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The Tamil Nadu State Board conducts the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC), TN 10th exam 2025 to evaluate students based on their knowledge and skills. As per the TN board class 10th grading system, the highest grade given to the students is A1 while the lowest is E. Grade A1 will be given to the students securing anywhere between 90 and 100. The students have to secure at least a Grade D in the Tamil Nadu class 10 result to pass the class 10th exam.
Every year, the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations (TNDGE) conducts the SSLC exam for class 10th students, while boards for higher secondary examinations are conducted for class 12th students in English and Tamil. Today, the grading system has become an important part of the education system globally and plays a crucial role in evaluating student performance and ensuring academic standards.
The TN board class 10th grading system is beneficial in assessing students' performance based on their learning. The TN board class 10th grading system follows a 9-point scale, varying from A1 (the highest grade) to E (the lowest).
While preparing for the TN exam, the students must stay well-versed with the TN board class 10th grading system.
Grade Points | Equivalent Marks | Equivalent Grades |
10 | 91-100 | A1 |
9 | 81-90 | A2 |
8 | 71-80 | B1 |
7 | 61-70 | B2 |
6 | 51-60 | C1 |
5 | 41-50 | C2 |
4 | 35-49 | D |
- | 0-34 | E |
The Tamil Nadu board releases the TN board grading system results soon after the declaration of the result 2025 at the official website.
Also Check: Tamil Nadu Class 10 Answer Key
The detailed steps to calculate the percentage from Tamil Nadu Board Class 10th grades are discussed below:
Also Read: TN 10th Supplementary Exam
Some of the key pointers for the Tamil Nadu Class 10th Grading System:
The TN board class 10th exams are conducted for various subjects including Tamil, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and optional Language (Telugu, Arabic, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Gujarati Sanskrit, French and Urdu). Students appearing in the exam have to secure at least 35 percent marks in each subject to qualify for the exams.
The language-based subjects that come under the TN 10th exam like Tamil and English consist of two papers. The minimum TN board class 10th passing marks under each subject are explained below:
Subject | Total Marks | Passing Marks |
Tamil (Paper I & II) | 100 | 35 |
English (Paper I & II) | 100 | 35 |
Social Science, Science, Mathematics (Part III) | 100 (For each subject) | 35 |
Optional Subject: (Malayalam, Kannada, Arabic, Hindi, Telugu, Gujarati, Urdu, French, Sanskrit) (Part IV) | 100 | No minimum marks |
The question papers for the TN SSLC exam are structured as per the latest TN 10th exam pattern and exam syllabus. The students must prepare as per the latest curriculum to secure good rank.
The Tamil Nadu SSLC exams are conducted to test students' knowledge and skills based on a combination of written theory exams and internal assessments. The total mark for the theory exam is 100, but the structure differs for theory-only subjects and practical exams.
Subject | Total Marks | Passing Marks |
Tamil (First Language) | 80 | 30 |
English (Second Language) | 80 | 30 |
Mathematics | 80 | 30 |
Social Science | 80 | 30 |
Science | 60 | 30 |
The students failing to meet the minimum passing marks in any subject have to appear for supplementary exams.
Also Read: TN 10th Syllabus 2024-25
The information provided below is beneficial for the students while preparing for the exam. The weightage of the practical exam is 25 marks and students have to score at least 15 marks in the practical.
Subject | Practical Maximum marks | Practical Passing marks |
Science | 20 | 15 |
Elective Subjects (if applicable) | 20 | 15 |
The marks obtained in practical exams are provided by the school administration and are added in the theory marks. Also, students will get internal assessment marks out of 20, the minimum required passing marks are 5.
The students along with securing TN board class 10th passing marks must also use the grading system to evaluate their performances. Further details regarding the grading system are written below:
Grades | Grade Point | Marks (1st, 3rd and non-language subjects) | Marks (2nd language subject) |
A1 | 10 | 91-100 | 90-100 |
A2 | 9 | 81-90 | 79-89 |
B1 | 8 | 71-80 | 68-78 |
B2 | 7 | 61-70 | 57-67 |
C1 | 6 | 51-60 | 46-56 |
C2 | 5 | 41-50 | 35-45 |
D | 4 | 35-40 | 20-34 |
E | - | 0-34 | 0-19 |
Also Read: TN 10th Supplementary Time Table
Q: What is the passing mark for the TN 10th exam?
Q: What is the grading system for the TN Board 10th grading system?
Q: How are practical skills assessed in the grading system?
Q: Does the grading system reduce exam stress?
Q: What happens if a student scores below the minimum pass mark?
Q: Does the grading system bring in transparency?
Q: Who can give the TB board class 10th exam?