JKBOSE Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 Released: Download Latest and Revised JKBOSE Class 12th Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Feb 28, 2025

The JKBOSE 12th syllabus 2024-25 includes a detailed curriculum for the 80-mark theory exam and 20-mark practicals exam. The syllabus is designed by subject experts to help students systematically understand the concepts. 

 The syllabus will be available for all stream students. Students should use the JKBOSE 12th 2024-25 syllabus as it contains all the important topics and chapters for the board exams. 

Furthermore, the syllabus will help students score higher marks in the board exams. Students must not skip any topics or chapters mentioned on the JKBOSE 12th class syllabus pdf download 2024, as most of the questions in the JKBOSE 12th board exams 2025 will be based on the syllabus. 

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus 2024-25 Details

Candidates must also go through the following table to learn more about the core subjects of each stream mentioned in the JKBOSE class 12 syllabus 2024-25. Furthermore, students have to strictly follow the exam pattern to understand the paper pattern and the difficulty level of each paper. 

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus - Major Subjects
Stream Major Subjects
Humanities History, Geography, Political Science, English, Psychology, Sociology
Science Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, English, Computer Science
Commerce Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Mathematics, English

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for English 2024-25

Candidates must write a paragraph, article, report, letter, or official office e-mail for the writing section to show their writing ability. At the same time, different questions will be asked about the class 12th English textbooks in Literature. The JKBOSE syllabus for 12th class 2024 English paper will be divided into 3 parts.

  • Literature - 40 marks
  • Reading Comprehension - 15 marks
  • Writing Skills - 15 marks

Refer to the image mentioned below to understand the marks distribution for the English syllabus. 

JKBOSE 12th 2024-25 Syllabus for Humanities

The JKBOSE syllabus for 12th class 2024 Arts consists of subjects such as History, Geography, Philosophy, Political science, Psychology, etc. Candidates must go through the detailed JKBOSE 12th syllabus given below for core subjects.

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Philosophy

The JKBOSE 12th class syllabus pdf download 2024 for Philosophy consists of four parts in each section, and candidates must check every part of it and prepare for exams accordingly. There are 4 parts to the Philosophy syllabus, covering topics like Indian Philosophy, Muslim Philosophy, Western Philosophy, and Applied Philosophy.

JKBOSE 12th Philosophy Syllabus
Unit Unit Name
Part A - Indian Philosophy
I. Nature and Schools of Indian Philosophy 1. Nature and Schools of Indian Philosophy
2. Characterises of Indian Philosophy
3. Theory of Purusarthas ( Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksa )
II. Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita 1. Nishkama – Karma
2. Avadharma
3. Lokasmgraha
III. Buddhism, Nyaya, Yoga, Jainism 1. Buddhism (Eight–Fold Path )
2. Nayaya ( Theory of Pramanas )
3. Yoga (Eight–Fold Practice )
4. Jainism (Panshilla: Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha)
B. Muslim Philosophy 
IV. Introduction to Muslim Philosophy 1. The Meaning and Emergence of Muslim Philosophy
2. Sources of Muslim Philosophy ( primary and secondary sources )
3. Main Philosophical Teachings of the Holy Quran
V. Principles Schools of Muslim Philosophical Thought 1. Mutazilism: Principles of Mutazilism
2. Asharism: Main Doctrines of Asharism
VI. Muslim Philosophers and their contribution 1. Alama Iqbal – Intellect and Intuition
2. Jamalal Din Afghani – Spirituality, Morality, Rationality and Muslim Unity
3. Al – Kindi – God, Soul, Intellect
Part C - Western Philosophy
VII. Casual Principles 1. Aristotle’s Theory of Four Fold Causations
2. Hume’s Theory of Causation
VIII. Nature of Reality 1. Proof of the existence of God
2. Ontological Arguments
3. Cosmological Arguments
4. Telelogical Arguments
IX. Mind-Body Problem 1. Interactionism – Descartes
2. Parallelism – Spinoza
3. Pre – Established Harmony (Leibniz)
Part D - Applied Philosophy
X. Environment Ethics, Bio Ethics, Business Ethics  1. Environmental Ethics
2. Bio-Ethics
3. Business Ethics
4. Philosophy of Education

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Geography 2024-25

Students can go through the detailed JKBOSE 12th class syllabus pdf download 2024 of Geography which is mentioned below.

JKBOSE 12th Geography Syllabus
Unit Unit Name Marks 
Unit 1  Human Geography: Nature and Scope 3
Unit 2  People 5
Unit 3 Human Activities 10
Unit 4  Transport, Communication and Trade 10
Unit 5  Human Settlements 5
Unit 6  Map work on Identification of features based on the above units in the outline Political map of World 2
Unit 7  People 5
Unit 8  Human Settlements 4
Unit 9 Resources and Development 12
Unit 10  Transport, Communication and International Trade 7
Unit 11  Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems 4
Unit 12 Map work 3

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Psychology 

The JKBOSE 12th syllabus 2024-25 for Psychology is of nine units. Kindly go through all the units and check the revised syllabus given by the board. The Psychology syllabus includes topics like Intelligent and Attitude, Self and Personality, Meeting Life Challenges, Psychological Disorders, Group Process, Social Influence, etc. 

