PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 Released: Download Latest and Revised PSEB Class 10th Syllabus PDF with Subject-wise

Roumik Roy

Updated on - Feb 28, 2025

The Punjab Board has released the PSEB class 10th syllabus 2024-25 on its official portal at Students can download the updated syllabus in PDF format and prepare strategically for the PSEB 10th exam. The syllabus includes details curriculum for 80 marks for the theoretical examination and 20 marks for practical work and internal assessment.

Furthermore, the complete PSEB class 10th 2024-25 syllabus contains important topics, chapters, and exam patterns. After completing the 10th syllabus, students can also practice using the PSEB 10th model papers to understand the difficulty level for the academic year 2024-25.

PSEB Class 10th Syllabus 2024-25: PDF Download

Candidates can download the PSEB class 10th syllabus 2024-25 in PDF format. PSEB uploaded the syllabus files for the board exams on its official website. However, candidates can find the links to download the syllabus of 10th class PSEB 2024-25 in the following table:

10th Class Syllabus Pseb 2024-25 PDF
Particulars Download Link
Punjabi Part A Download Now
Punjabi Part B Download Now 
Agriculture Download Now
Punjab, History and Culture Download Now
Computer Science Download Now
English Download Now 
Health & Physical Education Download Now
Hindi Download Now
Social Science Download Now
Maths Download Now
Sanskrit Download Now
Science Download Now
Urdu Elective Download Now
Music Instrument Download Now

How to Download PSEB 10th Syllabus 2024-25 from the Official Website?

The PSEB syllabus 2024-25 class 10 can be downloaded for each subject and check the chapter-wise marking scheme. The step-by-step procedure to download the PSEB class 10th syllabus 2024-25 from the official website is given below:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the PSEB board -
  • Step 2: On the homepage, click on the academics wing tab and select the syllabus 2024-25.

  • Step 4: The syllabus of class 10 PSEB 2024-25 will open in a new page. Click on the class 10th syllabus link to open the PDF.
  • Step 5: Download and save the PSEB class 10th Syllabus 2024-25 PDF file for further reference.

Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 PSEB: Subject-Wise

Students can access the PSEB syllabus 2024-25 class 10 from the official website. They must follow the syllabus to ensure maximum marks in the board exams. Below are some essential and compulsory subject details that students must refer to. 

PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for Maths

Mathematics is a compulsory subject in the PSEB 10th syllabus 2024-25, as it contains various units and essential chapters. Students must refer to the PSEB maths syllabus for class 10 2024-25, mentioned below. 

  1. Real numbers
  2. Polynomials
  3. Pair of linear equations in two variables
  4. Quadratic equations
  5. Arithmetic progressions
  6. Triangles and circles
  7. Coordinate geometry
  8. Introduction to trigonometry
  9. Some applications of trigonometry
  10. Circle
  11. Constructions
  12. Areas related to a circle
  13. Surface areas and volumes
  14. Statistics
  15. Probability

PSEB 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for English

The PSEB English paper will be of 100 marks. Students will be tested on their reading and writing skills. Refer to the table below to learn more about the PSEB class 10th syllabus 2024-25 for English. 

PSEB 10th English Syllabus 2024-25
Units Chapter/Topics
Reading Skills Reading comprehension of unseen passages and Unseen Picture/Poster-based Comprehension
Writing Skills Notice writing and Note Making, Messages, Advertisements, Paragraphs, and Letters (Personal, business, and official)
Grammar Use of Determiners, Prepositions, Modals, and Sentence Connectors, Use, and Kinds of Non-finite, Simple, Complex, and Compound Sentences, Voice, Reported Speech, Use of Tenses, and Punctuation.

Prose: The Happy Prince, Where Science is Taking Us, Secret of Happiness. A Gift for Christmas, Some Glimpses of Ancient Indian Thought and Practices, The Home-Coming, The Making of the Earth, and The Rule of the Road.

Poems: Character of a Happy Man, Death the Leveller, A Ballad of Sir Pertab Singh, Razia, the Tigress, and Where the Mind is Without Fear.

Supplementary Reader: Bed Number - 29, Half a Rupee Worth, One Thousand Dollars, The Dying Detective, How Much Land Does a Man Need and Return to Air.

Translation Translation from English to Punjabi/Hindi, Translation from Punjabi/Hindi to English
Vocabulary Pairs of words generally confused, Idioms, One word for many, Common Errors, Common Proverbs

PSEB Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 for Science

While preparing for the PSEB 10th board science exam, students must refer to the vital topics mentioned in the syllabus to prepare for the exams strategically. Below are the detailed class 10th science syllabus 2024-25 PSEB, which students must refer to. 

  1. Chemical reactions and equations
  2. Acids, bases, and salts
  3. Metals and non-metals
  4. Carbon and its compounds
  5. Periodic classification of elements
  6. Life processes
  7. Control and coordination
  8. How do organisms reproduce?
  9. Heredity and evolution
  10. Light reflection and refraction
  11. The Human Eye and Colourful World
  12. Electricity
  13. Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
  14. Sources of energy
  15. Our environment
  16. Sustainable management of natural resources

PSEB 10th Syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science

The Social Science subject includes topics such as History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. The vital topics for all the sections are mentioned in the PSEB class 10th syllabus 2024-25.

Students can refer to the image below for more details.

PSEB Syllabus 2024-25 Class 10 for Punjabi

The Punjabi subject is a compulsory subject that the candidates must appear for. Students who are unaware of the language can opt for Punjab History and Culture.

Students can refer to the images below for more clarification on topics included in PSEB class 10th syllabus 2024-25 and marks distribution.

PSEB Class 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25

The PSEB class 10th exam pattern gives students an idea of the theory and practical marks. Students can refer to the exam pattern below.  

PSEB Class 10th Exam Pattern 2024-25
Subjects  Theory marks Practical/INA marks Total marks
Punjabi-A 65 10 75
Punjabi-B 65 10 75
English 80 20 100
Hindi 80 20 100
Mathematics 80 20 100
Science 80 20 100
Social science 80 20 100
Computer science 50 45+5 100

Preparation Tips for PSEB 10th Board Exam 2025

The students can refer to the preparation tips for the PSEB 10th board exams.

  • Students must be thorough with the PSEB class 10th syllabus 2024-25 and exam pattern.
  • It is advisable to be thorough with the PSEB 10th date sheet and prepare strategically.
  • Solving PSEB 10th sample papers or previous year's question papers will help the students gain confidence and prepare better.
  • Candidates must cover the entire PSEB class 10th 2024-25 syllabus at the beginning of the semester to contribute ample time to revision.
  • They must not be distracted and should dedicate their entire time to the board exams.

FAQs on PSEB 10th Syllabus

Q: From where can the students download the PSEB class 10th syllabus 2024-25?

Q: Are the question papers based entirely on PSEB class 10th 2024-25?

Q: Has the PSEB class 10th syllabus 2024-25 been reduced for the 2024-25 academic session?

Q: What type of questions can students expect in their PSEB 10th board exam?

Q: How long does it take to cover PSEB class 10th 2024-25 syllabus?

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