HBSE Class 12 Grading System 2025: Check Marking System, Exam Pattern, CGPA and Percentage Calculator

Abhishek Joshi

Updated on - Mar 20, 2025

HBSE Class 12 Grading System: Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE) grades HBSE 12th students as per a 9-point grading system. The grading system ranges from A+ to E, where A+ is the highest grade and the lowest grade is E, which represents failure.

Students must achieve more than 90% in each subject individually to earn an A+ grade. The minimum passing score for the HBSE 12th board exams is 33%, which must be obtained in both theory and practical exams. The HBSE 12th Result 2025 will show the grades that students receive in the board exams. 

Students can read more about the HBSE 12th grading system in this article.

HBSE Class 12 Grading System 2025 

As per the HBSE Class 12 Grading System, Students are marked according to their percentage scores, and corresponding comments describe their performance. A score of 90% to 100% is awarded an A+ (Outstanding) grade, and 80% to 89% is given an A (Excellent). Scoring 70% to 79% gets a B+ (Very Good), and 60% to 69% gets a B (Good). A C+ (Above Average) is awarded for 50% to 59%, while a C (Average) comes with 40% to 49%. A D+ (Below Average) is awarded to students who score between 33% and 39%, and a D (Fail) for those scoring 20% to 32%. Any score below 20% falls under E (Fail).

Percentage Grade  Grade Point  Remarks 
90% - 100% A+ 9 Outstanding
80% - 89% A 8 Excellent
70% - 79% B+ 7 Very Good
60% - 69% B 6 Good
50% - 59% C+ 5 Above Average
40% - 49% C 4 Average
33% - 39% D+ 3 Below Average
20% - 32% D 2 Fail
Below 20% E 1 Fail

Also Read: HBSE 12th Passing Marks

HBSE Class 12 Grading System for Internal Assessment

Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE) follows a five-grade system for Internal Assessment. The grading has been categorized into five groups: A+ (Excellent) for 80% and above marks, A (Very Good) for 60% to below 80% marks, B (Good) for 50% to below 60% marks, C (Fair) for 33% to below 50% marks, and D (Poor) for marks below 33%.

Grade Description Marks Range
A+ Excellent 80% and above
A Very Good 60% to below 80%
B Good 50% to below 60%
C Fair 33% to below 50%
D Poor Less than 33%

HBSE Class 12th Grading System Important Details:

Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE) has established certain rules and regulations to issue the Certificate of Qualification to 12th-grade students. Below are the detailed guidelines regarding the HBSE Class 12 Grading System: 

  • To earn the Certificate of Qualification, candidates must pass all five subjects in the external examination. 
  • Students need to achieve at least 33% marks in the aggregate of external exams, internal assessments (INA), and practicals, as well as in both practicals and theory papers, to be considered as 'Pass.' 
  • If a student passes all six subjects (including an additional subject), the marks obtained in the best scoring four or five subjects (excluding the compulsory subjects, i.e., Hindi and/or English, depending on the stream) will be used to determine the GPA or aggregate marks. This means that the main optional subject with the lowest score will be replaced by the marks from the additional subject. 
  • If a student fails in either a theory paper or a practical paper, they will need to reappear only for that specific paper; for instance, if a student fails in a theory paper, their previously attained practical marks will remain valid, and vice versa. 
  • For the best five formula, marks will only be considered for the five subjects in which students have received the highest scores.

Important: HBSE Class 12 Exam Pattern

How to Calculate Percentage from HBSE Class 12th Grades?

Students can easily determine the percentages for their HBSE Class 12 grades by following the steps below:

  • Step 1: Add up all of the subjects' scores, including theory and practical scores. For instance: Business studies (theory and practical scores), English (theory and practical marks), and accounting (theory and practical scores), etc.
  • Step 2: After totalling up all of the points, divide the total score by 100 percent. For instance, if there are five subjects with 100 marks each, divide the total by 500 and then multiply the result by 100%.
  • Step 3: The total percentage of all subjects is calculated by dividing and multiplying the result by 100%.
  • Step 4: Utilizing the HBSE Class 12 grading system table above, match the percentage that was obtained with the corresponding grade and grade point. For instance, according to the grading system above, a student who received 80% would receive an A and an 8 as their grade point.

Also Check: HBSE Previous Year Question Papers

HBSE Class 12 Grading System Passing Criteria

The HBSE Class 12 Grading System 2025 below outlines the passing criteria for different subjects. 

HBSE 12th Grading System for Theory Subjects

For theory subjects, the highest marks and passing marks are as follows: Hindi, English, Math, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, History, Political Science, and Sociology have a highest of 80 marks, with 26 marks for passing. Physics and Chemistry have a highest of 60 marks, with 19 marks for passing.

Subject Maximum Marks Passing Marks
Hindi 80 26
English 80 26
Math 80 26
Accountancy 80 26
Chemistry 60 19
Business Studies 80 26
Physics 60 19
Political Science 80 26
Economics 80 26
History 80 26
Sociology 80 26

HBSE 12th Grading System for Practical and CCE Subjects

For Practical and CCE subjects, Hindi, English, Math, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, History, Political Science, and Sociology have 20 marks for CCE, requiring 6 marks to pass. Physics and Chemistry have 20 marks for CCE plus 20 marks for Practical, with 6 marks required in CCE and 6 in Practical to pass.

Subject CCE Total Marks CCE/Practical Passing Marks
English 20 06
Hindi 20 06
Chemistry 20 + 20 (Practical) 06 + 06 (Practical)
Physics 20 + 20 (Practical) 06 + 06 (Practical)
Accountancy 20 06
Math 20 06
Business Studies 20 06
Economics 20 06
Political Science 20 06
History 20 06
Sociology 20 06

Must Check: HBSE Class 12 Preparation Tips

FAQs on HBSE 12th Grading System

Q: What is the HBSE Class 12th Grading System?

Q: What is the minimum percentage required to pass the HBSE Class 12 exams?

Q: How are students graded in HBSE Class 12th?

Q: How is the HBSE Class 12 internal assessment scored?

Q: How is the HBSE Class 12 percentage calculated?

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