Goa SSC Exam Pattern 2024-25: Check Marking Scheme for All Subjects

Megha Sharma

Updated on - May 22, 2024

The Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) will release the Goa SSC exam pattern 2024-25 on its official website. The Goa SSC exam paper includes a combination of MCQs and objective-type questions for 100 marks. The exam pattern reflects the marks allocation for core subjects such as Mathematics, English, Science, and Social Science.

Furthermore, the Goa SSC exams 2024 will be conducted from April 2025 (tentative) in pen and paper mode. The exams will be held for 3 hours in pen and paper mode. 

Goa SSC Exam Pattern 2024-25 Highlights 

The candidates must note the Goa SSC exam is worth 100 marks, and they must score at least 33% in order to pass. Some vital highlights of the Goa Board SSC exam pattern 2024-25 are given below.

Highlights of Goa SSC Exam Pattern 2024-25
Particulars Details
Name of the exam Goa Board 10th Examination
Conducting Authority Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) 
Exam dates April 2025 (tentative)
Duration 2.5 hours
Exam Level Matriculate
Exam mode Offline
Pass Percentage 33%
Total Marks 100 (80: External + 20: Internal)
Official website www.gbshse.in

Goa SSC Exam Pattern 2024-25

According to the board’s criteria, the total marks for additional subjects will range from 40-30 marks. Candidates can refer to the list of total marks that are allocated subject-wise to understand the Goa board SSC exam pattern 2024-25.

Exam Pattern of Goa Board SSC 2024-25
Subjects Duration Total Marks
English 2.5 hours 80 
Second Language (Konkani, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi & Sanskrit) 2.5 hours 80 
Mathematics 2.5 hours 80
Science 2.5 hours 70 
Social Science (Paper 1&2)  1.5 hours (each paper) 40 (each paper) 
Pre-vocational Course  2 hours 40 
Word Processing (Theory and Practical)  2 hours 40 
Agriculture, Travel & Tourism, Agriculture, IT/ITeS 2 hours 30 

Students can refer to the image mentioned below to get an idea about the Goa SSC exam pattern. 

Goa SSC exam pattern

Goa SSC Exam Pattern 2024-25: Marking Scheme

The marks weightage for every subject will aid the students to know the scoring system better. The marks allocation for the important subjects are discussed below.

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for English

There will be 40 compulsory MCQs in term 1 for the English paper with no negative marking. The marks distribution for various topics incorporated in English for terms 1 and 2 are given below.

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for English 2024-25
Topics Total Marks
Section A: Comprehension 16
Section B: Prose + Poems + Supplementary Reader 36
Section C: Grammar 16
Section D: Pie Chart + Picture Description + Notice and Report Writing 12

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for Mathematics

The Goa SSC marks allocation for Maths will have 40 compulsory questions in term 1 for 1 mark each. Whereas for term 2, there will be 40 subjective-type questions. The marks allocation for terms 1 and 2 are provided below.

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for Mathematics 2024-25
Topics Marks Weightage
Real Numbers 5
Polynomials 5
Pair of Linear equations in two variables 7
Probability 3
Introduction to Trigonometry 7
Co-ordinate Geometry 5
Circles 3
Areas related to Circles 5
Quadratic Equations 8
Arithmetic Progressions 5
Statistics 7
Triangles 5
Some Applications of Trigonometry 3
Constructions 6
Surface Areas and Volumes 6

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for Social Science I

The Goa SSC Social Science paper I for terms 1 and 2 will contain 20 mark questions for terms 1 and 2, respectively. Candidates can refer to the table below for the Goa SSC exam pattern 2024-25.

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for Social Science I 2024-25
Topics Marks Weightage
Early Trade Activities 3
The Age of Industrialisation 3
Post-Industrialisation Age 2
The American War of Independence 3
The French Revolution 2
Union Legislature and Executive 5
Judiciary 2
Unification of Germany 2
Unification of Italy 2
Emergence of Nationalism in India 4
Goa’s Struggle for Freedom 4
State Legislature 2
State Executive 2
Urban Local Government 2
Panchayat Raj System in India 2

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for Social Science II 

The Goa SSC board paper for Social Science for terms 1 and 2 consists of a total of 40 subjective-type questions. Tabulated below is the Goa SSC exam pattern 2024-25 for Social Science.

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for Social Science II
Topics Marks Weightage
Resources and Development 4
Forest and Wildlife Resources 4
Water Resources 4
Agriculture 4
Introduction to Banking 2
Geography of Goa 2
Mineral and Energy Resources 6
Manufacturing Industries 5
Transport and Communication 5
Poverty and Unemployment 1
Rights of Consumers 1
Geography of Goa 2

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for Science

For the Goa SSC board science paper, there will be 40 marks questions in term one and another 40 marks for term 2. Tabulated below are the Goa SSC exam pattern 2024-25 for all the topics covered in Science terms 1 and 2.

Goa SSC Marking Scheme for Science
Topics Marks Weightage
Chemical Reactions and Equations 4
Acids, Bases and Salts 5
Metals and Non-Metals 4
Control and Coordination 6
How do Organisms Reproduce? 7
Electricity 6
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current 5
Sources of Energy 3
Carbon and its Compounds 5
Periodic Classification of Elements 4
Life Processes 5
Heredity and Evolution 3
Light : Reflection and Refraction 5
Human Eye and Colorful World 4
Our Environment 2
Management of natural resources 2

How to Prepare for the Goa SSC Exams 2025?

The Goa SSC board exams consist of 40 multiple-choice and 40 objective-type questions. Students must have good preparation before taking the examination. Some vital instructions on how to prepare for the Goa SSC exams are given below.

  1. The candidates must check the Goa SSC exam pattern 2024-25 to have a clear understanding of the question paper and scoring pattern.
  2. Going through the previous year's question papers aids in scoring good marks in the Goa SSC board exams.
  3. Students must keep track of their progress and revise the topics of core subjects thoroughly.
  4. Candidates also keep a check on their strengths and weaknesses and study accordingly.
  5. They must ensure to follow the Goa SSC exam syllabus and cover all the vital topics beforehand.

FAQs on Goa SSC Exam Pattern

Q: Where do the candidates access the Goa SSC exam pattern 2024-25?

Q: What is the passing mark for the Goa SSC exam?

Q: Has the Goa board mentioned any changes in the Goa SSC exam syllabus?

Q: What is the Goa SSC exam pattern 2024-25?

Q: What are the total marks for the Goa board exams?

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