RBSE Class 10 Mathematics Latest Syllabus 2024-25: Download Latest and Revised RBSE Class 10th Mathematics Syllabus PDF

Sakshi Chaudhary

Updated on - Feb 26, 2025

The RBSE board has released the RBSE Class 10 Maths Syllabus 2024-25 on its official website. Algebra, statistics, and probability carry a weightage of  20 and 15 marks, respectively, out of a total of 7 units. As per the RBSE Class 10 Blueprint 2025 for Mathematics, the RBSE 10th Maths exam will consist of a total of 30 questions. The RBSE 10th exam is expected to be conducted in March 2025.

The theory portion is assessed for a total of 80 marks, while the internal assessment is worth 20 marks. The detailed chapter-wise RBSE Class 10 Maths Syllabus 2024-25 can be reviewed by students by reading the article below. 

RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus

The RBSE Class 10th Maths syllabus has been revised by the board, and certain key topics have been omitted. Therefore, students must be aware of the syllabus's deletion to prevent any misunderstandings and establish a practice of consulting the most recent syllabus when commencing a new chapter of mathematics. Tabulated below is the RBSE Class 10 Maths syllabus for students reference. 

RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus
Unit and Chapter Names Topics
NUMBER SYSTEMS1. Real Numbers The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Revisiting Irrational Numbers.
ALGEBRA2. Polynomials3. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables4. Quadratic Equations5. Arithmetic progressions Geometrical Meaning of the Zeroes of a Polynomial, Relationship between Zeroes and Coefficients of a Polynomial. Algebraic Methods of Solving a Pair of Linear Equations (i) Substitution Method (ii) Elimination Method. Quadratic Equations, Solution of a Quadratic Equation by Factorization, Nature of Roots.
GEOMETRY6. Triangles7. Circles Similar Figures, Similarity of Triangles, Criteria for Similarity of Triangles.
COORDINATE GEOMETRY8. Coordinate Geometry Distance Formula, Section Formula.
TRIGONOMETRY9. Introduction to Trigonometry10. Some Applications of Trigonometry Trigonometric Ratios, Trigonometric Ratios of Some Specific Angles, Trigonometric Identities.Heights and distances.
MENSURATION11. Areas Related to Circles12. Surface areas and volumes Areas of Sector and Segment of a Circle,Surface Area of a Combination of Solids, Volume of a Combination of Solids.
STATISTICS & PROBABILITY13. Statistics14. Probability Mean of Grouped Data, Mode of Grouped Data Median of Grouped Data.

Also Read: RBSE Class 10 Blueprint

RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus: PDF Download

Candidates can click on the link given below to download the RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus PDF:

RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus: PDF Download
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RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus Download Now

How to Download RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus

The official website allows candidates to download the RBSE Class 10th Maths syllabus 2024-25. The RBSE 10th Maths syllabus 2024-25 can be downloaded by students by following the procedures outlined below from the official website:

Step 1: Access the Rajasthan board's official website.

Step 2: Select the "Anudeshika Pathyakram 2024-25" link.

Step 3: Select the "Kaksha 10 Hetu" hyperlink.

Step 4: The syllabus for the RBSE 10th grade will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Save the RBSE 10th Syllabus 2024-25 PDF for future reference.

Also Read: RBSE 10th Previous Year Question Papers

Best Books for RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus

Students can consult RBSE Class 10th Maths syllabus to know the important topics. Displayed below are the best  books that enables students to comprehend the entire subject matter and prepare for the exam accordingly.

Best Books for RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus
Name of Book Author
D.LOCHAB RBSE Class 10 Mathematics Standard Chapterwise Deepak Yadav
Maths for Class 10 NCERT
Magical Concepts of Mathematics : Class 10 (CBSE and RBSE) Rohit Jain
Rajasthan Board Textbook Mathematics Class 10 - RBSE Excellent Series Textbook  (Paperback, Student Advisor Editorial Board) -

Also Read: RBSE 10th Preparation 2025: Tips and Strategy

Preparation Tips for RBSE Class 10th Maths Syllabus

The following preparation suggestions are recommended for students who are scheduled to take the Class 10 Maths exam administered by the Rajasthan board. Adhering to these recommendations can help students achieve high board exam scores and prepare effectively.

  • Create a schedule: The students are required to create a schedule and prepare the syllabus accordingly. They have the ability to segment the syllabus into smaller components and subsequently finalise it.
  • Address the most critical subjects: The board's marking scheme is available for students to review. The subjects with the highest scores should be prioritised. Students are able to comprehend more effectively when they approach their studies with an open-minded perspective.
  • Syllabus revision: Students should review the RBSE Class 10th syllabus once more after it has been completed. The revision helps them better understand the chapters. During the revision process, topics with a high weight can be the primary focus.
  • Solve previous year's question papers: Students may commence the process of resolving the queries from previous year's question papers. Students should be able to address a diverse array of questions by engaging in consistent practice.
  • Improve the weak subjects: Students should analyze their weak subjects and focus on them. The performance of students will be enhanced through the repetition of their studies.

Also Read: RBSE 10th Exam pattern 2024-25

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