JKBOSE 12th Psychology Syllabus
Unit Unit Name
I. Intelligent and Attitude
  1. Concept of Intelligence
  2. Theories of Intelligence: Theory of multiple intelligence, Triarchic theory of intelligence, PASS
  3. model of intelligence
  4. Culture and Intelligence, Tests of Intelligence
  5. Aptitude: Nature and Types
  6. Giftedness ( nature and identification )
  7. Individual differences ( heredity – environmental interaction )
II. Self and Personality
  1. Concept of self, self-efficiency, self-regulation, and techniques
  2. Concept of Personality, theories of Personality ( Trait and types, Psychoanalytic, Humanistic )
  3. Assessment of Personality: Self-report measures, Projective techniques
III. Meeting Life Challenges
  1. Concept of adjustment
  2. Stress: Meaning, Sources and Types, Coping Strategies
  3. Concept of health and well-being
IV. Psychological Disorders
  1. Concept of normality and abnormality, Causal factors associated with psychological disorders
  2. Classification of psychological disorders
  3. Major psychological disorders: Anxiety, Schizophrenia ( meaning and symptoms )
  4. Mood disorders, behavioral, substance-related
V. Therapeutic Approaches
  1. Goals and objectives of therapeutic processes, stages of therapeutic relationships
  2. Types of therapies: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Cognitive, Behavior, Biomedical, Yoga & Meditation
  3. Rehabilitation of mentally ill patients
VI. Attitude and Social Cognition
  1. Nature and components of attitude, attitude – formation, and change
  2. Attribution, Social cognition, Schemas and Stereotypes
  3. Prosocial behavior and its techniques prejudice and discrimination, Strategies for handling prejudice.
VII. Group Process and Social Influence
  1. Meaning of group, group behavior, factors influencing group formation, types of group, Social identity, intergroup conflict: conflict resolution strategies
  2. Social influence processes: conformity, obedience and compliance, cooperation and competition
VIII. Environment and Social Concerns
  1. Human – Environmental relationships: noise pollution, air pollution, natural and man-made disasters
  2. Social issues: poverty, aggression and violence, gender discrimination
  3. Promoting pro-environmental behavior, human rights, and peace management
IX. Statistics
  1. Meaning of Statistics, types of Statistics, preparation of frequency distribution
  2. Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median, and Mode
  3. Measures of variability: Range, S.D, Q.D, Average Deviation

JKBOSE 12th 2024-25 Syllabus for Political Science 

The JKBOSE 12th class syllabus pdf download 2024 for Political Science consists of two intricate parts. Please go through the syllabus and prepare wisely for exams. The two parts and the topics covered under those are mentioned in the table below. 

