TS SSC Maths Latest Syllabus 2024-25: Download Latest and Revised TS SSC Maths Syllabus PDF

Sushmita Sundas

Updated on - Feb 28, 2025

The TS SSC Math Syllabus 2024-25 is posted in PDF format on the official website of the Board of Secondary Education, Telangana, at bse.telangana.gov.in. TS SSC Maths is a compulsory and fundamental subject, in addition to four other main subjects: science, social science, first language, and second language. In total, the TS SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for Maths consists of eight chapters. Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry are the chapters with the highest marking weights, with marks weights of 20, 12, and 10, respectively. Papers 1 and 2 comprise the entirety of the Telangana 10th Maths question paper.

The TS SSC Math Exam 2025 will have a cumulative score of 80, with each paper earning 40 marks. The remaining 20 marks will be allocated for internal evaluation. The Telangana Board SSC Maths exam 2025 will be administered by the state board for a duration of 3 hours and 15 minutes. It is recommended that all students who are preparing for the TS SSC Board 2025 consult the Telangana 10th Maths Syllabus 2025 to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topics that will be addressed in the examination and to prepare accordingly. The Telangana 10th Math Syllabus 2024-25 is released by the state board for all regular and private students. The TS SSC examinations 2025 will be administered in a pen-and-paper format in April 2025. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the TS SSC Math Syllabus 2024-25, please read the entire article.

Also Read: TS Board 10th exam 2025

TS Board Class 10th Maths Syllabus


Chapter names


Chapter 1

Real Numbers

  • Euclid's division lemma

Introduction, HCF

Some number generalisations

  • Rational and irrational numbers.
  • Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic: statements.
  • LCM, HCF
  • Properties of real numbers in terms of rationality and irrationality
  • Proofs of results irrationality of 2, 3, etc. and decimal expansions of rational numbers in terms of terminating, non-terminating, recurring decimals and vice versa.
  • Introduction of logarithms
  • Conversion of a number in exponential form to a logarithmic form
  • Properties of logarithms loglogaa=1; loga 1 = 0
  • Laws of logarithms

Chapter 2


  • Sets and their representations: empty sets, finite sets, and infinite sets.

Equal sets. Subsets, subsets of the set of real numbers.

Universal set and cardinality of sets.

  • Venn diagrams

Sets, subsets

– Disjoint sets.

  • Basic operations on sets

Union, intersection, and difference of sets.

Chapter 3


  • zeros of a polynomial (cubic polynomials, linear, and quadratic).
  • Graphs that illustrate the geometric meaning of the zeros in cubic and quadratic polynomials.
  • The connection between a polynomial's zeroes and coefficients, specifically with quadratic polynomials.
  • Proposition and elementary problems about the division procedure for polynomials containing integral coefficients.
  • A biquadratic polynomial's zeros.

Chapter 4

Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

  • Two-variable linear equations in pairs. Geometric depiction of several possible solutions and inconsistencies.
  • Number of solutions: algebraic conditions (consistent, inconsistent).
  • Algebraic solution of a pair of linear equations in two variables: substitution and elimination techniques straightforward situational problems
  • Simple equations that can be reduced to two-variable linear equations.

Chapter 5

Quadratic Equations

  • Standard form of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 (a ≠ 0).
  • Solutions of quadratic equations by factorization and by completing the square, i.e., by using formula to find roots of quadratic equation.
  • Relationship between discriminant and nature of roots.
  • Problems related to day-to-day life situations.

Chapter 6


  • Sequences and series
  • Progressions –introduction
  • Derivation of standard results of finding the nth term and sum of first n terms of A.P.
  • Motivation for studying G.P
  • nth term of G.P.

Chapter 7

Coordinate Geometry

  • Investigate the coordinate geometry concepts demonstrated by the linear equation graphs.
  • Distance between two points, i.e. P (x1 , y1) and Q (x2 , y2)
  • Section formula (internal division of a line segment in the ratio m:n).
  • Area of a triangle on a coordinate plane.
  • Slope of a line joining two points.

Chapter 8

Similar Triangles

Similar triangles

Definition, illustrations, and characteristics of related triangles.

