JAC Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 Released: Download Latest and Revised JAC Class 12th Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Feb 28, 2025

The JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 is available for all the subjects taught in the schools of Jharkhand. The language subjects include Hindi and English. The subjects are mathematics, physics, business studies, accountancy, history, political science, and more.

The updated JAC 12th syllabus will be based on NCERT and JCERT. The JAC class 12th exam will evaluate students' performance on a scale of 100 marks in all the subjects. 80 marks will be allotted to the theory sections and 20 for the practical assessment.

The JAC class 12 2024-25 syllabus outlines the important chapters, topics-wise weightage, and course structure is accessible from the JAC board's official website - jac.jharkhand.gov.in. Students can find the updated JAC 12th syllabus PDF in the article below. The PDFs for JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 in Hindi is also available in the article below.

JAC Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 Overview

Students who are preparing for the board exam must refer to the JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25. The updated syllabus includes important information related to various subjects which aids in imparting adequate knowledge to the students attending the board exam.

Detailed information on the JAC class 12th board exam syllabus 2025 is provided below. 

JAC 12th Syllabus 2025 Details
Particulars Details
Conducting Body Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC)
Exam Name Jharkhand Board Intermediate Examination
Exam JAC 12th Board Exam 2025
Exam Level State
Mode of exam Offline
Duration  3 hours 
Official website jac.jharkhand.gov.in.

Important: JAC 12th Exam Pattern 2024-25

JAC Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 Download PDF

The JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 for all the subjects is available in PDF format. The syllabus is available for all the streams and subjects like Maths, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. Furthermore, the direct link to download the subject-wise syllabus is tabulated below. 

JAC Board Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 PDF
Subjects PDF Link
Mathematics  Download Now
Chemistry Download Now
Physics Download Now
Biology Download Now
Accountancy Download Now
Hindi (core) Download Now 
Hindi (elective) Download Now 
English (core) Download Now 
English (elective) Download Now 
Economics Download Now 
Sanskrit Download Now 
History Download Now 
Geography Download Now 
Political Science Download Now 
Business Studies Download Now 
Entrepreneurship Download Now 

How to Download JAC Class 12th Syllabus 2024-25?

JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 is important to prepare for the JAC 12th board exams. The detailed step-wise guide has been listed below for students' reference.

  • Step 1: Students need to visit the official website of the JAC board at jac.jharkhand.gov.in.
  • Step 2: Students then need to go to the 'Others' tab and click on it.
  • Step 3: A link named 'JAC 12 Syllabus 2024-25' will appear on the screen, which students need to click on.
  • Step 4: The students can now view the JAC 12 syllabus on their screens.
  • Step 5: Students are advised to download the JAC board class 12 syllabus 2024-25 for future reference.

Must Check: JAC Class 12th Previous Year Question Papers

JAC Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 for English

The JAC 12th English syllabus includes reading comprehension, letters, official letters, and article writings. The exam will be held for 100 marks and students have to score the passing marks. Refer to the table below to check the detailed chapters in the English syllabus.

JAC Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 For English
Chapters (Term 1) Chapters (Term 2)
Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension
Note-Making and Summary Writing Note-Making and Summary Writing
Letters to the Editor Report Writing
Official Letters Article Writing
Textbook (Flamingo) Textbook (Flamingo)
The Last Lesson Indigo
Lost Spring Poets and Pancakes
Deep Water The Interview Part-I Part-II
The Rattrap Going Places
Poetry Poetry
My Mother At Sixty Six A Thing Of Beauty
An Elementary School Classroom In A Slum A Road Side Stand
Keeping Quiet Aunt Jennifer's Tigers
Text Book (Vistas) Text Book (Vistas)
The Third Level Should Wizard Hit Mommy
The Tiger King On The Face Of It
Journey To The End Of The Earth Evans Tries An O-Level
The Enemy Memories Of Childhood) The Cutting of My Long Hair ii) We Too Are Human Beings

JAC 12 Syllabus 2024-25 for Science

The JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 for Science includes subjects like Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Biology. The Science paper will be held for 100 marks out of which 70 will be given for theory and 30 will be provided for practical assessment. The detailed syllabus information is provided below. 

