RBSE Class 12 Computer Science Latest Syllabus 2024-25: Download Latest and Revised RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus PDF

Preyoti Dey

Updated on - Feb 26, 2025

RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus has always been an integral part of the RBSE syllabus. The board has revised its Computer Science syllabus. The new syllabus consists of four units that have been divided into six chapters altogether.  Some of the important topics included in these six chapters are Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Data Structures, Web Technology, and many more. 

RBSE 12th exams for the 2025 batch will likely be conducted in the month of March and April where students will have to sit for 3 hours and 15 minutes to complete a total of 70 marks theory paper. 

RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus 2025

The updated syllabus for RBSE Class 12th Computer Science covers an extensive range of topics to help students understand the subject seamlessly. Students learn about the functioning of computer systems, different programming languages, data handling, algorithms, and more. Below are the list of chapters and the topics included in RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus.

RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus 
Name of Chapter  Topics Included 
Unit 1: Computational Thinking and Programming- 2  
Chapter- 1 “Exception Handling in Python” Revision of Python topics covered in class XI, Functions: types, creating user-defined function, arguments, and parameters, function returning value(s), the flow of execution, the scope of a variable (both global score and local scope)
Chapter- 2 ‘File Handling in Python” Intro to files, types of files, relative and absolute paths, Text file: opening a text file, text file open modes, closing a text file, Opening a file using with clause, writing/appending data to a text file using read (), readline (), and readlines ()
Chapter- 3 “Stack” Operations on stack, Implementation of Stack in Python, Notations for Arithmetic Expressions, Conversions from Infix to Postfix Notation, Evaluation of Postfix Expression
Chapter- 4 “Queue” Implementation of Deque using Python, Implementation of Queue Using Python, Introduction to Deque, Intro to FIFO , Operations on Queue 
Chapter- 5 “Sorting” Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Time Complexity of Algorithms, Intro to Sorting, Selection Sort 
Chapter- 6 “Searching” Intro to Search, Binary Search, Linear Search, Hashing Search 
Unit 2: Computer Networks   
Chapter- 10 “Computer Networks  Evolution of Networking, Introduction to Computer Networks, Evolution of networking (ARPANET, INTERNET, NSFNET)
Chapter- 11 ‘Data Communication” Data communication technologies:Concept of communication, components of data communication (sender, receiver, message, communication media, IP address, switching techniques, Transmission media: wired communication media, Co-axial cable, Fiber-optic cable, Wireless media (Radio waves, Micro waves, Infrared waves)
Chapter- 12 “Security Aspects” Network devices, Network topologies and network types: types of networks (PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN), networking topologies (Bus, Star, Tree), Network Protocol: HTTP, FTP, PPP, SMTP, TELNET, VoIP, Mobile Telecommunication technologies, Introduction to Web services 
Unit 3: Database Management   
Chapter- 7 “Understanding Data” Database concepts, Introduction to Database concepts and its needs 
Chapter- 8 “Database Concepts” Introduction to database concepts, definition 
Chapter- 9 “Structured Query Language (SQL) Structured Query Language: Introduction, Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language 

Also Check: RBSE Class 12 Blueprint 2025 - Subject Wise RBSE 12th Blueprint

RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus: PDF Download 

Candidates can click on the link given below to download RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus PDF: 

RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus: PDF Download 
Particulars Link
RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus Download Now

Also Check: RBSE 12th Exam Pattern

How to Download RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus 2025

Here is how you can download the updated RBSE Class 12th Computer Science syllabus-

Step 1: The first step includes students visiting the official website of RBSE and then clicking on the ‘Syllabus” tab. 

Step 2: Students will then have to navigate to the section mentioned as “Senior Secondary (Class 12)” and choose the subject Computer Science from the list of subjects. 

Step 3: In the third and final step, make sure to click on the button written “Download Syllabus” after which a PDF file will be downloaded and will be saved to your device. 

Also Check: RBSE Class 12 Previous Year Question Papers

Marking Scheme for RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus 

The updated syllabus has excluded all unnecessary and irrelevant topics. Therefore, students will get to learn only what’s significant and valuable for their learning during the course. Unit 1 of the Computer Science syllabus carries 32 marks, so most questions during board exams come from the first unit. On the other hand, Unit 2 and Unit 3 have a weightage of 8 and 16 marks respectively. 

This subject also includes a practical examination of 30 marks. Students will be asked for two lab tests with 7 and 5 marks each, filing a report will carry 7 marks, a project will carry 8 marks, and Viva voce will carry 3 marks. 

Also Check: RBSE 12th Model Paper 2025

Best Books for RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus 

Here are some books that are recommended for RBSE Class 12th Computer Science students:-

  • Computer Science for Class XII By R.K. Gupta (Arihant Publications)
  • Computer Science with C++ By Sumita Arora (DP Publications)
  • Computer Science for XII By O.P. Malhotra (Laxhmi Publications)
  • RBSE Computer Science Textbook 
  • The C++ Programming Language By Bjarne Stroustrup 
  • RBSE Computer Science Class XII By S.K. Gupta (Bharti Bhavan) 

Also Check: RBSE 12th Class Books 2025: Download PDF

Preparation Tips for RBSE Class 12th Computer Science Syllabus 

Here are some preparation tips for RBSE Class 12th Computer Science syllabus:-

  • Students must understand the concept first before jumping into programming and coding. 
  • It is significant for the students to practice programming on a daily basis so that students have a good learning experience. 
  • It is highly recommended to solve previous year's question papers so that students can familiarise themselves with the question format. 
  • Students can maintain a diary or a rough notebook for maintaining coding notes and information. 
  • Utilize the computer lab classes to gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience. 
  • Use online websites to learn programming for free. 

Also Check: RBSE Class 12th Exam Center 2025

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