  • Distinction between triangle congruence and similarity.
  • (Prove) The other two sides of a triangle are divided in the same ratio if a line is drawn parallel to one side and intersects the other two sides at different positions.
  • (Motivate) A line is parallel to the third side of a triangle if it divides the first two sides in the same ratio.
  • (Motivate) If the matching sides of two triangles are proportionate, the corresponding angles are equal, and the triangles are comparable (AAA).
  • (Motivate) If the corresponding sides of two triangles are proportional, their corresponding angles are equal, and the two triangles are similar (SSS).
  • If its angle is equal to another triangle's and its sides are proportional, a triangle is similar.
  • (Prove) The ratio of the squares on the matching sides of two similar triangles equals the ratio of their areas.
  • (Motivate) The triangles on each side of the perpendicular are identical to the triangle as a whole and one another if the perpendicular is drawn from the right angle's vertex to the hypotenuse.
  • (Prove) The square on the hypotenuse of a right triangle equals the sum of the squares on the other two sides.

Chapter 9

Tangents and Secants to a Circle

  • Tangents to a circle motivated by chords drawn from points coming closer and closer to the point.
  • (Prove) At any point in a circle, the tangent is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.
  • (Prove) The lengths of tangent lines drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.
  • Segment of a circle made by the secant.
  • Finding the area of the minor or major segment of a circle.

Chapter 10


Surface area and volume

  • Problems in finding surface areas and volumes of combinations of any of the following: cubes, cuboids, spheres, hemispheres, and right circular cylinders/cones.
  • Problems involving converting one type of metallic solid into another and other mixed problems. (Problems with a combination of not more than two different solids be taken.)

Chapter 11


  • Trigonometric ratios of an acute angle by using a right-angled triangle, i.e., sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, and cotangent.
  • Values (with proof) of the trigonometric ratios of 30°, 45°, and 60°
  • Relationship between the ratios.
  • Trigonometric Identities:

Proof and applications of the identities

sin2A + cos2 A = 1

1 + tan2A = sec2A

cot2A + 1 = cosec2A

Chapter 12

Applications of Trigonometry

  • Angle of elevation, angle of depression
  • Simple and daily life problems on heights and distances. Problems should not involve more than two right triangles and angles elevation/depression should be only 30°, 45°, and 60°

Chapter 13


  • Probability concepts and definitions.
  • Simple problems (day-to-day life situations) on single events are simple using set notation.
  • Concept of complementary events.

Chapter 14


  • Revision of mean, median, and mode of ungrouped (frequency distribution) data.
  • Understanding the concept of Arithmetic Mean, Median and Mode for grouped (classified) data.
  • Why and what do the arithmetic mean, median, and mode mean?
  • Fundamental problems with determining the mode and mean for both grouped and ungrouped data.
  • Utilization, as well as various values and core tendencies, are provided by O.

TS Board Class 10th Maths Syllabus: PDF Download

Candidates can click on the link given below to download the TS Board Class 10th Maths Syllabus PDF:

TS Board Class 10th Maths Syllabus PDF

Also Read: TS SSC syllabus

How to Download TS Board Class 10th Maths Syllabus

The Telangana SSC Math Syllabus 2024-25 is available for download on the Telangana State Board's official website.

Step 1: The Telangana board's official website must be accessed by students.

Step 2: Locate the Quick Links section on the homepage.

Step 3: A hyperlink to the 2024-25 TS Class 10th syllabus is available.

Step 4: A new window will be displayed on your screen, displaying the syllabus by subject.

Step 5: To obtain the TS SSC Maths syllabus, click on the syllabus PDF.

Step 6: Save the syllabus PDF for future reference.

Also Read: TS SSC Exam Pattern

Preparation Tips for TS Board Class 10th Maths Syllabus

Here are a few suggestions to help you prepare for the TS Board Class 10th Maths syllabus:

  • Comprehend the syllabus: Thoroughly examine the syllabus and identify critical chapters, including real numbers, polynomials, trigonometry, and statistics.
  • Concentrate on the Fundamentals: Enhance your comprehension of basic concepts. Exercise your problem-solving skills by systematically taking each step.
  • Formulate a Study Schedule: Allocate a specific amount of time for each chapter in accordance with its significance and level of difficulty.
  • Practice for 2-3 hours each day to ensure that all topics are thoroughly covered prior to the exams.
  • NCERT Textbook: Adhere to the TS SCERT textbook and resolve all exercise problems in accordance with the board exam pattern.
  • Practice papers from previous years: Solve sample papers and question papers from previous years to gain insight into the format and categories of questions that will be asked on the exam.
  • Focus on Weak Areas: Identify the subjects that you find challenging and allocate additional time to practice them. If necessary, seek assistance from instructors or colleagues.
  • Revision: Revise formulas, theorems, and significant concepts on a regular basis. Before exams, write concise notes for immediate review.
  • Exam Time Management: Improve your quickness and accuracy for the actual exam by practicing solving papers within the designated time frame.

Effectively preparing for the TS Board Class 10th Maths exam will be facilitated by the implementation of these strategies.

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