MBOSE SSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Download All Subjects PDFs

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Feb 10, 2025

The MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 contains chapter-wise topics for all subjects. The syllabus consists of the exam pattern and marking scheme which candidates should review to prepare for the exam effectively.

Meghalaya Board of Secondary Education (MBOSE) is a state-level education board that conducts MBOSE SSLC exams 2025 in different regions of Meghalaya. Students reviewing the MBOSE SSLC 2024-25 syllabus can know the chapters & topics for the theory and practical exam.

Download the MBOSE 10th Syllabus PDF

The MBOSE SSLC Syllabus 2024-25 PDF files can be accessed from the official website. Candidates can be aware of the exam pattern and marking scheme. Students can use the following download link to get a PDF of the syllabus.

MBOSE Class 10 Syllabus PDF
Content PDF Link
MBOSE Class 10th/SSLC Syllabus Download Now

How to Download MBOSE SSLC Syllabus 2024-25?

Candidates can visit the official website to download the MBOSE syllabus for 2024-25. Below are the steps students must follow to download the MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25. 


Students can follow the procedure through the official website. The step-by-step procedure to download MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 is given below:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of MBOSE (Meghalaya Board of School Education) - mbose.in
  • Step 2: Click on the "Download" section at the top of the homepage.
  • Step 3: Select the "Syllabus for Class I-X" option and click on the "Show details" button.
  • Step 4: Click on the "Syllabus (I-X)" link under the section.
  • Step 5: MBOSE SSLC syllabus will be displayed on the screen, download, and save the syllabus PDF for further use.

MBOSE SSLC Course Curriculum 2024-25

The MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 consists of essential topics for various subjects. The main exam paper has 80 marks, whereas the remaining 20 is allocated to the internal assessments. Students must aim to complete the entire syllabus to ensure good grades. They can refer to the detailed syllabus for various subjects below.

MBOSE SSLC Syllabus for English

The English exam is conducted for 80 marks, and the remaining 20 is allocated to internal exams. Below is the detailed MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 for English for the academic year 2024-25. 

MBOSE SSLC English Syllabus 2024-25
Units Marks
(i) Prose 25
(ii) Poetry 15
(iii) Rapid Reader 10
(iv) Grammar & Composition (20+10)
Total Marks 80

MBOSE SSLC Syllabus for Bengali (MIL)

Students can refer to the vital topics in the MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 for Bengali and prepare effectively for the board exams. Refer to the table below to learn more about the MBOSE SSLC syllabus for the Bengali subject. 

MBOSE SSLC Bengali Syllabus 2024-25
Unit Marks
Prose 16
Poetry 12
Rapid Reader 12
Grammar 22
Composition 18
Total Marks 80

MBOSE SSLC Syllabus for Mathematics

Elucidated below is the MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 for mathematics for this academic year. 

MBOSE SSLC Maths Syllabus 2024-25
Sl. No Unit Marks
1 Number Systems 04 marks
2 Algebra 20 marks
3 Coordinate Geometry 08 marks
4 Trigonometry 12 marks
4 Geometry and Construction 16 marks
5 Mensuration 10 marks
6 Statistics and Probability 10 marks
  Total 80 marks

MBOSE SSLC Syllabus for Science

The Science stream can be further divided into Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The exams are conducted for 80 marks and a total of 20 marks are allotted to practical exams. The MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 for Science is given below.

MBOSE SSLC Science Syllabus 2024-25
Sections Topics Marks
Physics Reflection and Refraction of Light, Human Eye, Electricity, Magnetic Field of Electric Current 26
Chemistry Chemical Reactions, Acids, Bases & Salts, Metals & Non-Metals, Classification of Elements, Carbon & its Compounds 26
Biology Life Process, Control & Coordination, Reproduction in Plants & Animals, Heredity & Evolution 28


MBOSE SSLC Syllabus for Social Science

Social Science can be bifurcated further into History, Civics, Economics, and Geography. The exam is conducted for 80 marks and 20 are assigned to internal exams. The vital topics and marks allocation incorporated in the MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 are given below.