JKBOSE 12th Political Science Syllabus
Unit Unit Name Marks
Part A - Contemporary World Politics  
I. Cold War Era in World Politics
  1. The emergence of two power blocs after the Second World War
  2. Arenas of the Cold War
  3. Challenges to Bipolarity: Non-Aligned Movement, quest for new international economic order
  4. India and the Cold War
II. Disintegration of the "Second World" and the Collapse of Bipolarity
  1. New entities in world politics: Russia, Balkan states, and Central Asian states. Introduction of democratic politics and capitalism in post–communist regimes
  2. India’s relation with Russia and other post-communist countries.
III. US Dominance in World Politics
  1. Growth of unilateralism: Afghanistan, first Gulf War, response to 9/11 and attack on Iraq.
  2. Dominance and challenge to the US in economy and ideology.
  3. India’s renegotiation of its relationship with the USA.
IV. Alternative Centres of Economic and Political Power
  1. Rise of China as an economic power in post – Mao era, creation and expansion of European Union, ASEAN.
  2. India’s changing relations with China.
V. South Asia in the Post–Cold War Era
  1. Democratization and its reversals in Pakistan and Nepal.Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, Impact of economic globalization on the region
  2. Conflicts and efforts for peace in South Asia.India’s relations with its neighbors.
VI. International Organizations in a Unipolar World
  1. Restructuring and the future of the UN.India’s position in the restructured UN. Rise of the new international actors
  2. New international economic organizations, NGO’s
  3. How democratic and accountable are the new institutions of global governance?
VII. Security in the Contemporary World
  1. Traditional concerns about the security and politics of disarmament
  2. Non – traditional or human security: global poverty, health, and education. Issues of human rights and migration 
VIII. Globalization and its Critics
  1. Economic, cultural and political manifestations
  2. Debates on the nature of the consequences of globalization
  3. Anti-globalization movements
  4. India is an arena of globalization and struggles against it
IX. Environmental and Natural Resources in Global Politics
  1. Environment movement and evolution of global environmental norms
  2. Conflicts over traditional and common property resources
  3. Rights of indigenous people
  4. India’s stand in global environmental debates.
Part B - Politics in India Since Independence  
X. Nation–Building and Its Problems
  1. Nehru’s approach to nation–building: Legacy of partition: the challenge of ‘refugee’ resettlement, the Kashmir problem
  2. Organization and reorganization of states
  3. Political conflicts over language
XI. Era of One – Party Dominance
  1. First three general elections, nature of Congress dominance at the national level, uneven dominance at the state level, coalitional nature of Congress
  2. Major opposition parties.
XII. Politics of Planned Development
  1. Five-year plans, expansion of the state sector, and the rise of new economic interests
  2. Famine and suspension of five-year plans
  3. Green revolution and its political fallouts
XIII. India’s External Relations
  1. Nehru’s foreign policy
  2. Sino – Indian war of 1962, Indo – Pak war of 1965 and 1971
  3. India’s nuclear program and shifting alliances in world politics
XIV. Challenge to and Restoration of the Congress System
  1. Political succession after Nehru
  2. Non–Congress and electoral upset of 1967, Congress split and reconstitution 
  3. Congress’ victory in the 1971 elections, politics of ‘’garibi hatao’’
XV. Crisis of the Constitutional Order
  1. Search for ‘committed’ bureaucracy and judiciary
  2. Navnirman movement in Gujarat and the Bihar movement
  3. Emergency context constitutional and extra-constitutional dimensions, resistance to emergency
  4. 1977 elections and the formation of the Janata Party
  5. Rise of Civil Liberties Organizations 
XVI. Regional Aspirations and Conflicts
  1. Rise of regional parties
  2. Punjab crisis
  3. The Kashmir situation
  4. Challenges and responses in the North East
XVII. Rise of New Social Movement
  1. Farmers’ movements, Women’s movements, Environment and Development – affected people’s movements
  2. Implementation of Mandal Commission report and its aftermath
XVIII. Recent Developments in Indian Politics
  1. Participatory upsurge in the 1990s
  2. Rise of the JD and the BJP. The increasing role of regional parties and coalition politics
  3. UF and NDA governments
  4. Elections 2004 and UPA governments

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Science 2024-25

Physics, English, and Chemistry subjects are mandatory in the Science stream. Candidates can go through the JKBOSE 12th syllabus 2024-25 of compulsory and elective subjects.

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Physics 

Physics is mandatory for Science stream students, and candidates can go through the given chapters and study for exams. The JKBOSE syllabus for 12th class 2024 Physics includes Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Current and magnetism, Electro-Magnetic Induction and Alternating Currents, Electromagnetic Waves, Dual Nature of Matter, and Radiation.

JKBOSE 12th Physics Syllabus
Unit Unit Name Marks 
1 Electrostatics 8
2 Current Electricity 7
3 Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism 8
4 Electro-Magnetic Induction and Alternating Currents 8
5 Electromagnetic Waves 3
6 Optics 14
7 Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation 4
8 Atoms and Nuclei 6
9 Electronic Devices 7
10 Communication System 5

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus 2024-25 for Chemistry 

Find below the JKBOSE syllabus for 12th class 2024 Chemistry. The Chemistry syllabus includes topics like Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, d, f-Block Elements, etc. The topics are well mentioned in the table below.

JKBOSE 12th Chemistry Syllabus
Unit Unit Name Marks 
I Solid State 4
II Solutions 5
III Electrochemistry 5
IV Chemical Kinetics 4
V Surface Chemistry 4
VI General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements 3
VII p-Block Elements 8
VIII d and f-Block Elements 5
IX Coordination Compounds 3
X Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 4
XI Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 4
XII Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 6
XIII Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen 4
XIV Biomolecules 4
XV Polymers 3
XVI Chemistry in Everyday Life 3

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Biology 2024-25

Biology is an elective for students, consisting of sections a and b, i.e., Botany and Zoology. Kindly go through both sections and prepare accordingly.

JKBOSE 12th Biology Syllabus
Unit Unit Name Marks 
                                            Section A (Botany)  
I Reproduction in Flowering Plants 7
II Genetics 9
III Biology and Human Welfare 7
IV Ecology and Environment 12
                                              Section B (Zoology)  
I Reproduction 11
II Genetics and Evolution 12
III Biology and Human Welfare 7
IV Biotechnology and its Application 5

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Mathematics 

Mathematics consists of six units; candidates can go through all the units and practice for the examination wisely. The units include Relations and Functions, Algebra, Calculus, Vectors, and Three-Dimensional Geometry.

