download
Social Science  Download Download

How to Download TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25?

Tamil Nadu board publishes the updated TN class 10 board syllabus on the board's official website. The following steps are for downloading the TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 from the official website.

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu board.
  • Step 2: Go to "SSLC Examination".
  • Step 3: Click on the "Downloads" option.
  • Step 4: Select the "Syllabus" option
  • Step 5: A new window will pop up with the syllabus PDF.
  • Step 6: Download the TN 10th 2024-25 syllabus PDF and save it for future reference.

TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25: Subject-Wise

Students should strategize their preparations by following the TN 10th syllabus 2024-25. They must identify their weak areas and must focus on those subjects to score better marks. A detailed explanation of the subject-wise syllabus is provided below. 

Refer to the image mentioned below to check the details on the TN 10th syllabus 2024-25. 

TN 10th Syllabus

TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Science 

TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Science consists of units like Heredity and Evolution, Immune System, Reproduction in Plants, and many more. Find below the detailed TN 10th syllabus for Science:

TN 10th Science Syllabus 2024-25
Units Topics
1. Heredity and Evolution Heredity, Variations, Speciation, Evolution Tree, Biotechnology and Cloning, Microbial Production, Science today – Gene Therapy, Health and its Significance, Diseases Caused by Microbes and Prevention, Immunization, Biotechnology in Medicine HIV and Prevention.        
2. Structure & Function of the Human Body – Organ System Nervous System, Endocrine System, Cell Division - Stages of Meiosis and Heredity.
3. Reproduction in Plants Modes of Reproduction - Vegetative, Asexual, and Sexual Reproduction in Plants, Pollination, Fertilization and Fruits and Seeds.
4. A Representative Study of Mammals Morphology Habitats, Adaptations, Basic Physiological Functions, Circulatory System in Man, Excretory System in Man, and Relationship of Structure to Functions.
Animal Behaviour, Behaviour (Social, Reproductive, Parental Care), and Some Case Studies from Researchers (Animal Behavior).
5. Life Processes Definition, Types of Nutrition and the Human Digestive System, Respiration, Transportation in Plants - Water and Minerals and Animals - Blood Circulation, Excretion in Plants and Animals, Nervous System, Coordination in Plants, Movement Due to Growth and Hormones in Animals.
6. Conservation of the Environment Biodegradegradable Non-Biodegradable Wastes, Water Management, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Balance in Ecosystem, Coal and Petroleum and Green chemistry.
7. Waste Water Management Journey of Water, Sewage Treatment, Domestic Practices, Sanitation and Diseases, Alternate Arrangement for Sewage Disposal, Sanitation in Public Places, Energy Management, Energy Audit (Home, School), Renewable Sources (Solar, Hydrogen, Wind) and Non–Renewable Sources - (Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas).
8. Solutions Solute and Solvent, Types of Solutions, Solubility, Factors Affecting Solubility and Problems.
9. Atoms and Molecules Modern Atomic Theory, Avogadro Hypothesis, Atomicity Relation Between Vapor Density and Molecular Mass of a Gas Difference Between Atom and Molecules, Relative Atomic Mass, Relative Molecular mass, Mole Concepts, Mole-Definition and Problems Based on Mole Concept.
10. Chemical Reactions  Types of Chemical Reactions, Rate of the Chemical Reaction, Factors Influencing the Rate of the Chemical Reaction, Acids, Classification of Acids, Chemical Properties of Acids, Bases, Classification of Bases, Chemical Properties of Bases, Uses of Bases, Identification of Acids and Bases, pH scale, pH paper, Importance of PH in Everyday Life, Salts, Classification of Salts and Uses of Salts.
11. Periodic Classification of Elements  Modern Periodic Law, Modern Periodic Table, Characteristics of the Modern Periodic Table, Metallurgy, Introduction, Terminologies in Metallurgy, Differences Between Minerals and Ores, Occurrence of Metals, Metallurgy of Al, Cu, and Fe, Metallurgy of Aluminium, Metallurgy of Copper, Metallurgy of Iron, Alloys, Methods of Making Alloys, Copper Aluminium and Iron Alloys, Corrosion, and Methods of Preventing Corrosion.

TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for History

TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 for History consists of units like The Great Revolt of 1857, First World War, Second World War, and more essential topics. Students must refer to the detailed TN 10th class examination History syllabus for better grades.

TN 10th Syllabus for History



Unit 1 The Rise of Imperialism Factors-Forms-Methods Conquest of India, China, and Its Effects
Unit 2 First World War-Causes, Course-Effects. League of Nations and Its Failure
Unit 3 The World Between the World Wars – Economic Depression – Rise of Fascism and Nazism
Unit 4 Second World War-Causes- Course- Effect Uno and Its Achievements
Unit 5 The Great Revolt of 1857-Social, Religious Reform Movements–Cause for the Rise of National Movements-Pre-Gandhian Era and Gandhian Era
Unit 6 The Social-Religious Reform Movement in the 19th Century Raja Rammohan Raianne Besant-Dayananda Saraswathi Swamy Vivekanandha-Ramalinga Adigalar
Unit 7 Causes for the Rise of Nation Movements-Pre-Gandhian Eragandhian Era-Role of Tamilnadu in Freedom Struggle
Unit 8 Social Transformation in Tamilnadu

TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Geography 

The TN class 10th syllabus for Geography consists of chapters on the Administrative Divisions of India, National Resources, Agriculture and Industry, and more. Students can refer to the topics while preparing for the TN 10th boards.

