Nagaland HSSLC Grading System: Check Marking System, Exam Pattern, CGPA and Percentage Calculator

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Mar 18, 2025

Nagaland HSSLC grading system includes grades A to E, where A is for excellent performance and E is considered a poor grade. The minimum qualifying grade is D, which every student must receive to pass the NBSE 12th board exams.

NBSE mark sheet includes the Nagaland HSSLC grading system that students can use to check their grades and grade points. For students to pass the 12th board exam and get a Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate, passing in five subjects including the compulsory subjects, and receiving a grade of D or above is mandatory else the final mark sheet of the candidate will not be generated and they have to re-appear for the exam again.

The internally assessed subjects are awarded grades only while externally assessed subjects are awarded both marks and grades in NBSE. Read more to get detailed information on the Nagaland HSSLC Grading System.

Nagaland HSSLC Grading System 2025 for Externally Assessed Subjects

For externally assessed subjects, grades are evaluated on a nine-point scale. The grade D is the qualifying grade and if a student receives a grade below D, has to appear for a supplementary exam or study the 12th class again.

Below is a table that includes the grades and terms of performance according to the  Nagaland HSSLC Grading System.

Marks in Range Grades Term of Performance
91 to 100 A1 Truly Outstanding
81 to 90 A2 Outstanding
71 to 80 B1 Excellent
61 to 70 B2 Very Good
51 to 60 C1 Good
41 to 50 C2 Above Average
40 D Average
31 to 39 E1 Needs Improvement
Below 30 E2

Read More: NBSE HSSLC Results 2025

Nagaland HSSLC Grading System for Internally Assessed Subjects

In  Nagaland HSSLC Grading System, subjects like Environmental Education, Work and Art Education, and Physical and Health Education are assessed internally on a 5-point grade scale A, B, C, D, and E. Students who score E or less, are not allowed to sit for final exams. Securing a D grade in internally assessed subjects is mandatory.

Students can check the table shown below for more details.

Marks Grades Term of Performance
75% to 100% A Excellent
60% to 74% B Very Good
45% to 59% C Good
33% to 44% D Satisfactory
32% and below E Unsatisfactory

Nagaland HSSLC Grading System: Passing Marks

According to the Nagaland HSSLC Grading System, grades are assigned based on marks obtained by students. Each subject is of total 100 marks, out of which for some subjects, 80 or 70 marks are the maximum marks in theory and 20 or 30 marks are the maximum marks in practical exams. The passing marks for each subject are mentioned in the table below.

Subjects Theory   Practical   Total Marks
  Maximum Marks Passing Marks Maximum Marks Passing Marks  
Hindi 80 26 20 7 100
English 80 26 20 7 100
Political Science 80 26 20 7 100
Economics 80 26 20 7 100
Sociology 80 26 20 7 100
Psychology 80 26 20 7 100
Geography 70 23 30 10 100
Computer Science 70 23 30 10 100
Mathematics 80 26 20 7 100
Physics 70 23 30 10 100
Chemistry 70 23 30 10 100
Accountancy 70 23 30 10 100
Business Studies 80 26 20 7 100
History 80 26 20 7 100

Read More: NBSE HSSLC Supplementary Results 2025

Nagaland HSSLC Grading System: Calculation of Percentage

Calculation of percentages is easy if a student knows their marks and grades. The percentage is calculated using the formula (Total marks obtained/ Total Marks)×100. 

Calculating Percentage

Follow the steps that are mentioned below to find the percentage of students.

  • Step 1: Find the sum by adding marks of all the subjects
  • Step 2: Divide the obtained sum by the total of maximum marks of all the subjects.
  • Step 3: Multiply the resultant obtained by 100.

Example: Consider that a student has obtained marks as 75, 65, 87, 89, 90, and 99. The sum is 505 and each subject is of total 100 marks, so the total maximum marks of all six subjects is 600. Then,

(505/600)×100 = 84.17% which is the overall percentage obtained by students in the 12th class. 

Nagaland HSSLC Division System

The Nagaland HSSLC is divided into three divisions, First, second, and third. These divisions are assigned as per the marks obtained by students. Refer to the table below to check the division corresponding to the marks.

Marks Division
300 marks and above First Division
225 to 299 marks Second Division
165 to 224 marks Third Division


Read More: NBSE HSSLC Supplementary Exam 2025

Tips to Score Good Marks in Nagaland HSSLC Grading System

Scoring good marks in Nagaland HSSLC exams is essential as there are many opportunities that students get once they pass the 12th class. Below are a few tips mentioned for students so that they can score good marks in HSSLC exams

  • Complete the syllabus first and then start solving questions from the standard and reference books.
  • Students should try to complete the whole syllabus one month prior to the final exams. so that they get enough time to revise the subjects.
  • Solve Nagaland HSSLC previous year question papers and sample papers twice or thrice. Attempt model question papers as mock tests.
  • Revise the syllabus twice or thrice. Reserve the last month before final exams for revision.
  • Students should make a separate book and write down the formulas and important definitions that they forget.

Students need to check the Nagaland HSSLC exam pattern as this will help in finding the important topics and their weightage in the exam. 

FAQs on NBSE HSSLC Grading System

Q: Is the Nagaland HSSLC grading system the same every year?

Q: Are there any benefits that students have received after the Nagaland HSSLC grading system was introduced?

Q: Is Nagaland HSSLC Grading System different from CBSE and ICSE?

Q: Does the Nagaland HSSLC Grading System allow students to re-evaluate their answer sheets?

Q: Who are considered toppers in the Nagaland HSSLC exam?

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