Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025: Check Marking System, Exam Pattern, CGPA and Percentage Calculator

Abhishek Joshi

Updated on - Mar 17, 2025

Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025: The Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) is conducting the 10th board exams. The exams are going to be conducted between March 1 and 20, 2025. The result of these exams will be declared in May 2025 (tentatively).

Students can have a look at the grading system of the Goa Board SSC exams before the result comes out. The Goa board grading system consists of a 9-grade scale from A to I. This article provides all the details related to the Goa Board SSC grading system 2025.

Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025

The Goa board SSC grading system is decided by the Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE). According to the grading system of the Goa board, students are allotted grades between A and I. There are a total of nine grades in the Goa Board SSC Grading system, ranging from A to I. A is the highest grade which can be allotted to a student and I is the lowest grade.

Every grade is provided with a grade point from 4 to 10 with 10 being the highest and 4 being the lowest. The grades are allotted to a student based on the total marks received by the student. The students must get a minimum grade G to pass the board exams. Students getting a grade H and a grade I are considered as failures. The following table describes the Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025 in detail:

Marks Range Grade Grade Point Remarks
91 - 100 A 10 Outstanding
81 - 90 B 9 Excellent
71 - 80 C 8 Very Good 
61 - 70 D 7 Good
51 - 60 E 6 Above Average
41 - 50 F 5 Average
33 - 40 G 4 Fair
21 - 32 H - Marginal
00 - 20 I - Unsatisfactory

Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025: Passing Marks 2025

Students are expected to get a minimum grade G to pass in the exams. Thus. the passing marks for the Goa board SSC exams is 33%. Students must attain minimum 33% in the 10th board exams in order to pass. The total marks are calculated on the basis of marks received in both theory and practical exams. If a student receives marks less than 33% or a grade H or I, he/she will be considered as fail. 

Also Check: Goa Board SSC Previous Year Question Papers

Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025: Marking Scheme 2025 

The Goa board conducts exams of various subjects for different marks. The marking scheme of the 10th board exams will help the students calculate their grade and grade points in various subjects. The marking scheme of the Goa Board SSC theory exams is given in the table down below:

Subjects Duration Total Marks
English 2.5 Hours 80
Second Language (Konkani, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi and Sanskrit) 2.5 Hours 80
Mathematics 2.5 Hours 80
Science 2.5 Hours 70
Social Science (Paper 1 & 2) 1.5 Hours (Each paper) 40 (Each paper)
Pre-vocational Course 2 Hours 40
Word Processing (Theory and Practical) 2 Hours 40
Agriculture, Travel & Tourism, IT/ITeS 2 Hours 30

Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025: Details for Main Subjects

The details of the theory exams of the main compulsory subjects are listed below:

  • English - The English question paper is divided into 4 sections - Section A (Comprehension) consisting of comprehension with questions based on an unseen passage carrying 16 marks, Section B (Text and Supplementary) based on literature syllabus carrying 32 marks, Section C (Grammar) based on language questions carrying 16 marks and Section D (Writing) based on creative writing skills carrying 16 marks.
  • Mathematics - The Mathematics question paper consists of various types of questions from different chapters from the syllabus. Internal choice is given to the students in some questions. For the construction based questions, students are expected to bring their geometry boxes. Students must solve these questions with utmost accuracy. Calculators are not allowed in the exam and students have to do the calculations on their own.
  • Science - The Science question paper consists of various types of questions from different chapters from the syllabus. Each chapter carries different marks weightage. Internal choice is provided to the students in some questions.
  • Social Science - The Social Science question paper consists of both Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and subjective type questions. It is divided into 2 parts - Part I containing History and Political Science questions and Part II containing Geography and Economics questions.

Must Read: Goa SSC Exam Pattern

Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025: Revaluation

If a student is not satisfied with his/her marks, after the result is out, he/she can apply for the revaluation of their answer sheets. The students have to apply for revaluation within one week after the results are declared, on the official website of the board, gbshse.in. The marks may increase, decrease or stay the same after rechecking of the copies.

Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025: Compartment Exams

If a student is not able to get passing marks in one or more subjects, he/she can apply for the compartment exams. The Goa board will conduct the compartment exams in June 2025 (tentatively). The students must attain passing marks in compartment exams otherwise they will have to give the board exams again in the following academic year.

Students appearing in the Goa 10th board exams can visit this page frequently to get all the information related to the Goa Board SSC Grading System 2025 before the results are declared.

Also Read: Goa Board SSC Syllabus

FAQs on Goa SSC Grading System

Q: How many grades are there in the Goa Board SSC grading system 2025?

Q: Which grade is allotted to the failed students in the Goa Board SSC grading system 2025?

Q: What percentage is A grade in the Goa Board SSC grading system 2025?

Q: On what basis are the grades given in the Goa Board SSC grading system 2025?

Q: Is rechecking available for Goa board SSC exams 2025?

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