JAC Class 12th Syllabus for Physics

The JAC class 12th syllabus for Physics 2024-25 will contain a total of 40 MCQ, 20 VSA, 20 short answer, and 20 long answer type questions. The detailed syllabus for Physics is provided below.  

JAC Board 12th Syllabus 2024-25 For Physics
Chapters Important Topics
Electrostatics Electric charges, Coulomb's law, Electric field, Electric flux, Electric potential, Conductors and insulators, Van de Graaff generator, Capacitors, etc.
Current Electricity Electric current, Internal resistance, Kirchhoff's laws, Potentiometer, Ohm's law, electrical resistance, V-I characteristics, etc.
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism Oersted's experiment, Biot - Savart law and its application, Ampere's law and its applications, moving coil galvanometer, Cyclotron, Force on a current-carrying conductor, Torque, etc.
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Faraday's law, Lenz's Law, Eddy currents, LCR series circuit, resonance, Alternating currents, AC generator and transformer, etc.
Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic waves, Electromagnetic spectrum, etc.
Optics Reflection of light, mirror formula. Refraction of light, Optical instruments, Wave optics, Young's double-slit experiment, Huygens' principle, etc.
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Photoelectric effect, Hertz and Lenard's observations, de Broglie relation, Einstein's photoelectric equation, Davisson-Germer experiment, etc.
Atoms and Nuclei Rutherford's model, Bohr model, hydrogen spectrum, radioactive decay law, nuclear fission, and fusion, etc.
Electronic Devices Semiconductors, I-V characteristics, photodiode, solar cell, and Zener diode, etc.
Communication Systems Bandwidth of signals, sky and space wave propagation, Propagation of electromagnetic waves.

JAC 12th Syllabus for Biology

The JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 for biology includes topics on reproduction, genetics and evolution, biotechnology and its applications, and more. There will be 40 MCQ, 20 VSA, 20 short answer, and 20 long answer type questions. The detailed syllabus for biology is provided below.  

JAC Board Class 12th Syllabus 2024-25 For Biology
Chapters Important Topics
Reproduction Pollination and fertilization, Reproductive system in males and females, Development of seeds and fruits, Reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.
Genetics and Evolution Mendelian inheritance, Sex determination in human beings, Linkage and crossing over, DNA, Gene Expression, Genome, Evolution, etc.
Biology and Human Welfare Animal husbandry, immunology, vaccines, Plant breeding, Pathogens, Microbes, etc.
Biotechnology and Its Applications Recombinant DNA technology, Genetically modified, Insulin and BT cotton, etc.
Ecology and environment Ecosystems, population and community, Ecological adaptations, National parks and sanctuaries, etc.

JAC Class 12th Syllabus for Chemistry 

Students must focus on chapters like solid state, solutions, surface chemistry, and other essential chapters covering some of the foundational concepts to score good marks in the JAC class 12th Chemistry exam 2025. It will include 40 MCQ, 20 VSA, 20 short answers, and 20 long answer-type questions. 

The detailed JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 is tabulated below.

Class 12 JAC Board Syllabus 2024-25 For Chemistry
Chapters Topics
Solid State Point defects, calculation of density of unit cell, electrical and magnetic properties of a unit cell, amorphous and crystalline solids.
Solutions Types of solutions, freezing point, osmotic pressure, etc.
Electrochemistry Redox reactions; conductance in electrolytic solutions.
Chemical Kinetics Rate of a reaction, factors affecting rates of reaction.
Surface Chemistry Adsorption, Tyndall effect, Emulsions, Brownian movement.
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements Principles and methods of extraction, extraction of aluminum, copper, zinc, and iron.
p-Block Elements Group 15 elements, Group 16 elements, Group 17 elements, Group 18 elements.
d and f Block Elements Lanthanoids, Actinoids, Electronic Configurations of the d-Block Elements, Properties of the Transition Elements.
Coordination Compounds Werner's Theory, Some Important Terms, Nomenclature, Bonding in Metal Carbonyls.
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Nature of C–X Bond, Nomenclature, Preparation of Haloarenes and Haloalkanes, Chemical Reactions.
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Alcohols and Phenols, Functional Groups, Nomenclature, Ethers, Commercially Important Alcohols.
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Nomenclature and Structure of Carbonyl Group, Uses of Aldehydes and Ketones, Uses of Carboxylic Acids, Chemical Reactions, etc.
Amines Preparation of Amines, Classification, Nomenclature, Physical Properties, Preparation of Diazonium Salts, Importance of Diazonium Salts in Synthesis of Aromatic Compounds.
Biomolecules Carbohydrates, Proteins, Enzymes, Vitamins, Nucleic Acids, Hormones.
Polymers Classification of Polymers, Molecular Mass of Polymers, Types of Polymerisation Reactions, etc.
Chemistry in Everyday Life Drugs and their Classification, Chemicals in Food, Cleansing Agents.