Find below the detailed TN 10th class syllabus 2024-25 for Geography:

TN 10th Syllabus for Geography



Unit 1     India: Administrative Divisions India - Physiography Drainage Climate
Unit 2    National Resources: Soil, National Vegetation, and Minerals. 
Unit 3   Agriculture and Industry: Agriculture – Types and Distribution, Industries- Location Factors Grow and Mineral-Based Industries.
Unit 4 Environmental Issues
Unit 5         Trade, Transport, and communication: India’s Internal and International Trade , Land Transport-Roadways and Railways , Water Transport and Air Transport, Personal and Mass Communication, Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing-Meaning and Types, India’s Remote Sensing Programs, Geographic Information System and Global Positioning System.

TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Economics

TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Economics has been divided into two units - National Income Indian Economy after Independence. Students can refer to the detailed TN 10th syllabus for Economics below.

TN 10th Syllabus for Economics



Unit 1  National Income: Basic Concepts- Methods of Calculating national Income, Need for the study of National Income-Role of Government in Economic Development
Unit 2  Indian Economy after Independence: Objectives of Five Year Plan Eleventh Five-Year Plan Agricultural Development - Economic Reforms of 1991- Science and Technology-Telecommunication and Information Technology Educational Achievement - Socio-Economic Development in Tamilnadu

TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Civics

Students can make use utilize the TN class 10 syllabus for better preparation. The Civics syllabus consists of important units like India and World Peace, Democracy - Unity in Diversity, Consumer Rights, etc. Find below the detailed TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Civics:

TN 10th Syllabus for Civics



Unit 1 India and World Peace
Unit 2 Democracy - Unity in Diversity
Unit 3 Consumer Rights

TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Mathematics 

Maths is a scoring subject in the TN 10th exams; students must follow the TN syllabus for 10th and prepare for the exams. The TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 for Mathematics consists of necessary units like Theory of Sets, Sequences and Series of Real Numbers, etc.

Find below the detailed syllabus for Maths.

TN 10th Syllabus for Maths
Units Topics
1. Theory of Sets     Introduction, Properties of Operations on Sets, De Morgan’s Law, Verification Using Example, Venn Diagram, The formula for n A B C ( ) È ÈFunctions.
2. Sequences and Series of Real Numbers     Introduction, Sequences, Arithmetic Progression (A.P), and Geometric Progression (G.P) Series.
3. Algebra       Solving Linear Equations, Polynomials, Synthetic Division, Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM), Rational Expressions, Square Root, and Quadratic Equations.
4. Matrices     Introduction, Types of Matrices, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Matrix Equation.
5. Coordinate Geometry     Introduction, Revision: The Distance Between Two Points, Section Formula, Midpoint Formula, Centroid Formula, Area of a Triangle and Quadrilateral Straight Line.
6. Trigonometry   Introduction, Identities Heights and Distances
7. Geometry     Basic Proportionality Theorem (With Proof), The Converse of the Basic Proportionality Theorem (With Proof), Angle Bisector Theorem (With Proof), The Converse of Angle Bisector Theorem (With Proof), and Similar Triangles
8. Measurements   Introduction Surface Area and Volume of Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Hemisphere, Frustum, Surface Area and Volume of Combined Figures IV and Invariant Volume.

TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for English 

The TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 for English consists of essential Prose, Poem, Supplementary, and Grammar units. Students can refer to the detailed TN 10th class examination English syllabus 2024-25 below.

TN 10th Syllabus for English
Units Topics
Prose His First Flight, Empowered Women Navigating the World, The Attic, Tech Bloomers, The Last Lesson,
Poem Life, I am Every woman, The Secret of the Machines,
Supplementary The Tempest, Zigzag
Grammar Modals, Active & Passive Voice, Articles, Prepositional Phrases, Tense, Phrases and Clauses, Conjunctions, Nominalisation, Pronouns, Reported speech, Subject - Verb Agreement, Non Finites, Simple, Complex and Compound

TN 10th Preparation Tips

Candidates can solve the sample papers and inculcate the habit of practice as much as possible. Given below are some vital points that can aid them in scoring well. 

  • Students are advised not to skip any chapters, as most of the questions in the board exams are based on the syllabus. 
  • As per the Tamil Nadu Board, students must aim to complete the TN 10th syllabus 2024-25 and refer to it while preparing.
  • Students can make an examination schedule, giving equal time to every subject.
  • It is advised that candidates must practice the complex subjects and questions from the TN 10th previous year's question papers for more effective preparation.
  • Students can track their strengths and weaknesses while preparing and improving their proficiency.
  • Students must finish the TN 10th 2024-25 syllabus beforehand and revise regularly.

FAQs on Tamil Nadu 10th Syllabus

Q: From where can I download the TN 10th syllabus 2024-25?

Q: How many subjects are compulsory for TN 10th exam as per the TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Is English a compulsory subject according to TN 10th syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Is the syllabus the same for the Tamil Nadu class 10 supplementary exam 2025?

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