JKBOSE 12th Mathematics Syllabus
Chapters Marks 
Matrices & Determinants 20
Limit and Continuity of a function 12
Derivatives 12
Application of Derivatives 10
Integrals 16
Differential Equations 10
Statics 10
Dynamics 10

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Computer Science 

The total marks for Computer Science are 100, divided into a theory paper worth 70 marks and a practical exam worth 30 marks. Candidates must refer to the JKBOSE 12th class syllabus pdf download 2024 for Computer Science below.

JKBOSE 12th Computer Science Syllabus
Unit Unit Name
Unit 1 Programming in C++
Unit 2 Data Structures
Unit 3 Databases & SQL
Unit 4 Boolean Logic
Unit 5 Communication and Open Source Concepts

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus 2024-25 for Commerce

Business studies and accountancy are mandatory subjects in the Commerce stream. Candidates are to go through the core subjects given below for the academic year 2024-25.

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Business Studies 

Business studies consist of two parts, and candidates go through the following parts and start preparing for the exam. The detailed JKBOSE syllabus for 12th class 2024 is mentioned below. 

JKBOSE 12th Business Studies Syllabus
Unit Unit Name
           Part A - Principles and Functions of Management
I Nature and Significance of Management
II Principles of Management
III Management and Business Environment
IV Planning
V Organising
VI Staffing
VII Directing
VIII Controlling
          Part B - Business Finance and Marketing
IX Business Finance
X Financial Markets
XI Marketing Management
XII Consumer Protections

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Accountancy 

Accountancy subjects consist of two parts and four units. Candidates must look through the JKBOSE syllabus for 12th class 2024 thoroughly and prepare accordingly for the exam. There are two parts to the accountancy syllabus, and the topics are mentioned in the table below. 

JKBOSE 12th Accountancy Syllabus
Unit Unit Name
Part A - Accounting for Partnership Firms and Companies
Unit 1 - Accounting for Partnership Firms
1. Fundamentals and Admission of a Partner
2. Retirement and Death of a Partner
3. Dissolution of Partnership Firm
Unit 2 - Accounting for Companies
1. Accounting for Share Capital
2. Accounting for Debentures
Part B
Unit 3 - Financial Statement Analysis
Unit 4 - Cash Flow Statement

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus for Economics 

The most significant and highly weighted subjects in Economics are National Income, Consumer Equilibrium, and Demand. Students should, therefore, give these JKBOSE 12th syllabus 2024-25 topics a considerable focus.

JKBOSE 12th Economics Syllabus
Unit Unit Name Marks 
Unit 1  Introduction 4
Unit 2 Consumer Equilibrium and Demand 18
Unit 3  Producer Behaviour and Supply 18
Unit 4  Forms of Market and Price Determination 10
Unit 5  Simple Applications of Tools of Demand and Supply Curves (Non-Evaluative) -
Unit 6  National Income and Related Aggregates - Basic Concepts and Measurement 15
Unit 7  Determination of Income and Employment 12
Unit 8  Money and Banking 8
Unit 9  Government Budget and the Economy 8
Unit 10  Balance of Payments 7

How to Download JKBOSE 12th 2024-25 Syllabus?

Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download the JKBOSE 12th syllabus 2024-25 from the official website:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the Jammu and Kashmir board - jkbose.nic.in.
  • Step 2: Students have to click the "Student Corner" option in the primary menu, then "Syllabus".  

  • Step 3: A new window will be displayed, and students must click the "Class 12th" link.

  • Step 4: Candidates must click the "Revised Syllabi and Courses of Study for Class XII" link.

  • Step 5: Students have to download and save the open syllabus PDF for further reference.

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus 2023-24 PDF Download

JK board released a detailed JKBOSE syllabus for 12th class 2024 for each stream for class 12th. English is mandatory for all streams. Candidates can click on the given links to check the JKBOSE 12th class syllabus pdf download 2024 for specific streams.

JKBOSE 12th Syllabus PDF Download
Category PDF Link
JKBOSE 12th Vocational Subjects 2023-24 Download Now
JKBOSE 12th Syllabus 2023-24 Download Now

FAQs on JKBOSE 12th Syllabus

Q: From where can I download the JKBOSE syllabus for 12th class 2024?

Q: Is English compulsory for all streams as per JKBOSE 12th syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Is the JKBOSE 12th syllabus updated every year?

Q: According to JKBOSE syllabus for 12th class 2024, which subjects are there in the Humanities stream?

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Entrance Exams after 12th Boards

JEE Main

Exam Date: Jan 22, 2025

Result Date: Feb 12, 2025

JEE Advanced

Exam Date: May 18, 2025

Result Date: N/A


Exam Date: May 20, 2025

Result Date: N/A


Exam Date: Apr 12, 2025

Result Date: N/A


Exam Date: May 5, 2024

Result Date: N/A