JAC 12 Syllabus 2024-25 for Mathematics

The JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 for Maths includes two parts. Part I includes chapters like Relations and Functions, Determinants, and more, and Part 2 includes Integrals, Differential Equation, and more. Students have to thoroughly use the Maths syllabus to score better marks. Detailed information is provided below. 

Mathematics- Part 1

  1. Relations and Functions
  2. Determinants
  3. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  4. Continuity and Differentiability
  5. Application of Derivatives
  6. Matrices

Mathematics- Part 2

  1. Integrals
  2. Application of Integrals
  3. Differential Equations
  4. Vector Algebra
  5. Three Dimensional Geometry
  6. Linear Programming
  7. Probability

JAC 12 Syllabus 2024-25 for Commerce

The JAC class 12th syllabus 2024-25 for commerce includes detailed information on Business Studies and Accountancy. The question pattern on the JAC 12th board exam 2025 will be based on the JAC 12 syllabus 20024-25 commerce. It includes the most important chapters that need to be covered in the board exam. 

JAC 12 Syllabus for Business Studies

The JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 Business Studies includes chapters such as Management, Planning, Organising, Staffing, and many more. The detailed syllabus is provided below for the student's reference. 

JAC 12 Syllabus 2024-25 For Business Studies
Chapters (Term 1) Chapters (Term 2)
Nature and Significance of Management Controlling
Principles of Management Financial Management
Management & Business Environment Financial market
Planning Marketing
Organising Consumer Protection
Staffing -
Directing -

Class 12 Syllabus JAC for Accountancy

The JAC 12 syllabus for Accountancy covers chapters on Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations, Company Accounts, Cash Flow Statement, and more. Students can access chapters for Accountancy class 12 in the table given below.  

JAC Board Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 For Accountancy
Chapters (Term 1) Chapters (Term 2)
Accounting for Not for Profit Organisation Company Accounts: Issue of Share
Accounting for PartnershipFundamentals Company Accounts: Forfeiture & Re-issue of Shares
Goodwill: Nature & Valuation Company Accounts: Issue of Debentures
Reconstitution of Partnership: Change in Profit & Loss Sharing Ratio among the Existing Partners. Company Accounts: Redemption of Debentures
Admission of a Partner Analysis & Interpretation of Financial Statement: Comparative & Common Size Income Statement and Balance Sheet
Retirement & Death of a Partner Cash Flow Statement
Financial Statement of Company: Balance Sheet -
Ratio Analysis -

JAC Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 for Arts

The JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 for the arts stream covers History, Geography, and Political Science, as the primary subjects. These subjects help students learn the foundational concepts of social sciences and make a career in related fields. Students can check the detailed list of mandatory chapters for social sciences in the pointers ahead.

Class 12 Syllabus JAC for History

The chapters in History are majorly focused on topics related to civilization, developments, population, and much more. JAC 12 syllabus 2024-25 for History has 3 units and covers 15 chapters in total spanning Indian and International historical events. The detailed chapter-wise syllabus is given below for ease of reference. 