MBOSE SSLC Social Science Syllabus 2024-25
Parts/Sections Sub-Topics Theory Internal Marks
History Events and Processes, Livelihoods, Economies and Societies, Culture, Identity and Society 23 5
Civics Indian Federal Structure, Role of Caste in Indian Politics and Communalism, Challenges to Democracy, Popular Struggles and Movements, Political Parties, Women’s Rights in India, Voters’ Awareness, Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Rights of Persons with Disabilities 17 5
Economics Sectors of the Indian Economy, Money and Financial System, The Story of Development, Globalisation and the Indian Economy, Consumer Rights and Benefits of Insurance. 17 5
Geography Resources, Water Resources, Forest Resources, Lifelines of National Economy, Minerals and Energy Resources, Agriculture, Manufacturing Industries, Meghalaya: An Overview and Planning Ahead. 23 5


80 20

MBOSE SSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Computer Science

Tabulated below is the MBOSE SSLC syllabus for computer science for the academic year 2024-25. 

MBOSE SSLC Computer Science Syllabus 2024-25
Sl. No. Chapter Theory Mark Practical Mark
1 Computer Fundamentals 20 5
2 Internet Basics 18 5
3 Object-Oriented Programming I – C++ 18 5
4 Object-Oriented Programming II – Java 16 5
5 Societal Impacts of IT – II 8
  Total Marks 80 20

MBOSE SSLC Syllabus for Environmental Education

Students refer to the topics below and strategize their preparations for board exams. Mentioned below are the detailed MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 for environmental education. 

UNIT I: Restoring Balance in Ecosystem

  1. Need for Conservation and Management of Water
  2. Conservation and Management of Forests, Grasslands, and Semi-Arid Ecosystems
  3. Conservation and Management of Soil
  4. Conservation and Management of Wildlife
  5. The Relevance of Indigenous Practices

UNIT II: Pollution

  1. Sources of Pollution and Major Pollutants
  2. Effects of Pollution on Environment, Human Health, and Other Organisms
  3. Abatement of Pollution

UNIT III: Issues of the Environment

  1. The Decline in Productivity: Resettlement and Rehabilitation of People
  2. The Energy Crisis – Urban and Rural Sectors
  3. Greenhouse Effect, Climatic Changes, and Global Warming
  4. Acid Rain and Ozone Layer Depletion

UNIT IV: Striving for a Better Environment

  1. Use of Efficient and Eco-friendly Technology
  2. Ecological Restoration and Conservation

MBOSE SSLC Syllabus for Work Education

The students can follow the essential topics for Work Education and prepare for the board exams. Below are the chapters of the MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 for work education. 

  1. Photography
  2. Commercial Art
  3. Tie & Dye
  4. Interior Decoration
  5. Gardening
  6. Woodwork
  7. Puppet Making
  8. Papercraft
  9. Working with Leather
  10. Chemical Technology
  11. Designing and Stitching
  12. Community Service: Adult Literacy Program
  13. Food Preservation
  14. Electrical Gadget
  15. Computer: Making a Web Page

How to Prepare for MBOSE SSLC Exams 2024-25?

Students must score at least 33 marks in all the subjects to score well in board exams. Candidates can refer to the preparation tips below for a more effective study plan.

  • Students must complete the entire MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024-25 to prepare for the class 10 board exams accordingly.
  • They can also refer to the MBOSE SSLC Routine 2024-25 and strategize their preparation for various essential subjects.
  • Candidates can focus on their strengths and weaknesses and get their doubts clarified by the teachers.
  • Practicing the MBOSE SSLC Sample Paper 2024-25  as much as possible is advised.
  • Making short notes of important topics is effective with last-minute revision.

FAQs on MBOSE SSLC Syllabus

Q: Who publishes the MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024?

Q: Is the MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024 available for all the subjects?

Q: Is MBOSE SSLC syllabus 2024 same for regular and compartment exams?

Q: Will the board send the MBOSE SSLC result 2024 mark sheet by post?

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