Themes in Indian History-I, II & III

  1. The Harappan Civilisation
  2. Early States and Economies (600 BCE-600 CE)
  3. Early Societies (600 BCE-600 CE)
  4. Cultural Developments (600 BCE-600 CE)
  5. Perceptions of Society (tenth to seventeenth centuries)
  6. Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts (eighth to eighteenth centuries)
  7. An Imperial Capital- Vijayanagara (fourteen to sixteen centuries)
  8. Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire (sixteenth-seventeenth centuries)
  9. The Mughal Courts (sixteenth-seventeenth centuries)
  10. Colonialism and the Countryside
  11. 1857 Revolt and its Representations
  12. Colonial Cities- Urbanisation, Planning and Architecture
  13. Mahatma Gandhi and Nationalist Development
  14. Understanding the Partition
  15. Framing the Constitution

JAC 12 Syllabus for Geography 

The topics covered in the JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 are related to human geography, population, human settlements, and more. JAC 12 syllabus 2024-25 for Geography has 2 units and covers 17 chapters in total. The detailed chapter-wise syllabus is given below for ease of reference. 

A. Fundamentals of Human Geography

  1. Human Geography: Nature and Scope,
  2. World Population Distribution, Density, and Growth & Human Development
  3. Economic activities
  4. Transport, Communication and International Trade
  5. Human Settlements

B. India: People and Economy

  1. Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition
  2. Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences
  3. Human Development
  4. Human Settlements
  5. Land Resources and Agriculture
  6. Water Resources
  7. Mineral and Energy Resources
  8. Manufacturing Industries
  9. Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian
  10. Transport and Communication
  11. International Trade
  12. Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems

Class 12 JAC Syllabus for Political Science

The chapters in JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 Political Science are primarily focused on topics related to Security in the Contemporary World, The End of Bipolarity, India's External Relations, and much more. JAC 12 syllabus 2024-25 for Political Science has 2 units and covers 18 chapters in total spanning Indian and International political events and scenarios. The detailed chapter-wise syllabus is given below for ease of reference. 

Part 1- World Politics

  1. The Cold War Era
  2. The End of Bipolarity
  3. US Hegemony in World Politics
  4. Alternative Centres of Power
  5. Contemporary South Asia
  6. International Organisations
  7. Security in the Contemporary World
  8. Environment and Natural Resources
  9. Globalization

Part 2- Politics in India

  1. Challenges of Nation-Building
  2. The era of One-Party Dominance
  3. Politics of Planned Development
  4. India's External Relations
  5. Challenge to and Restoration of the Congress System
  6. Crisis of the Democratic Order
  7. Rise of Popular Movements
  8. Regional Aspirations
  9. Recent Developments in Indian Politics

Importance of JAC Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25

The JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 is the most important resource for the candidates appearing for the board exam. Students have to use the syllabus for all the subjects. Some of the important points are mentioned below. 

  • The JAC 12th syllabus covers the important topics and chapters that will be useful for the board and other competitive exams. 
  • The syllabus contains the topic-wise weightage system which will help the students to understand the paper pattern. 
  • The question pattern in the JAC 12th board exam will be based on the syllabus curriculum. 
  • The JAC class 12th syllabus is designed in simple and plain language which will help the students to understand the complicated topics. 
  • To score better marks in the board exam students have to finish the syllabus for all the subjects.  

Refer to the image mentioned below to check the importance of the JAC 12th syllabus 2024-25. 

How to Prepare for JAC Class 12th Board Exam 2025?

Students have to start their preparation early to understand the topics and concepts properly. Some of the ways to prepare for the JAC 12th board exam 2025 are: 

  • Students have to finish the syllabus for all the subjects one or two months early. Students will have ample time to revise the syllabus. 
  • After the syllabus is completed for all the subjects students are advised to use the previous year's question papers. 
  • Students have to make important notes about the data and formulas. 
  • To improve the marks on the JAC 12th board exam 2025 students have to use the JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25 thoroughly.

Read More At: JAC 12th Preparation Tips 2025

FAQs on JAC 12th Syllabus

Q: How to download the JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Which books are best to cover the JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25?

Q: What are the streams available in JAC 12th exam as per the JAC class 12 syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Are questions asked in JAC 12th exam entirely based on the JAC class 12 2024-25 syllabus?

Q: What are the various subjects that can be opted for JAC 12th, as per the JAC class 12 2024-25 syllabus?

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